


全部 更多 100mg 250mg 1g 5mg 1ml 5g 48t/ea 25g 1mg 10mg 50mg 100g 25mg 50μg 200mg 500mg 96t/ea 500g 500ml 5ml 100t/ea 10g 20mg 100ml 2.5kg 250ml 1.2ml 2ml 50t/ea 250g 2mg 50ml 20ml 1l 2g 25ml 10ml 5e6cells/ea 10kg 100μg 2.5l 500μg 12x500g 1kg 5kg 50g 10ea 1ea 5 mg 12x500ml 20t/ea 10l 150ml 2.5g 10 mg 2.5mg 200μl 100μl 15mg 25μg 500u 10μg 200ml 25u 5l 4 x 1.25ml 25kg 1000ml 800ml 10pc/ea 250μl 1 mg 1000u 1ku 5ku 250μg 40t/ea 165t/ea 5u 25t/ea 0.1ml 10x0.1ml 0.5ml 10u 25×25mm 100u 250u 2x50ml 20x500g 50μl 1u 2000u 500μl 30mg 5pc/ea (11x10ml)/ea (a液500ml+b液500ml)/ea 0.1mg 0.25g 0.5mg 50ea 10t/ea 3x100ml 4l 0.5g 500t/ea 10x0.6ml 0.6ml 200u 20kg 25l 80ml 1.5ml 100ku 400μl 10ku 125ml 15l 25ku 200g 200t/ea 50u 125t/ea 150t/ea 2x100ml 3x50ml 4x5ml 50 mg 50mm 50ul 5x1ml 1000g 4x4l 1set/ea 4000u 1000t/ea 200μg 20g 20u 20μl 25cm 2x500ml 35g 3x20ml 4x100ml 4x20ml 4x50ml 2kg 400g 5μg 6x50ml 6x5ml (a液3ml+b液3ml)/ea (a液10ml+b液10ml)/ea (抗体200μl+磁珠500μl+缓冲液500ml)/ea 0.1g 10+1l/ea 100 ml 100+10ml/ea 500+50ml/ea 500ku 100l 400mg 10cm 20ku 10m 10x0.5ml 10x100μl 20x100μl 12.5ml 120μl 12ml 15ml 1cm 5ea 2ku 10x1ml 1盒 2.5ku 2.5ml 1000μl 20l 25000u 2cm 2x5ml 300mg 300u 8000u 45ml 4x250ml 50ku 250ku 5m 5x20ml 600u 1200u 80t/ea 8x5ml (10x染液 20ml+缓冲液200ml)/ea (5x18ml)/ea (a液100ml+b液100ml)/ea (乳清蛋白 1000g+乳清蛋白肽 1000g)/ea (染液 100ml+缓冲液 4x250ml)/ea (阻断剂 1ml*2+抗体 2ml+磁珠 1ml+缓冲液 500ml)/ea 0.005mg 0.04u 0.05ml 0.1ku 0.5ku 0.1un 0.25un 0.25ml 0.2ml 0.4mg 0.6ku 1.25ml 1.5ku 10×10cm 10*1ml/ea 100 mg 10000u 20000u 50000u 1000mg 3000u 5000u 150g 170g 70g 75g 80g 85g 90g 5x100mg 350ml 2l 100mu 1000mu 10mu 500mu 100m 25m 100ug 100x100mm 25μl 250ea 10x1g 300g 20x500ml 5x10ml 10mm2/ea 25mm2/ea 250m 50m 10x0.55ml 0.55ml 10x45ml 10x5g 110g 1250u 125μl 12ku 24ku 12x45ml 131μg 1500u 150mg 150u 450u 150μg 15g 15mu 160mm 1e+11particles/ea 1e+10particles/ea 25ea 52g 2500μg 10×100μl 20x5ml 25x1ml 1m 5set/ea 1μg 2.5m 20-100t/ea 2000t/ea 200ug 600μl 80ku 20rxns/ea 20x20mm 20μg 23ml*3/ea 240ml 24t/ea 25 mg 250 mg 2500g 46g 114g 250ul 2*250u 5x250μl 10x250μl 100cm 158g 176g 125mg 4x25ml 3ml 125μg 26g 95g 60g 4ku 10x2l 2u 2x1ml 2x20ml 2x2l 3*50ml 3.2g 1.6g 6000u 30g 30kg 30ml 30u 30μl 33kg 3g 3ku 3m 3x250ml 40000u 200000u 5x10000u 400ml 400u 8ku 40μl 4g 4kg 4x1.25ml 4x100μl 4x400μl 4x1ml 4x125ml/ea 4x500ml 5*1ml/ea 50×50mm 6x500g 1.2l 10*1ml 300ml 500units 50cm 250cm 200ku 10x2ml 53ml 250t/ea 50x100mm 300μg 51ml 52ml 54ml 550ml 55ml 5cm 10x0.75ml 280mg 5×5ml 5x100t/ea 5x10cm 10x20cm 5x1g 5x50ml 5μl 600mg 60μl 6g 7*50ml/ea 75u 79mg 8ml 8x20ml 8x50ml 90x90mm 9ml 9x50ml
全部 更多 98% 95% 97% ≥95% ≥98% 99% 10mm in dmso ≥97% 96% ≥99% 90% ≥98%(hplc) 分析对照品 ≥98%(gc) >98% ≥90% ≥96% 分光光度法 微量法 酶标法 98 atom % d >98.0%(gc) 99.9% metals basis 99.99% metals basis 分析对照品,98% 试剂级 br ≥98%,99%e.e. >99% ≥98% (hplc) 分析对照品, ≥98%(hplc) 98.0% 97%(hplc) 10mm in water 98 atom% d 试剂级, 98% 99.5% 97 % 93% ≥98%(t) 99.9% ≥97%(gc) ≥95%(gc) 试剂级, 99% 85% >97% 2mm in dmso ≥98.0% 生物技术级 ≥98 atom % d ≥95%(hplc) 94% 98%, 98 atom % d 分析对照品, ≥95%(hplc) 80% >95% ≥98%(gc)(t) 92% 100μg/ml in methanol 99%生物技术级 分析对照品,>98% 98 % standard for gc,≥99.5%(gc) ≥98%,≥99% e.e. 试剂级, 99.0% 1000μg/ml in methanol 10mm in h2o ≥98%,≥99%e.e. 99.999% metals basis 99.99% ≥97% (hplc) 分析标准品 优级试剂 100μg/ml in acetonitrile ≥97%(hplc) ≥98%(hplc)(t) 分析对照品,≥98% 100μg/ml in methanol, 不确定度3% 98%(hplc) ≥99%(gc) 试剂级, 99.5% >97.0%(gc) 98%,ee99% 99.95% metals basis 分析对照品, ≥98% ≥98.0%(gc) ≥93% 1000μg/ml in methanol, 不确定度2% ≥90%(gc) ≥96%(gc) >98.0%(t) analytical standard >95.0%(gc) >98.0%(hplc) 99.9% trace metals basis ≥95% (hplc) ≥97.0% ≥98.0%(hplc) ≥99.5% 100 μg/ml 异辛烷溶液 97% 99%ee 98 atom % d,98% ≥95%,99%e.e. 97.0% 98.5% >99.0%(gc) 99 % 分析对照品, ≥99%(hplc) ≥99%(hplc) 0.5m in thf ≥98 % 97%,99%ee 99.0% standard for gc,>99.5%(gc) 分析标准品,98% 过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 10000µg/ml,2.0 mol/l hno3 1000μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 ≥85% 75% 1.0 m solution in thf, mkseal 100µg/ml,5% hno3 1000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 1000μg/ml in acetonitrile, 不确定度2% 70% ≥95%(t) standard for gc, ≥99.5% (gc) 0.5 m solution in thf, mkseal ≥80% ≥90% (hplc) ≥97%(t) 1000μg/ml in acetonitrile 98%,99%ee biological stain ≥94% >98.0% 95%(hplc) indicator natural 100μg/ml in acetonitrile, 不确定度3% 10x ≥98%(n) 优级试剂, 99% 97%, 99% e.e. 99.9% (reo) 99.99% trace metals basis sp >98%(gc) 100μg/ml in cyclohexane 99.999% trace metals basis 试剂级, 97% >99% (tlc) 99 atom % d ≥95%,≥99%e.e. ≥98% (tlc) ≥99%(t) 分析对照品, 98% 分析对照品, ≥99% 试剂级, 98.0% kit ≥97%(gc)(t) 1000μg/ml in h2o 99% metals basis 99%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5% metals basis >98% ≥90%(hplc) ≥92% ≥98%(hplc)(n) ≥98%(t)(hplc) ≥98.0% (hplc) 试剂级, 95% 1g/l, 介质: h2o 91% 95 % 95% mix tbc as stabilizer 98%生物技术级 acs ≥98%(lc) ≧95% 优级试剂, 98% 干粉,细胞培养适用 10% in h2o 100μg/ml in h2o 2000μg/ml in methanol hplc≥98% ≥96%(hplc) ≥99.99% metals basis 分析对照品,99% 分析对照品,99.5% >96.0%(gc) 100μg/ml in isooctane 99.995% metals basis >95% ≥99.0% 分析对照品, 98%(hplc) >96% 100μg/ml in hexane 10μg/ml in acetonitrile 10μg/ml in cyclohexane 96 % 98%(gc) 试剂级, 98.5% 50% 98% 99%ee 99 atom % 13c 99.5% trace metals basis 99.8% metals basis ≥95.0% >98.0%(gc)(t) >98.0%(hplc)(t) 10μg/ml in isooctane 5x 98% (hplc) 99.8% 99.99% (reo) ind m.w. 2000 ≥95.0%(gc) ≥97 % 优级试剂, 99.5% 分析标准品,≥98% 即用型粉末,1ea可配成1l溶液 药典专用 >98%(hplc) 100µg/ml,h2o 98 atom % d, cp:98% 98%,gc 98.0 % 99% 生物技术级 ≥70% ≥99.5%(gc) 分析对照品,≥99% 固体 超干级, 99.99% metals basis >98%(lc) 0.2m,ph7.0 0.5m,ph8.0 1000µg/ml,h2o 10000µg/ml,h2o 1000ug/ml in purge and trap methanol 1000μg/ml in hexane 1000μg/ml in methanol, uncertainty 2% 100μg/ml in methanol, uncertainty 3% 40% 95%,stabilizedwithtbc 99.999% usp级 ≥99.9% trace metals basis 用于合成 >90.0%(gc) >99.5% 0.2m,ph8.0 0.5 m in thf 10g/l, 介质: h2o 35μg/ml in isooctane 5000μg/ml in methanol 95%(stabilized with tbc) 97%, 99%e.e. 99 atom % 13c 99% trace metals basis standard for gc,>99%(gc) ≥97.0% (hplc) ≥99%(tlc) ≥99.9% 分析对照品, ≥97%(hplc) >97.0%(t) >99.0% 生物技术级 0.5m,ph9.0 0.5μg/ml in isooctane 10μg/ml in methanol 200μg/ml in methanol 20μg/ml in isooctane 2x 50% in h2o 95%(gc) technical grade ≥98%(lc&n) ≥98%,顺反混合物 ≥99.5%(4 times purification) >95.0%(hplc) 0.2m,ph7.4 1000μg/ml in purge and trap methanol 100μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 10g/l in h2o 88% 95%, contains tbc as stabilizer 99%(4 times purification) 99%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal for 500 reactions (20 µl) m.w. 5000 standard for gc,≥99.0%(gc) standard for gc,≥99.7%(gc) ≥97%(hplc)(t) 分析对照品, 99% 强度:100% 0.2m,ph8.5 0.5m,ph7.4 1000μg/ml in acetonitrile, uncertainty 2% 1m 60% 97%,≥99% ee 98%,lc&t 98%,t 99.7% standard for gc ≥98%,99%d.e. ≥98.5% 分析对照品, ≥99.5%(gc) 符合usp测试规范 试剂级, 90% 试剂级, 96% >97%(hplc) 0.1mol/l in h2o 0.5m,ph7.0 0.5m,ph8.5 1.00mg/ml 100-200 mesh, 1%dvb,substitution 0.3-0.8mmol/g 100g/l in h2o 100条/ea 2mm in water 50%水溶液 5g/l, 介质: h2o 65% 97%, 99%ee 98 atom % d, 98%(cp) 98%,顺反混合物 99.95% bs standard for gc,≥99%(gc) ≥93%(gc) ≥95.0% (hplc) ≥95.0%(hplc) ≥98%(lc&t) 丰度:99atom%;化学纯度:≥98.5% 分析对照品, ≥96%(hplc) 分析对照品,≥98%(hplc) 试剂级 br >95.0%(t) >97.0%(hplc) >99% (hplc) >99%(gc) 1000μg/ml 20% in h2o 5% in h2o 97%(gc) 98%, 99%e.e. 99%(hplc) 99.5%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.995% trace metals basis standard for gc,≥99.8%(gc) standard for gc,≥99.9%(gc) usp ≥85%(gc) ≥95 % ≥95%(gc)(t) ≥98 atom % d,≥98% ≥98%(gc&t) 丰度:10atom%;化学纯度:≥98.5% 分析对照品, 99.5% 分析对照品,≥99.5% 工业级 过滤除菌 >98.0%(n) >99.0%(t) 0.5m,ph6.0 0.5m,ph6.5 1% 1000μg/ml in carbon disulfide 100μg/ml in ethanol 100μg/ml in mtbe 10μg/ml in h2o 1mg/ml 1mol/l, 介质: h2o 2g/l, 介质: h2o 500μg/ml in methanol 95.0% 97%(stabilized with tbc) 98 atom % 15n 98%,99% e.e. m.w. 1000 m.w. 4000 reagent grade ≥75% ≥94%(gc) ≥95.0%(t)(hplc) ≥98%,顺反异构体混合物 ≥98.0%(t) ≥99 % ≥99.99% trace metals basis 分析对照品,hplc≥98% 无水, 粉末, 99.99% metals basis 试剂级, 97.0% 过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 >99%(hplc), sublimed 0.25 m solution in thf, mkseal 0.2m,ph6.5 1.0 m solution in thf,mkseal 1.00mg/ml,基体:甲醇 10×,过滤除菌,无酶 100×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 1000μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 100μg/ml in acetonitrile, uncertainty 3% 100μg/ml,u=3% 2.0 m solution in thf, mkseal 20%溶液 200目 20x 30% in h2o 50μg/ml in methanol 6x 97% mix tbc as stabilizer 97%hplc,99% ee 98%, 异构体混合物 99.5%(4 times purification) 99.9% (metals basis) 99.998% metals basis >97% d,99% dye content 85% ep reference standard tech. 90% ≥80%(gc) ≥90%(t) ≥95%(lc) ≥95%(t)(hplc) ≥95%(tlc) ≥95%,含稳定剂mehq ≥97.0%(gc) ≥98 atom % d, ≥98%(cp) ≥98%(tlc) ≥99.5%(t) 药用级 超干级, 99.99% (reo) 过滤除菌,无酶 >90% >94.0%(gc) 0.1% 0.1mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.5m 1% in h2o 1.0 m in methylene chloride 10% 10%水溶液 10%溶液 100 ug/ml in isooctane 1000μg/ml in ethanol 1000μg/ml in isooctane 1000μg/ml in mtbe 100g/l, 介质: h2o 100μ g/ml in acetonitrile 100μg/ml in carbon disulfide 100μg/ml in hexane, uncertainty 3% 10μg/ml,u=2% 1mg/ml in h2o 20g/l in h2o 25%水溶液 25μg/ml in acetonitrile 50g/l 5m 95% (hplc) 95%,gc 97%,99% ee 98 atom % d, 98% 98%(mixture) 98%(stabilized with mehq) 98%, mixture of isomers 98%, unsublimated 98%,mixture of isomers 99.5%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.997% metals basis ph8.0 standard for gc,>99.5% technical grade, 92% technical grade, 95% ≥50% ≥60% ≥85% (hplc) ≥85%(hplc) ≥95% (tlc) ≥96% (hplc) ≥97%(lc) ≥98%,gc ≥98.0% (gc) ≥99.0%(gc) ≥99.0%(hplc) 分析对照品, 97%(hplc) 分析对照品, ≥99%(gc) 分析对照品,≥99%(hplc) 分析对照品,≥99.5%(gc) 天然来源, ≥98% 指示剂级 无水, 粉末, 99.9% metals basis 无色液体 环保级 生物染料 试剂级, ≥99% 超纯级 >95%(hplc) >95%(lc) >99%(hplc) >99.5%(gc) 0.05mol/l in h2o 0.1mol/l,介质:h2o 0.1mol/l,基体:h2o 0.2m,ph6.0 0.5-10号(cp) 0.5m,ph7.5 0.5m,ph9.5 0.5mol/l in h2o 0.5mol/l, 介质: h2o 1.0 m in thf 1.0 m solution in hexanes, mkseal 1.00mg/ml u=2% 基质:正己烷 10 mm in dmso 10 wt. % in h2o 100-200目 1000μg/ml in dichloromethane 100μg/ml in dichloromethane 100μg/ml,u=2%,介质:甲醇 100μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 10μg/ml,h2o 10μg/ml,u=6% 1g/l in h2o 1m,ph8.0 1mol/l in h2o 1μg/ml in h2o 200g/l in h2o 30%水溶液 40% in water 50% in water 50g/l in h2o 50g/l, 介质: h2o 5g/l in h2o 5x,ph7.0 89% 96%(hplc) 96.0% 97%, contains tbc as stabilizer 97%,gc 97%,stabilizedwithmehq 98 atom % d,95% 98%(hplc)(t) 98%(mixture of isomers) 98%,gc&t 98%,stabilizedwithmehq 98%,含稳定剂铜屑 98%,异构体混合物 98.0%(gc) 99 atom % 13c, 98%(cp) 99%(gc) 99%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.9% trace rare earth metals basis 99.9%(reo) 99.98% metals basis 99.9999% metals basis acs,≥99.5% for hplc, ≥98% spectrophotometric grade, ≥99% ≥90.0% ≥95.0%(hplc)(qnmr) ≥96%(gc)(t) ≥97% (tlc) ≥97% ,≥99% ee ≥98% (hplc), powder ≥98%(n)(t) ≥98%,含稳定剂mehq ≥98%,异构体混合物 ≥98.0% (tlc) ≥99% (hplc) ≥99%(gc)(t) 分析对照品,>98% 分析标准品,≥99.5%(gc) 离子对色谱级,≥99% 粉末 试剂级, 99.8% 试剂级, ≥99.5% >95%(gc) >97%(gc) >98%(gc&t) >99.0% (gc) 0.01mol/l 介质: h2o 0.025mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.05mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.1m in h2o 0.1mol/l 0.2m,ph7.5 0.2m,ph9.0 0.5 m solution in thf ,mkseal 0.5% 0.5g/l, 介质: h2o 0.5m solution in thf 1.0 m in thf, mkseal 10000μg/ml in h2o 1000μg/ml,溶剂:二硫化碳 100mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌 100mm 100μg/ml in hexane, 不确定度3% 100μg/ml,u(%)=2,介质:乙醇 100μg/ml,u=4% 10g/l 10mg/ml in ethanol 10mg/ml in h2o 10μg/g 10μg/ml,u=5% 1m,ph7.4 1m,ph7.5 1m,ph8.5 1μg/ml,h2o 20 wt. % in h2o 20g/l, 介质: h2o 20wt.% in methanol 20μg/ml in h2o 2mm in h2o 3.0 mg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=2% 30g/l in h2o 35% 400目 4x 5% 5 wt. % in methanol 50 wt. % in h2o 50μg/ml,h2o 5μg/ml in h2o 5μg/ml,h2o 60%水溶液 82% 83% 86% 87% 90%(hplc) 95% (stabilized with tbc) 95%,stabilized with tbc 97% (hplc) 97% average mw2000 97%, average mw 10000 97%,含有数量不等的酸酐 97%,异构体混合物 98 atom % d, 98% (cp) 98%(4 times purification) 98%(stabilized with tbc) 98%, stabilized with copper chip 98%,hplc 98%,含不同量的酸酐 98%purity,99%e.e. 99%,gc 99.95% trace metals basis 99.99% metals basis,200目 acs, ≥99.0% d,99.5% for hplc, ≥99.5% for hplc,≥99.5% mw 10,000-100,000 by gpc mw=1000 mw=2000 reagent grade, 99% standard for gc,≥99.6%(gc) ≥80%(hplc) ≥94%(hplc) ≥95%(lc&t) ≥95%(stabilized with tbc) ≥95.0% (gc) ≥96%(t) ≥97.0% (gc) ≥97.0%(t) ≥98 atom % d, ≥98% (cp) ≥98%(t&lc) ≥98%, ≥98 atom % d ≥98%,hplc ≥98.0%(t)(hplc) ≥98.5% (hplc) ≥99% (gc) ≥99% trace metals basis ≥99.0% (gc) ≥99.5% (gc) ≥99.5%(hplc) ≥99.8%(gc) ≥99.8% ≥99.99% 分析标准品,99.5% 分析标准品,hplc≥98% 无水,99.9% metals basis 生物染色级 细胞培养级 试剂级, 85% 试剂级, 90.0% 超干级, 99.99%(reo) 醇解度:87.0~89.0%(mol/mol) >90.0%(hplc) >96%(gc) >97.0%(gc)(t) >98%(t) >98.0%(hplc)(n) >98.0%(lc&n) >99% (gc) 0.01mol/l,基体: h2o 0.02mol/l 介质: h2o 0.05mol/l 介质: h2o 0.05mol/l,基体: h2o 0.1%(w/v) in h2o 0.25mol/l in h2o 0.2m,ph5.0 0.2m,ph5.5 0.2m,ph7.2 0.2mol/l in h2o 0.2mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.5m,ph5.0 0.5m,ph5.5 0.7-1.3 mmol/g 1.0 m solution in thf ,mkseal 1.00mg/ml u=2% 基体:正己烷 1.00mg/ml,介质:正己烷 1.0m,ph7.4 10%(w/v) 10 wt. % in methanol 100µg/ml, h2o 100µg/ml,5% hno3 and tr. hf 1000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 and tr. hf 10000µg/ml 1000μg/ml in hexane, 不确定度2% 1000μg/ml in isopropanol 1000μg/ml, in purge and trap methanol 100g/l 100μg/ml,u=5% 100μg/ml 10:1 10mg/ml 10u/μl 10ug/ml in methanol 10x,ph7.4 1m,ph7.0 1m,ph9.0 1mg/ml in ethanol 1mg/ml,基体:水 2% 20 kda 200g/l 200u/g 200μg/ml in hexane 20x,ph7.4 25% in h2o 25% in water 25g/l in h2o 2m in h2o 30% in water 30% 300-400目 40% in h2o 40-60目,气相、液相色谱柱专用 50% w/w in h2o 50×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 500g/l in h2o 500mg/l,溶剂:水 500μg/ml in h2o 50μm, 过滤除菌 60-80目,气相、液相色谱柱专用 70% in h2o 80-100目,气相、液相色谱柱专用 8m 90%(gc) 90%(nmr) 95 atom % d, cp:98% 95%(mixture) 95%(nmr) 95%(stabilized with mehq) 95%, mixture of isomers 95%, 异构体混合物 95%,nmr 95%,含有数量不等的酸酐 95%,顺反混合物 95%混合(tbc作为稳定剂) 97% (stabilized with tbc) 97% average mw10000 97% average mw5000 97%(hplc), 99% e.e. 97%, unsublimated 97%,>99% ee 97%,stabilizedwithtbc 98 atom % 13c, 95%(cp) 98 atom % d, 99%(cp) 98 atom % d, cp:95% 98 atom % 15n 98 atom% d,95% 98 atom% 98%, 100 μg/ml in ethanol 98%, 用于合成 98%,lc 98%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98.0%(t) 98atom % d, 98% 99 atom % ¹³c 99 atom % 13c, 98% (cp) 99 atom % d, cp:98% 99 atom% ¹³c 99% (cp) 99% (metals basis) 99%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99%,升华纯化 99%,含稳定剂mehq 99.6% 99.9% metals basis,10μm 99.9% metals basis,50nm 99.98% 99.999% (metals basis) average m.w. 2000 bc dye content 90 % dye content 90 % for 500 reactions for hplc,≥99.0%(t) for hplc,≥99.9% for hplc hplc级,≥99.9% lyophilized powder meets usp testing specifications mw 2000 da mw=5000 powder reagent grade, 98% standard for gc, ≥99.5% standard for gc, ≥99.9% (gc) standard for gc,≥99.0% technical grade, 85% technical grade, 90% tfa salt, 98% ≥90.0% (hplc) ≥92%(hplc) ≥95% (sds-page) ≥95%(hplc)(n) ≥95%(hplc)(qnmr) ≥95%(hplc)(t) ≥95%(n) ≥95%,99%d.e. ≥95%,异构体混合物 ≥95.0% (tlc) ≥96.0% ≥97% (nmr) ≥97%(lc&n) ≥97%(n)(t) ≥97%(n) ≥97%(t)(hplc) ≥98%(hplc)(qnmr) ≥98%,br ≥98%,低含水量 ≥98.0%(hplc)(qnmr) ≥99.7% ≥99.9%(gc) 优级试剂, 99.8% 优级试剂, 99.9% 元素分析仪专用 分析对照品, 97% 分析对照品, ≥90%(hplc) 分析对照品,97% 分析对照品,>95% 分析对照品,hplc≥95% 分析对照品,≥99.8%(gc) 分析标准品,97% 分析标准品,99% 分析标准品,≥99.7%(gc) 分析级 制备色谱级, 99.9% 基质:sio2,表面基团:-nh2,粒径:1-2μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-nh2,粒径:2-3μm,单位:10mg/ml 异构体混合物 指示剂 无水,99.99% metals basis 湿 熔点标准品 白色粉末 离子对色谱级 粉末,99.9% metals basis 试剂级, 80% 通用 > 98% >80.0%(t) >85.0%(gc) >90.0%(t) >93.0%(gc) >94% >95%(lc&t) >95%(t) >95.0%(lc) >95.0% >97.0% >98%(lc&n) >98%(lc&t) >99% (hplc), sublimed >99.0%(hplc) >99.0%(lc) >99.0% >99.5% (gc) 0.002mol/l in h2o 0.01mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.02mol/l,基体: h2o 0.05%(w/v)in water 0.05% 0.05000mol/l(0.05m) 0.05mol/l,介质:h2o 0.05m 0.1000mol/l(0.1m) 0.1mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1m 0.2%溶液 0.25m in h2o 0.25m in tetrahydrofuran 0.25mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.2m,ph2.5 0.2m,ph3.0 0.2m,ph7.6 0.2m,ph9.5 0.2mol/l 介质: h2o 0.2m 0.3~0.8mmol/g, 100~200 mesh, 1% dvb 0.4% 0.4g/l, 介质: h2o 0.4mol/l in h2o 0.5 m in thf 0.50 m in 2-methf 0.5m in h2o 0.5m solution in thf, mkseal 0.5m, ph6.5 0.5m,ph10.0 0.5m,ph7.6 0.5mol/l 介质: h2o 0.85-1.7mm, 元素分析仪专用 1% (w/v) in h2o 1%(w/v)in water 1.0 mg/ml in acetonitrile 1.0 mg/ml in methanol 1.00mg/ml,基体:纯水 1.0m,ph6.5 1.0m,ph7.0 1.0m,ph7.5 1.0m,ph8.0 10% (v/v) in h2o 10% (w/w) in h2o 100 μg/ml in acetonitrile 100 μg/ml in isooctane 100µg/ml,tr. naoh 1000µg/ml, 1%hno3 1000µg/ml, 10% hno3 1000µg/ml, h2o 1000µg/ml,5% hno3 10000µg/ml,0.05 mol/l naoh 10000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 and tr. hf 10000u/g 10000μg/ml in methanol 1000μg/ml in acetonitrile,uncertainty 2% 1000μg/ml in dmso 1000μg/ml in hexane, uncertainty 2% 1000μg/ml, 基体: 水 1000μg/ml,溶于吹扫-捕集甲醇溶液中 1000μg/ml,溶剂:乙腈 100g/l,基体: h2o 100mg/l,溶剂:水 100μg/ml in water 100μg/ml,u(%)=2,介质:甲醇 100μg/ml,u=2%,基体:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=4%,介质:石油醚 10mg/ml in hexane 10μg/ml,u=3% 10μg/ml,u=4% 10μg/ml 10万u/g 12% 15μg/ml in h2o 19:1 1g/l 1m in h2o 1m,ph7.6 1mol/l,基体: h2o 2%水溶液 2.0 m solution in thf,mkseal 2.5% 20 wt. % in methanol 20%水溶液 20×,过滤除菌,无酶 20-40目,气相、液相色谱柱专用 200-300目 2000μg/ml in mtbe 200μg/ml in mtbe 200μg/ml,h2o 20mg/ml 20x,ph7.6 20μg/ml in methanol 250μg/ml in methanol 2μg/ml,h2o 30 wt. % in h2o 40 wt. % in h2o 40% 水溶液 40%水溶液 40%溶液 40g/l in h2o 40g/l, 介质: h2o 45%水溶液 5%(w/v) in h2o 5%水溶液 5%溶液 5.0% pd basis 50% w/w in water 50% w/w 水溶液 500µg/ml,h2o 5000μg/ml,h2o 50u/mg 50μg/ml in acetonitrile 50μg/ml in h2o 5g/l 5mg/ml in h2o 5x,ph6.5 5x,ph7.4 60.0 g/l葡萄糖,无ht添加剂,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 65 wt. % in h2o 70%水溶液 75-150目 80.0% 800目 90% active ingredients basis 90.0% 95 atom % d, 95% 95%(t) 95%, 98 atom % d 95.0%(gc) 96.0 % 97 atom % d 97%(nmr) 97%(stabilized with mehq) 97%, 50% in methanol 97%, average mw 2000 97%, mixture of isomers 97%, stabilized with mehq 97%, stabilized with tbc 97%,含不同量的酸酐 97.0% (gc) 97.0% (hplc) 98 atom % 13c, 98 atom % 15n, 95%(cp) 98 atom % d, 95% 98 atom % d, 99% (cp) 98 atom % d,99% 98 atom% 15n 98% (stabilized with copper chip) 98% (stabilized with tbc) 98% metals basis 98% trace metals basis 98% 生物技术级 98%(stabilized with copper chip) 98%, 99 atom % 13c 98%, 99 atom % d 98%, 99%ee 98%, contains tbc as stabilizer 98%, mixture of cis and trans isomers 98%, stabilized with mehq 98%, stabilized with tbc 98%,lc&n 98%,n 98%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98%,含稳定剂hq 98%,含稳定剂mehq 98%,顺反异构混合物 99 atom % ¹³c, cp:98% 99 atom % 13c, 99%(cp) 99 atom % 13c, 99%(cp) 99 atom% 13c 99% (hplc) 99% (reo) 99%, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,粉末 99.5%, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.9 % metals basis 99.9% metals basis,200nm 99.9% metals basis,200目 99.9% metals basis,粉末 99.9%,200目 99.9%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.99% (metals basis) 99.99% metals basis,粉末 99.99%(reo) 99.99%metals basis 99.998% trace metals basis acs, ≥99% acs,≥99.0% analytical standard ≥97.0% (hplc) analytical standard ≥98.0% average m.w. 5000 average mn 2000 average mn ~2,000 br,98% chloride form, 100-200 mesh chloride form, 50-100 mesh d,99.8% diameter 0.05 - 0.1μm ,2.5% w/v diameter 0.2 - 0.5μm ,2.5% w/v dye content 85 % dye content 95 % for hplc,≥99.0% for spectrophotometric det. of cu, ≥99% in 10mm water m.w 1000 mw 10000 da mw 1000 mw 5000 mw 10,000-100,000 by gpc pellets ph6.0 protease substrate standard for gc ,≥99.5%(gc) standard for gc,>99.0%(gc) standard for gc,≥99.5% tech. 85% technical grade, 90 % viscosity 80-120 cst(25 ˚c) ≥100 units/mg protein ≥125 u/mg ≥180 units/mg protein (10,350 baee/3,450 usp/nf units/mg protein) ≥2.0 units/mg protein ≥20 units/mg protein ≥200 units/mg protein ≥45 units/mg protein ≥65% ≥70%(gc) ≥75%(gc) ≥85%(t) ≥88%(gc) ≥89% ≥90%,含稳定剂mehq ≥90.0%(gc) ≥90.0%(qnmr) ≥92%(gc) ≥92.5% ≥93% (hplc) ≥95% (gc) ≥95% (stabilized with tbc) ≥95%(sds-page) ≥95%,顺反异构体混合物 ≥96%(t&lc) ≥96.0% (hplc) ≥97 % sum of enantiomers ≥97%,含稳定剂mehq ≥97%,含稳定剂tbc ≥97.0% (hplc),用于荧光分析 ≥97.0% (tlc) ≥97.0%(hplc) ≥98 atom %, ≥98%(cp) ≥98%(gc), 用于生化研究 ≥98%, 用于生化研究 ≥98%,含稳定剂tbc ≥98%,含稳定剂铜屑 ≥98.0% (nt) ≥98.0% (t) ≥98.0%(gc)(t) ≥98.0%(hplc)(n) ≥99%,hplc ≥99.0% (hplc) ≥99.0% (sum of enantiomers, gc) ≥99.0%(t) ≥99.9% metals basis ≥99.999% metals basis 丰度:98atom%;化学纯度:≥98.5% 优级试剂, 95% 优级试剂, 97% 光谱级,≥99.5% 农残级 分子量1000 分析对照品, 95%(hplc) 分析对照品, 99%(gc) 分析对照品, 99%(hplc) 分析对照品, 99.8% 分析对照品, ≥95% 分析对照品, ≥97% 分析对照品, ≥99.5%(hplc) 分析对照品,>99.5%(gc) 分析对照品,95% 分析对照品,≥99.8% 分析标准品,>98% 分析标准品,≥99% 分析标准品,≥99.0%(gc) 即用型片剂,1ea可配成100ml溶液 基质:sio2,表面基团:-cooh,粒径:0.1-1μm,单位:5mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-cooh,粒径:1-2μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-cooh,粒径:2-3μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-cooh,粒径:3-4μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-epoxy,粒径:1-2μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-epoxy,粒径:2-3μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-epoxy,粒径:3-4μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-epoxy,粒径:4-5μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-nh2,粒径:0.1-1μm,单位:5mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-nh2,粒径:3-4μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-nh2,粒径:4-5μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-sioh,粒径:2-3μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-sioh,粒径:3-4μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-sioh,粒径:4-5μm,单位:10mg/ml 天然来源, 98% 对照品 干燥剂用 支链异构体混合物 注塑级 液体 用于gc衍生化 用于药物研究 电泳级 粒径:10 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml,溶剂:柠檬酸钠溶液 粒径:10.0μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:1μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:2.0μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:20 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml,溶剂:柠檬酸钠溶液 粒径:200nm,2.5% w/v 粒径:3.0μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:30 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml,溶剂:柠檬酸钠溶液 粒径:300nm,2.5% w/v 粒径:4.0μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:40 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml,溶剂:柠檬酸钠溶液 粒径:5.0μm,2.5% w/v 粒径:500nm,2.5% w/v 粒径:700nm,2.5% w/v 约0.5mol/l于水中 荧光发射波长:525 nm,0.05 μmol/l 荧光发射波长:565 nm,0.05 μmol/l 荧光发射波长:605 nm,0.05 μmol/l 试剂级, >99.0%(gc) 试剂级, 94% 试剂级, 99.9% 试剂级, ≥98% 超干级, 99.9% metals basis 超纯级,≥99% 过氧化物酶底物 适用于gb/t 5750.5 酚盐分光光度法 非离子表面活性剂 高糖,无碳酸氢钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 高糖,碳酸氢钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无ht添加剂,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 高纯级 >40.0%(gc) >75.0%(gc) >80% >80.0%(gc) >85%(gc) >90%(hplc) >90.0%(lc) >95.0%(gc)(t) >95.0%(lc&t) >96.0%(hplc) >96.0%(lc&t) >96.0%(t) >97%(gc&t) >97.0%(hplc)(t) >97.0%(lc) >98% 生物技术级 >98%(t&lc) >98.0%(lc) >98.5%(gc) >99 % (hplc), sublimed >99%, ee >98% >99.5%(lc) (d, 99%) (d,99.5%) (d,99.9%) 0.0025,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.01000mol/l(0.01m) 0.01m in h2o 0.01mol/l in h2o 0.02000mol/l(0.02m) 0.02008mol/l 0.025mol/l in h2o 0.025mol/l 介质: h2o 0.02m in h2o 0.04%(w/v)in h2o 0.04mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.05m in h2o 0.05m(cp) 0.05mol/l 0.1%(w/v) in ethanol 0.1%(w/v) in isopropyl alcohol 0.1%(w/v)in water 0.1%乙醇溶液 0.1000mol/l(0.1n) 0.15mol/l,基体: h2o 0.1g/l, 介质: h2o 0.1m(cp) 0.1m,ph7.4,10×,过滤除菌,无酶 0.1m,ph7.5 0.1m,基体: h2o(cp) 0.1mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.1μg/ml in h2o 0.1μg/ml in methanol 0.2% 0.2000mol/l(0.2m) 0.25%水溶液 0.25%溶液 0.2g/l, 介质: h2o 0.2m, ph4.4 0.2m, ph6.8 0.2m, ph7.0 0.2m, ph8.5 0.2m, ph9.0 0.2m,ph3.5 0.2m,ph4.0 0.2m,ph4.5 0.2mol/l,基体: h2o 0.2μg/ml in hexane 0.4mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.5 m in h2o 0.5 m in thf, mkseal 0.5 m solution in thf,mkseal 0.5 μg/ml in acetonitrile 0.5% in h2o 0.5%(w/v)in water 0.5%水溶液 0.5g/l in ethanol 0.5m in 2-methf 0.5m, ph7.0 0.5m, ph7.4 0.5m, ph9.5 0.5m,ph10.5 0.5m,ph10 0.5m,ph9.4 0.5mol/l in thf 0.5mol/l in water 0.5mthf 0.5μg/ml in acetonitrile 0.5μg/ml in h2o 0.5μg/ml,h2o 0.8-2mm,元素分析仪专用 0.9%溶液 1 mg/ml in dmso 1% (v/v) in h2o 1%乙醇溶液 1%水溶液 1%溶液 1 m in thf 1.0 m in h2o 1.0 m solution in heptane, mkseal 1.0 mol/l in h2o 1.00mg/ml u=2% 基质:甲醇 1.00mg/ml 基质:水 u=1% 1.0m,ph6.0 1.0m,ph6.8 1.0m,ph8.5 1.0m,ph9.0 1.0mg/ml,基体:水 1.0mm 直径, 99.8% metals basis 1.0mol/l in thf 1.5μg/ml,h2o 1.8 m solution in thf, mkseal 10% (w/v) in h2o 10% 水溶液 10%(w/v) in h2o 10%, 介质: h2o 10%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 10%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 10× 10.0μg/g 100 μg/ml in methanol 100 μg/ml 100µg/ml, 1%hno3 100µg/ml, 5% hno3 100µg/ml,1%hno3 100µg/ml,2% hno3 1000 µg/ml, 10 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml, 5% hno3 1000µg/ml,0.05 mol/l naoh 1000µg/ml,1% hno3 1000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hf 1000µg/ml,10% hno3 1000µg/ml,2.0 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml,h2o(含k+) 10000µg/ml,0.5 mol/l hno3 10000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hf 10000µg/ml,h2o(含k+) 10000μg/ml in ethanol 1000mg/l in h2o 1000ug/ml in methanol 1000ug/ml 1000μg/ml in cyclohexane 1000μg/ml in ethanol, 不确定度2% 1000μg/ml in ethyl acetate 1000μg/ml,基体:甲醇 1000μg/ml,溶剂:水 100mg/l in h2o 100mg/l in methanol 100mg/l,h2o 100mg/ml in h2o 100mg/ml,过滤除菌 100mm aqueous solution 100mm in h2o 100ug/ml in methanol 100μ g/ml in methanol 100μg/ml in (acetonitrile:water=1:1) 100μg/ml in dmso 100μg/ml in isopropanol 100μg/ml in n-hexane 100μg/ml, u(%)=2 , 介质:异丙醇 100μg/ml,u(%)=2,介质:正己烷 100μg/ml,u=2%,介质:水 100μg/ml,u=3%,介质:乙醇 100μg/ml,u=3%,介质:甲醇 100μg/ml,u=3%,基体:石油醚 100张/ea 100目 10g/100ml, 基体: 水 10mg/ml in dmso 10x,ph7.6 10x,ph8.0 10μg/ml in 20%methanol 10μg/ml in ethanol 10μg/ml in ethyl acetate 10μg/ml in hexane 10μg/ml,u=7% 12%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 12%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 1250目 14% in h2o 14.4-97.4 kda 15%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 15%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 15% 15%水溶液 15.3% pt 150g/l, 介质: h2o 150g/l 15g/l in h2o 15g/l, 介质: h2o 15μg/ml,h2o 1g/l in ethanol 1m,ph6.5 1mg/ml,无菌 1mol/l in thf 1mol/l, ph=4.0 1x 2% (w/v) in h2o 2%(w/v) 2%溶液 2.0 m in thf, mkseal 2.0 m solution in hexanes, mkseal 2.0m in thf,mkseal 2.5g/l, 介质: h2o 2.5mg/ml in h2o 20%(w/v) in h2o 20 wt. % in methanol 20-60 mesh 200-400目 2000 μg/ml in methanol 20000μg/ml in h2o 2000u/g 2000ug/ml in purge and trap methanol 2000μg/ml in dichloromethane 2000μg/ml,h2o 2000目 200mg/ml 200mm,100×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 200mm 200μg/ml基质:水.u=1% 20g/l 20mg/ml in h2o 20mg/ml,过滤除菌 20u/μl 20x,ph8.0 20μg/ml in mtbe 20μg/ml,h2o 20μg/ml 25g/l 25mm 25μ g/ml in acetonitrile 29:1 2g/l in ethanol 2g/l in h2o 2mg/ml in h2o 2mm-3mm,干燥剂用 2m 2μg/ml in h2o 2μg/ml in isooctane 3% (w/v) in h2o 3% 3-5mg水/ml 30-35% in h2o 300目 30nm 球形,99.5% 35 wt. % in h2o 35 μg/ml in isooctane 35% in h2o 35% in water 35%水溶液 35wt.% in h2o 37.5:1 3g/l, 介质: h2o 3m,ph7.0 3m 3μg/ml in h2o 4 kda 4×,含巯基还原剂,过滤除菌,无酶 4-12%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 4-12%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 4-15%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 4-15%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 4-20%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 4-20%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 40-60目,高沸点化合物,微量水分析 400g/l in h2o 400ntu 40g/l 40nm 球形,99.5% 40目 43-200 kda 45% 4g/l, 介质: h2o 5 mm in dmso 5 wt. % in h2o 5% (v/v) in h2o 50 wt. % in water 50% in chlorocyclohexane 50% solution in h2o 50% w/w 水溶液, 试剂级 50% 水溶液 50%(w/v) 50%溶液 50 μg/ml in isooctane, analytical standard 5000mg/l,h2o 5000μg/ml in h2o 5000μg/ml in hexane 5000μg/ml,基体:二硫化碳 500mg/l, 水质标样(1m hno3) 500mg/l 500pmol/ea 500ug/ml, h2o 500μg/l in h2o 500μg/ml,h2o 50mg/ml in h2o 50μg/ml in (acetonitrile:water=1:1) 50μg/ml in isooctane 50μm 55% in water 5g/l in ethanol 5mm in dmso 6%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 6%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 6×,过滤除菌 6-10 kda 60 wt. % in h2o 60% in h2o 60-80目,高沸点化合物,微量水分析 60.0 g/l葡萄糖,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 60μg/ml in methanol 65% in h2o 6μg/ml in h2o 7.0mmol/l in h2o 70 wt. % in h2o 70% hf 70% in water 70%溶液 75% in h2o 75%(hplc) 8% in h2o 8%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 8%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 8-16%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 8-16%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 8-20%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 8-20%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 80% in ethanol 80% in h2o 80% in water 80-100目,高沸点化合物,微量水分析 80-85% 80g/l in h2o 80μg/l in h2o 80条/ea 85%, 异构体混合物 8μg/ml in h2o 9-10wt % 9.5mm 直径,99.999% metals basis 90%(mixture of isomers) 90%(mixture) 90%(stabilized with tbc) 90%,t 90%,顺反混合物 92%,含有稳定剂mehq 94.0% 95 atom % d, 98% 95 atom % d, cp:95% 95 atom % d, cp:99% 95% (gc) 95% (stabilized with copper chip) 95% (stabilized with mehq) 95% stabilized with tbc 95%(mixture of isomers) 95%(tbc作为稳定剂) 95%, 50-70 cst 95%, 95atom%d 95%, stabilized with mehq 95%, stabilized with tbc 95%, 分子量1000 95%,40-60目 95%,98%ee 95%,ee99% 95%,gc&t 95%,mixture of isomers 95%,stabilizedwithmehq 95%,分子量200 95%,含稳定剂铜屑 95%,异构体混合物 95%,顺反异构体混和物 95%mixtbcasstabilizer 95%混合物(tbc作为稳定剂) 96%, contains tbc as stabilizer 96%, 异构体混合物 96%,gc 96%,异构体混合物 96.5% 97% (stabilized with mehq) 97% average mw1000 97% average mw20000 97%(cis- and trans- mixture) 97%(hplc), 99%ee 97%(mixture) 97%(stabilized with hq) 97%(t) 97%, average mw 5000 97%, contains mehq as stabilizer 97%, 异构体混合物 97%,(hplc) 97%,mixture of isomers 97%,t 97%,含铜稳定剂 97%,用于gc衍生化 97.0%(gc) 97.5% (gc) 98 atom % d, 99 atom % 13c 98 atom % d, cp:97% 98 atom % d,96% 98 atom %15n, 99 atom %13c 98% (stabilized with mehq) 98% 98%atom%d 98% metal basis, ir 25.5%最低 98% mix tbc as stabilizer 98% 异构体混合物 98%(cis- and trans- mixture) 98%(mehq作为稳定剂) 98%(mixture of cis and trans) 98%(stabilized with bht) 98%, 10 mg/ml in ethanol 98%, 100μg/ml in ethanol 98%, 10mg/ml in ethanol 98%, 1mg/ml in ethanol 98%, 325目 98%, 500 μg/ml in ethanol 98%, 50mg/ml in ethanol 98%, 98 atom % 15n 98%, 98 atom % d, 98 atom % 13c 98%, 99% e.e. 98%, contains mehq as stabilizer 98%, ee 98%, mixtures 98%, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98%, 白色粉末 98%, 粉末 98%,100目 98%,300目 98%,ee 99% 98%,isomersmixture 98%,stabilized with mehq 98%,stabilizedwithcopperchip 98%,stabilized 98%, 98%,低含水量 98%,含有数量不等的酸酐 98%,异构体的混合物 98%,来源于牛 98%,白色固体 98%,非对映异构体混合物 98.0% (hplc) 99 atom % 13c, 97%(cp) 99 atom % d,98% 99% mix tbc as stabilizer 99%(lc-ms) 99%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99%, -325目 99%, mixture 99%, 用于合成 99%,2-4μm 99%,300目 99%,50nm 99%,hplc 99%,t 99%,单杂<0.1% 99%,含稳定剂铜屑 99%,含铜屑稳定剂 99%电泳级 99.5 atom % d 99.5% (4 times purification) 99.5% (metals basis) 99.5% (reo) 99.5% trace metals basis excluding hf 99.5%,100目 99.5%,生物技术级 99.50% 99.8%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.9% metals basis,100nm 99.9% metals basis,1μm 99.9% metals basis,30nm 99.9%,2-5um 99.9%,325目 99.9%,500目 99.9%,50nm 99.9%,粉末 99.90% 99.95 % metals basis 99.95% trace metal basis 99.98% trace metals basis 99.99% metal basis 99.99% metals basis,10μm 99.99% metals basis,50nm 99.99% trace rare earth metals basis 99.99%,1-3mm 99.9985% (metals basis) 99.999% metals basis,200目 99.999% metals basis,for perovskite precursor 99.9995% metals basis 99.9999% metals basis,块状 99.9999% >70% >80% >97%(gc) >98%(gc) >99%metals basis,粒径:15nm,比表面积(bet):300±50m2/g acetate salt, 98% acs reagent,99% analytical standard,98% analytical volumetric solution,0.05m ar average mn 10,000 average mn 1000 average mn 2,000 average mn 200 average mn 4000 average mn 400 average mn 5000 average mn 600 average mn ~1,000 average mn ~250 average mol wt 500,000 average mv ~1,000,000,powder average mv ~100,000,powder average mv ~2,000,000,powder average mv ~300,000,powder average mv ~3000,000,powder average mv ~4,000,000,powder average mv ~600,000,powder biological stain,生化试剂级 bioreagent plus, ≥98% bp reference standard br,100u/mg br,300u/mg br,50u/mg br,99% br,≥95% br≈58% buffered aqueous glycerol solution, 0.1-1.0 units/mg protein (lowry) ca. 50% in water collagen from cow calcaneal tendon,type i d,98% diameter >10μm ,2.5% w/v diameter 0.6 - 1.0μm,2.5% w/v diameter 2.0 - 2.9μm,2.5% w/v diameter 3.0 - 3.9μm,5% w/v diameter 4.0 - 4.9μm,5% w/v diameter 6.0 - 6.9μm,5% w/v diameter 8.0 - 8.9μm,5% w/v dye content 40% dye content 70% dye content 75 % dye content 80 % dye content 85 % dye content 95 % dye content 95% dye content 97 % fe2o3≤2ppm for fluorescence for hplc,≥99% for hplc,≥99.7%(gc) for lc-ms,≥99.0% for microbiology for molecular biology for qualitative det. of ammonia and ammonium compounds free, 98% hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 hlb值:13-14,ph值:5.0-7.0 hplc≥95% hplc级,≥99.8% hplc级,梯度级, ≥99.9% inherent viscosity: 0.30-0.50dl/g inherent viscosity: 0.50-0.70dl/g inherent viscosity: 0.70-1.00dl/g inherent viscosity: 1.00-1.50dl/g inherent viscosity: 1.50-2.00dl/g inherent viscosity: 2.00-2.50dl/g inherent viscosity: 2.50-3.00dl/g inherent viscosity: 3.00-4.00dl/g lc-ms m.w 2000 m.w 3000 m.w 8000 m.w. 20000 mw 100,000-1000,000 by gpc mw 1000 da mw 10000 mw 20000 mw 3400 da mw ~1000 pd 18.5% pellets,2-3 mm pellets,3-5 mm pellets,particle size:2 mm ph 6.8 ph3.0 ph4.0 ph5.0 ph5.2,3m ph5.8±0.2 ph7.0 ph7.4 ph7.6 ph:1.2(red)--2.8(yellow) ph=4.3 ph=4.5(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=4.5 ph=6.0(2020版cp,8004通则) purity: 95%,isotopic purity:95% solid, ≥98%(hplc) solid spectrophotometric grade standard for gc, ≥99.7% (gc) standard for gc, ≥99.7%(gc) standard for gc,>99.7%(gc) standard for gc,>99.8%(gc) standard for gc,99.5%(gc) standard for gc,≥98.0%(gc) standard for gc,≥99.5% (gc) t-95% technical grade, mixture of isomers technical,≥90 % tested according to ph. eur. tlc专用 ulc-ms,0.1% in water usp/ep v1.0 v2.0 viscosity 2000-4000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 40-50 cst(25 ˚c) ~0.5 m in tert-butyl methyl ether, ≥95% (hplc) ~10% in h2o ~50% in h2o ≥ 30u/mg protein ≥ 98% ≥1000 iu/mg ≥150 units/mg ≥180 units/mg protein ≥200 units/mg dry weight ≥25 units/mg dry weight ≥30 units/mg dry weight ≥300 units/mg protein ≥40% ≥45% ≥50 units/mg protein ≥500 units/mg dry weight ≥6% ≥60 units/mg protein ≥60%(gc) ≥75 units/mg protein ≥80% (hplc) ≥85.0% ≥8u/mg protein ≥90% (gc) ≥90% (page) ≥90%(hpce) ≥90%(lc) ≥90%(sds-page) ≥90%(tlc) ≥90%,id:5-10nm,od:10-30nm,length:10-30μm ≥90%,id:5-10nm,od:20-40nm,length:10-30μm ≥90%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm ≥90%,od:10-30nm,length:10-30μm ≥90.0%(hplc) ≥90.0%(t) ≥92%,含稳定剂mehq ≥93%(hplc) ≥93%(t) ≥93.0%(gc) ≥94% (hplc) ≥94%(t) ≥95% (lc/ms-elsd) ≥95% v basis ≥95%(lc&n) ≥95%(mixture) ≥95%(t)(n) ≥95%, contains tbc as stabilizer ≥95%, mixture of isomers ≥95%,单酯和二酯的混合物 ≥95%,顺反混合物 ≥95.0%(gc)(t) ≥95.0%(qnmr) ≥95.0%(t) ≥96%(lc) ≥96%,含稳定剂mehq ≥96.0%(hplc) ≥97% (sds-page) ≥97% (stabilized with tbc) ≥97%(gc&t) ≥97%(lc&t) ≥97%(nt) ≥97%(stabilized with tbc) ≥97%,hplc ≥97%,含稳定剂铜屑 ≥97%,异构体混合物 ≥97%,顺反异构体混合物 ≥97%,顺反混合物 ≥97.0% (t) ≥97.5% (hplc) ≥98 atom % d, ≥97%(cp) ≥98 atom % d, ≥99% (cp) ≥98% (gc) ≥98% (hplc), solid ≥98% metals basis ≥98%(gc&n) ≥98%(hplc),solid ≥98%(t)(gc) ≥98%(w) ≥98%, lc-ms用离子对试剂 ≥98%, 含稳定剂mehq ≥98%, 异构体混合物 ≥98%,含稳定剂hq ≥98.0% (hplc),用于荧光分析 ≥98.0%(gc)(qnmr) ≥98.5 % sum of enantiomers ≥98.5%(hplc) ≥99 atom % d, ≥98%(cp) ≥99 atom % d, ≥99%(cp) ≥99% (titration) ≥99% metals basis ≥99%, 升华提纯 ≥99%, 用于合成 ≥99%,gc ≥99.0% (t) ≥99.5%, 升华提纯 不含酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 不含钙、镁离子和酚红,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 不含钙镁离子,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 丰度:99atom %;化学纯度:≥98.5% 丰度:99atom%;化学纯度:≥98% 乙醇溶液 优级试剂, 85% 优级试剂,适用于分析,acs,iso,reag.ph eur 光谱级 农残级, ≥99.9% 冻干粉,≥200万 units 分子量2000 分子量~3000 分子量~4000 分析对照品, >98% 分析对照品, 95% 分析对照品, 96%(hplc) 分析对照品, 96% 分析对照品, 99.5%(hplc) 分析对照品, ≥96% 分析对照品, ≥98%, 异构体混合物 分析对照品, ≥98.5% 分析对照品, ≥99.5% 分析对照品, ≥99.9%(gc) 分析对照品,97.5% 分析对照品,98%(hplc) 分析对照品,99.8% 分析对照品,>98%,来源于榼藤子 分析对照品,>98%,来源于甘草 分析对照品,>98%,来源于鸡屎藤 分析对照品,≥97% 分析对照品,≥98% (hplc) 分析对照品,≥98.5% 分析对照品,≥99%(gc) 分析对照品,≥99.0% (gc) 分析标准品,>99% 分析标准品,>99.5%(gc) 分析标准品,≥95% 分析标准品,≥99%(hplc) 分析标准品,≥99.8%(gc) 分析标准品,≥99.9%(gc) 分析滴定液,8.0m 化妆品级 医用研究级 即用干粉,无酶 含钙、镁离子,不含酚红,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 吸附柱法 固含量 48-52% 基质:sio2,表面基团:-cooh,粒径:4-5μm,单位:10mg/ml 基质:sio2,表面基团:-sioh,粒径:1-2μm,单位:10mg/ml 天然来源, 99% 平均径向尺寸: 5-8μm, 厚度: 1nm, 2mg/ml, dispersion in dmf 总皂苷: 80% 数均分子量25000 数均分子量50000 无水、粉末、99.99% 无水级, 99.99% metals basis 无糖,无hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 无酶 显色剂 条形, 1.5-1.9 mm 条形, 3.0-3.4 mm 染色强度100% 标准溶液 植物来源:猪苓,甾体类,≥98%(hplc) 氯型 游离胺型 灵敏度0.06eu/ml 灵敏度0.125eu/ml 灵敏度0.25eu/ml 生化试剂级 生物制剂,适用于细胞培养,适用于昆虫细胞培养 生物医用研究级,≥98.0%,<70μm 生物技术级,≥99% 生物染料级, biological stain 用于gc衍生化,99% 用于分子生物学,≥99.5% 用于生化研究 用于电泳 用于酶联免疫,≥99.0% 电子级, 99.9999% metals basis 电泳级,≥99% 磁珠法 离子对色谱专用,≥99.0% 离子对色谱级, ≥99.0% (at) 离子对色谱级,>98.0%(t) 离子色谱级,≥99.0% 粒径: 20μm 粒径: 40μm 粒径: 60μm 粒径:10 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml 粒径:15-25μm,孔径:120Å 粒径:2-5μm,孔径:120Å 粒径:20 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml 粒径:25-50μm,孔径:120Å 粒径:5 nm,单位:>0.75 a520 units/ml,溶剂:柠檬酸钠溶液 粒径:5-15μm,孔径:120Å 粒径:50-75μm,孔径:120Å 粒径:75-150μm,孔径:120Å 粘度 300-450cst (25 °c) 粘度 7-8cst (25 °c) 粘度 8-12cst (25 °c) 粘度:15 - 40 mpa.s(20°c) 细胞培养级, 99% 细胞培养级, ≥98% 聚乙二醇分子量:2000 荧光发射波长:585nm,0.05 μmol/l 荧光级 蛋白质≥40% 蛋白质组级 蛋白酶抑制剂,98% 试剂级, 40% 试剂级, 5% in h2o 试剂级, 50 wt. % in h2o 试剂级, 65% 试剂级, 70% 试剂级, 92% 试剂级, 93% 试剂级, 95.0% 试剂级, 96.0% 试剂级, 99% metals basis 试剂级, 99.00% 试剂级, 99.5%(gc) 试剂级, 99.7% 试剂级, fe:16.5-18.5% 试剂级, ≥99.0% 超干, 99.9% (reo) 超干, 99.99% (reo) 超干, 99.99% metals basis 超干, 99.999% metals basis 超干,99.999% metals basis 超干级, 99.95% metals basis 超纯级, ≥99% 超纯级,99.0% 超纯级,99.5% 适用于电化学分析,≥99.0% 通用型 醇解度:87.0~89.0(mol/mol),cps:4.6-5.4 重蒸馏,99.5% 重蒸馏,≥99.5% 钠型 锭, 99.9% metals basis 颗粒 基础级试剂,适用于制备 饱和溶液 高糖,l-谷氨酰胺,碳酸氢钠,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 高糖,碳酸氢钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无ht添加剂,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 高纯级,90% > 550 units/mg > 98 % hplc, powder > 99 % hplc, solid >10,000 u/ml >100 iu/mg >10u/mg >150u/mg >15u/mg >200 i.u. per mg >200u/mg >250u/mg >3000 u/mg >300u/mg >30u/mg,来源于兔肌 >360u/mg,来源于肠系膜明串珠菌 >4u/mg >50 units/mg protein (bradford) >52%(gc) >550 u/mg >60%(hplc) >60%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-cooh:~2.73wt% >60%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-oh:~3.96wt% >60%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,-cooh:~3wt% >60%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,-oh:~4wt% >60%,id:1-3nm,od: 2-4nm,length:0.5-2 um >60%,id:1-3nm,od:2-4nm,length:0.5-2um,-cooh:~2.6wt% >60%,id:1-3nm,od:2-4nm,length:0.5-2μm,-oh:~2.9wt% >60%,id:1-3nm,od:2-4nm,length:~50um >60%,id:1-3nm,od:2-4nm,length:~50μm,-cooh:~2.6wt% >60%,id:1-3nm,od:2-4nm,length:~50μm,-oh:~3wt% >60%,id:1-3nm;od:2-4nm;length:~50μm >60%,od:id:0.8-1.6nm,1-2nm,length:5-30um >60.0%(gc) >70%,id: 20-50nm,od: 30-60nm,length: 1-10μm >75%(gc) >75%,od:1-2nm,length:20μm >75% >80% isotactic >80.0%(gc),含200-650ppm mehq稳定剂 >80.0%(hplc) >80.0%(lc) >85.0%(hplc) >86.0%(lc) >90% (hplc) >90% (tlc) >90%(gc),单脂 >90%(gc),含100 ppm 对叔丁基邻苯二酚稳定剂 >90%(gc),含1000ppmmehq稳定剂 >90%(lc) >90%(t) >90%, id:30nm, od:40nm, length:<10μm >90%, id:50nm, od:60nm, length:<10μm >90%, id:60nm, od:70nm, length:<10μm >90%, mn~40000 >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3um >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-cooh:~2.7wt% >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-oh:~4wt% >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,-cooh:~2.73wt% >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,-oh:~4wt% >90%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm >90%,id:5-10nm,od:10-30nm,length:10-30μm >90%,id:5-10nm,od:20-40nm,length:10-30μm >90%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm >90%,id:70-80nm,od:90-100nm,length:<10um >90%,od:10-20nm,length:20-100μm >90%,od:100-200nm,length:1-10μm >90%,od:8-15nm,length:30-50μm >90%,工业级 >90.0%(n) >92%(t) >92% >93%(gc) >93%(hplc) >93%(t) >93.0%(hplc)(t) >93.0%(hplc) >93.0%(lc),顺反混合物 >93.0% >94.0%(hplc) >94.0%(n),来源于卡那霉素链霉菌 >95% (lc-ms) >95% (sds-page), ≥100 units/mg protein >95%(lc-ms) >95%, 含稳定剂bht >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-cooh:~13.0wt% >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-nh3:>0.5wt% >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:1-3μm,-oh:~9.0wt% >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30um >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,-cooh:~9.0wt% >95%,id:0.8-1.6nm,od:1-2nm,length:5-30μm,oh:~7.0wt% >95%,id:2-5nm,od:<8nm,length:0.5-2μm,-cooh:~3.9wt% >95%,id:2-5nm,od:<8nm,length:0.5-2μm,-oh:~5.6wt% >95%,id:2-5nm,od:<8nm,length:10-30um >95%,id:2-5nm,od:<8nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~3.9wt% >95%,id:2-5nm,od:<8nm,length:10-30μm,-oh:~5.6wt% >95%,id:2-5nm,od:20-30nm,length:0.5-2μm,-oh:1.8wt% >95%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length: ~50μm,-oh:~3.7wt% >95%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:0.5-2um >95%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:0.5-2μm,-cooh:~2.6wt% >95%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50μm,-cooh:~2.6wt% >95%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50μm >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:0.5-2um >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:0.5-2μm,-cooh:~2wt% >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30um >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~2wt% >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-oh:~3.1wt% >95%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:30-100μm >95%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:0.5-2μm,-cooh:~1.2wt% >95%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~1.2wt% >95%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm,-oh:~1.8wt% >95%,id:5-12nm,od: 30-50nm,length:10-30um,n:~3 wt% >95%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:0.5-2um,n:3.00wt% >95%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:0.5-2μm,-oh:~1.1wt% >95%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:10-20μm,-oh:~1.1wt% >95%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:0.5-2μm,-cooh:~0.5wt% >95%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:0.5-2μm,-oh:~0.7wt% >95%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm,-cooh:~0.49wt% >95%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm,-oh:~0.71wt% >95.0%(gc&t) >95.0%(gc) ,含0.2 % caco3/mgo (1:1)稳定剂 >95.0%(gc), 含稳定剂bht >95.0%(gc),异构体混合物 >95.0%(hplc)(n) >95.0%(n) >95.0%(t),硬型,混合物 >96%(gc&t) >96%(hplc) >96.0%(gc),stabilized with hq >96.0%(gc),含0.1% tbc稳定剂 >96.0%(lc&n) >96.0% >96.5% >97% (hplc) >97% (sum of isomers, gc) >97%(gc),包含180-200 ppm mehq 稳定剂 >97%(t&lc) >97%(t) >97%, 含稳定剂tbc >97.0%(gc&t) >97.0%(gc) ,含500ppm tbc稳定剂 >97.0%(gc),含50ppm tbc稳定剂 >97.0%(gc),含稳定剂铜 >97.0%(hplc)(n) >97.0%(lc&t) >97.0%(n) >97.0%,total of isomer >97.5% >98% usp >98%(gc&n) >98%(gc) , 含铜作稳定剂 >98%(hplc), sublimed >98%(hplc), unsublimate >98%,>98%ee >98%,<0.5 μm particle size,powder >98%,生物技术级 >98.0% (gc) >98.0% 生物技术级 >98.0%(gc&t) >98.0%(gc),含100ppm环氧丙烷稳定剂 >98.0%(hplc)(w) >98.0%(lc),含≤5%己烷 >98.0%(lc),含≤5%的二氯甲烷 >98.0%(n)(t) >98.0%(t&lc) >98.0%(t)(hplc) >98.0%(t)(n) >98.0%(w) >98.5%(hplc), sublimed >99% (lpa; may contain up to 10% of the 2-lpa isomer) >99% (lpa; may contain up to 10% of the 2-lpa isomer, tlc) >99% (lpc; may contain up to 10% of the 2-lpc isomer, tlc) >99%(gc),包含180-200 ppm mehq 稳定剂 >99%(hplc), sublimed >99%(hplc), sublimed >99%,100%ee >99%,升华提纯 >99.0% (gc)(含100ppm bht稳定剂) >99.0% (gc), 无色液体 >99.0% (hplc) >99.0% 电泳级 >99.0%(gc)(t) >99.0%(gc),250ppm mehq做稳定剂 >99.0%(gc),含10 - 20 ppm mehq 稳定剂 >99.0%(gc),含mehq稳定剂 >99.0%(gc),用于hplc荧光标记 >99.5%(gc),含30ppmmehq稳定剂 >99.5%(hplc) >99.5%生物技术级 >99.6%(hplc) >99.7%(gc) >99.8%(gc) >99.9% (gc) >99.9%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50μm,-cooh:~1.3wt% >99.9%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50μm,oh:~1.85wt% >99.9%,id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50μm >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~0.6wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~1.0wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-oh:~0.9wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm,-oh:~1.53wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30μm >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm,-cooh:~0.61wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm,-oh: ~0.88wt% >99.9%,id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm >99.9%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:10-20um >99.9%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:10-20μm,-cooh:~0.4wt% >99.9%,id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:10-20μm,-oh:~0.5wt% >99.9%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm,-cooh: ~0.3wt% >99.9%,id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm,-oh: ~0.4wt% >99.9%,用于重氮化滴定 >99.998% <1% diethylene glycol monobutyl ether <100nm(tem),20 wt. % in h2o <100nm,99.9% metals basis <45 μm <50μm, 粉末 (0.048±0.004)mg/ml (0.05%/0.5%) in water (0.101±0.007)mg/ml (10-20%)[用于酯化] (1mg/ml的甲醇溶液)[用于水分析] (5-10%)[用于酯化] (7.6+-0.6)mg/ml,分析标准品 (99.99%-ce) (reo) (99.99%-pr)(reo) (99.99%-sc) (reo) (99.99%-sc)(reo) (99.99%-zr)(reo) (al,as,b,ba,bi,ca,cd,co,cr,cu,fe,ga,in,k,mg,mn,mo,na,ni,pb,sc,se,te,v,zn,zr)多元素混合标准溶液(混标) (d, 99%) dcl 20% in d2o (d, 99%) dcl 36.5% in d2o (d, 99.5%) (<5% d2o) (d, 99.5%) 30% in d2o (d, 99.5%) 40% in d2o (d, 99.5%)+ 0.03% v/v tms (d, 99.5%) (d, 99.96%) (d,99.5%) + 0.05% v/v tms (d,99.5%) +0.03% v/v tms (d,99.8%) +0.03% v/v tms (d,99.8%)(0.03% v/v tms) (d,99.8%)+0.03% v/v tms+silver foil (d,99.8%)+0.03% v/v tms (d,99.8%)+silver foil (d,99.8%) (d,99.9%) + 0.03 % (v/v) tms (d,99.96%)(+0.03% v/v tms) (d2, 98%) (~5% d2o) (d3, 98%) (d3, 99%) (d4, 98%) (d5, 99%) (d7, 98%) (dhqd)2phal:0.552% (ds=0.7), 200-500mpa.s (e)+(z),98% (mixture of 3- and 4-isomers) stabilised with 4-tert-butylpyrocatechol for synthesis: ≥ 98.0 % (a/a) (no2-)10.0ug/ml,(no3-)100.0ug/ml,基质:水, u(%)=2 (r)-3-羟基丁酸 : (r)-3-羟基戊酸≥9:1 (nmr) (w/w=7/3) (含二氧化硫标液1支100μg/ml、20ml/支,甲醛吸收缓冲液1支20ml/支、盐酸付玫瑰苯胺2支0.05g/100ml、氨基磺酸钠1瓶0.60g/支)基质:水.u=1% (顺式+ 反式), ≥92%(gc) -100 目, 99.9% (metals basis) -100 目, 99.9% metals basis -100 目, 99.999% (metals basis) -100 mesh particle size -200+325目, 99.95% metals basis -200目,97% -200目 -200目粒径 -22 目, 99.995% metals basis -22 目,99.998% metals basis -22 目,99.999% (metals basis) -325 目, 99.5% -325目, 99.5% metals basis -325目,99.99% (metals basis去除ta), ta <500ppm -325目粉,99.0% metals basis -40 目, 99.9% (reo) 0-10ppm, 50片/ea 0-25ppm, 50片/ea 0.0001g/ml,基体:甲醇 0.001mol/l in h2o 0.001mol/l 介质: h2o 0.001mol/l 介质:h2o 0.001mol/l,适用于gb 7483-87水质氟化物的测定 0.001mol/l 0.001m 0.0025mol/l 0.002mol/l 介质: h2o 0.004mol/l in h2o 0.004m 0.005,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.0050mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.005g/l 0.005mol/l in h2o 0.005mol/l 介质: h2o 0.005mol/l 介质:h2o 0.005μg/ml,h2o 0.008μg/ml, 介质: h2o 0.01 g/ml的硫酸铜水溶液 0.01 molar (m/100) 0.01% in water 0.01-0.1 unit/mg solid 0.0100 in h2o 0.01000mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.01000mol/l in h2o 0.01000mol/l(0.01n) 0.01002mol/l 0.01007mol/l 0.01250mol/l 介质:h2o 0.0127mm (0.0005in)厚, 99.95% (metals basis) 0.0139×10-2 0.01405mol/l 0.01407mol/l 0.0141mol/l 0.014mol/l in h2o 0.014mol/l介质: h2o 0.015 mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.01500mol/l(0.015m) 0.01505mol/l 0.015mm 直径, 99.95% metals basis 0.015mol/l 介质: h2o 0.015mol/l 介质:h2o 0.01600mol/l(0.016m) 0.0192mol/l in h2o 0.01m 介质: h2o(cp) 0.01m 介质:h2o 0.01m(cp) 0.01m,ph5.0 0.01m,ph7.5 0.01m,ph8.5 0.01mg/ml in h2o 0.01mol/l in ethanol 0.01mol/l in methanol 0.01mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.01mol/l 介质:h2o 0.01mol/l 介质:丙醇 0.01mol/l 介质:异丙醇 0.01mol/l 介质:甲醇 0.01mol/l(0.01n) 0.01mol/l, 基体: h2o 0.01mol/l,介质:h2o 0.01mol/l 0.01μg/ml,h2o 0.02%(w/v)in h2o 0.02%,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.02%乙醇溶液 0.02%溶液 0.02000mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.02000mol/l in h2o 0.02000mol/l(0.02n) 0.02005mol/l 0.02012mol/l 0.025 mol/l 介质:h2o 0.025%乙醇溶液 0.025000mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.025000mol/l(0.025n) 0.02500mol/l 介质:h2o 0.02500mol/l(0.025m) 0.02511mol/l 0.02513mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.02516 mol/l 0.025m in h2o 0.025mm 厚, 99.985% metals basis 0.025mol/l(0.025n) 0.025mol/l,介质:h2o 0.025mol/l,基体: h2o, 适用于分子生物学 0.02819mol/l 0.0282mol/l in h2o 0.02854mol/l 0.02m,ph7.6 0.02mg/ml in h2o 0.02mol/l in h2o 0.02mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.02mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.02mol/l,介质:h2o 0.02mol/l 0.02μg/ml,h2o 0.03000mol/l(0.03m) 0.03200mol/l(0.032m) 0.03447mol/l in h2o 0.03mg/ml in h2o 0.03mol/l in h2o 0.03mol/l 介质: h2o 0.03mol/l 介质:h2o 0.03mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.03μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 0.04% (w/v) in ethanol 0.04% (w/v) in water 0.04% in h2o 0.04%(w/v) in ethanol 0.04%(w/v) in isopropyl alcohol 0.04%(w/v) in methanol 0.04%(w/v), 基体: 95%乙醇 0.04034mol/l in h2o 0.04036mol/l in h2o 0.04597mol/l in h2o 0.045g/l in h2o 0.0496mol/l 0.04mg/ml in h2o 0.04mol/l in h2o 0.04mol/l 介质: h2o 0.04m 0.05 mol/l naoh(0.05摩尔/升 氢氧化钠) 0.05 m 0.05 m聚(二甲基硅氧烷), 乙烯基封端 0.05% (v/v) in h2o 0.05% (w/v) in h2o 0.05% in ethanol 0.05%((w/v) in h2o 0.05%/0.02%,溶于pbs,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.05-0.5kb,8条带,过滤除菌 0.050 mol/l in h2o 0.05000mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.05000mol/l(0.05n) 0.05005mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.05009mol/l,介质:h2o 0.05021mol/l 0.05025mol/l 0.05032mol/l 介质:h2o 0.05044mol/l(cp) 0.05075mol/l 介质:h2o 0.0524mol/l 介质:h2o 0.05g/l, 介质: h2o 0.05g/l 0.05g/ml 0.05m in h2o(cp) 0.05m 介质: h2o(cp) 0.05m 介质: h2o 0.05m, 介质: h2o 0.05m,ph3.6-5.6,无菌 0.05m,ph3.6-5.6 0.05m,ph7.5 0.05m,ph8.0 0.05mg/l,h2o 0.05mg/ml in h2o 0.05mm 直径,99.995% metals basis 0.05mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.05mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.05mol/l 介质:h2o 0.05mol/l(氧化锌滴定法) 0.05mol/l,h2o 0.05mol/l,ph3.0 0.05mol/l,ph3.5 0.05mol/l,ph4.0 0.05mol/l,ph4.5 0.05mol/l,ph5.0 0.05mol/l,ph5.1 0.05mol/l,ph5.2 0.05mol/l,ph5.3 0.05mol/l,ph5.4 0.05mol/l,ph5.5 0.05mol/l,ph5.6 0.05mol/l,ph5.7 0.05mol/l,ph5.8 0.05mol/l,ph=3.0 0.06,过滤除菌,无酶 0.064mol/l(0.064m) 0.075,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 0.07mol/l in h2o 0.08%(w/v), 基体: 甲醇 0.08,过滤除菌,无酶 0.085 wt. % in h2o 0.085% phosphoric acid in ethanol 0.085% phosphoric acid in ipa 0.085% phosphoric acid in methanol 0.08mg/ml in h2o 0.09306mol/l in h2o 0.09664mol/l in h2o 0.0979mol/l 介质:h2o 0.09869mol/l 介质: h2o 0.09886mol/l 介质:h2o 0.09936mol/l,适用于gb/t601-2016 0.0999mol/l 介质:h2o 0.099mg/ml,基体: 异辛烷 0.0代 粘稠液体 0.1 g/ml的氢氧化钠水溶液 0.1 m cf3so3h in acetic acid 0.1 m in h2o 0.1 m in methanol, mkseal 0.1 m in poly(dimethylsiloxane), vinyl terminated 0.1 m solution in thf , mkseal 0.1 mg/ml in isooctane 0.1 mol/l in acetate 0.1 mol/l 0.1 normal(n/10) 0.1 u/mg 0.1% (v/v) in h2o 0.1% (w/v) in methanol (methanol) 0.1% (w/v) in water 0.1% in ethanol 0.1% in etoh 0.1% in water 0.1% in 95% ethanol 0.1%(w/v) in 5%(v/v) alcohol 0.1%(w/v) in 50% methanol 0.1%(w/v) in dmf 0.1%(w/v), 基体: 95%乙醇 0.1%(w/v)in acetic acid 0.1%(w/v)in h2o 0.1%, 介质: h2o 0.1%,ph4.2 0.1%,ph8.3 0.1%水溶液 0.1-0.5mg/ml in water 0.1-1.5kb, 11条带 0.1-10kb, 13条带 0.1-10kb,21条带,红色荧光,过滤除菌 0.1-10kb,21条带,绿色荧光,过滤除菌 0.1-2kb, 6条带 0.1-4mg/l,h2o 0.1-5kb, 8条带 0.1-5kb,14 条带,过滤除菌 0.10% (w/w) in h2o 0.10% in h2o 0.100 m in h2o 0.100 mg/ml in methanol, u=4% 0.100 n in h2o 0.1000mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.1001mol/l 介质:95%乙醇 0.1002mol/l 0.1003mol/l 0.1004mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1005mol/l 介质:h2o(水) 0.1005mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1005mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1005mol/l 0.1006mol/l 0.1007mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1007mol/l,介质:h2o 0.1008mol/l in h2o 0.1008mol/l,适用于gb/t601-2016 0.1008mol/l 0.1009mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1009mol/l 介质: h2o 0.1009mol/l 介质:h2o 0.100mg/ml 0.1011mol/l,介质:h2o 0.1012mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.1017mol/l, 基质:水 u=0.2% 0.102mg/ml,基体:异辛烷 0.103mg/ml ,基体:异辛烷 0.104 m in methylvinylcyclosiloxanes 0.104mg/l,h2o 0.1066×10-2 0.109mg/ml,基体: 异辛烷 0.10mg/ml,基体:异辛烷 0.10mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.110mg/ml 0.111m in h2o 0.114mg/ml,基体:异辛烷 0.12,过滤除菌,无酶 0.125mol/l in h2o 0.127mm (0.005in) 厚, 退火, 99.8% (metals basis) 0.13%(0.044n) in h2o 0.13-0.14μm 0.1410mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.141mol/l in h2o 0.1427mol/l in h2o 0.15%溶液 0.15,过滤除菌,无酶 0.15m in h2o 0.15m,ph5.0,过滤除菌 0.15mg/l,h2o 0.15mol/l in h2o 0.15mol/l(0.15n) 0.15μg/ml, 5% hno3 0.15μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 0.16 m soln. in 1, 2-dimethoxyethane 0.16% 0.160μg/ml,h2o 0.16mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.18mg/l,h2o 0.195mg/l,h2o 0.196mg/l,h2o 0.1996mol/l,介质:h2o 0.19g/l,ph≈5.4,药典专用 0.1g/l in ethanol 0.1g/l 0.1g/l水溶液 0.1m in 1 liter of water 0.1m in ethanol 0.1m in h2o(cp) 0.1m in thf 0.1m in water 0.1m 介质: h2o(cp) 0.1m 介质:h2o 0.1m, ph=3.6 0.1m, ph=4.0 0.1m, ph=5.0 0.1m, ph=6.0 0.1m, ph=7.0 0.1m,for ion pair chromatography,concentrate 0.1m,ph10 0.1m,ph3.0 0.1m,ph3.6-5.6,无菌 0.1m,ph3.6-5.6 0.1m,ph4.0 0.1m,ph5.0 0.1m,ph7.0 0.1m,ph7.5,2x 0.1m,ph7.6,10×,过滤除菌,无酶 0.1m,ph7.6 0.1m,ph8.0,10×,过滤及高温双重灭菌 0.1m,ph8.2 0.1m,ph8.3, 含0.3mol/l nacl 0.1m,ph9.0 0.1mg/l,溶剂:水 0.1mg/ml (100ppm) 0.1mg/ml in carbon disulfide 0.1mg/ml in h2o 0.1mg/ml in meoh 0.1mg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=3% 0.1mg/ml 基质:正己烷 u=3% 0.1mg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=3% 0.1mg/ml 0.1mm (0.004in) 厚 x 43.8mm (1.72in) 宽, 99.997% metals basis 0.1mm 厚, 99.9% (reo) 0.1mm 厚, 99.9% metals basis 0.1mm 厚, 99.99% metals basis 0.1mm 直径, 99.99% metals basis 0.1mm, 99.999% metals basis 0.1mm,99.9% metals basis 0.1mm,99.99% metals basis 0.1mmol/l, ph 6.8 0.1mmol/l, ph 7.4 0.1mol/l 介质:h2o 0.1mol/l in ethanol 0.1mol/l in h2o(cp) 0.1mol/l in h2o, ph=7.0 0.1mol/l in methanol 0.1mol/l 介质: h2o 0.1mol/l(0.1n) 0.1mol/l(cp) 0.1mol/l(以沉淀量计) 0.1mol/l, ph=4.0 0.1mol/l, ph=4.6 0.1mol/l, ph=5.15 0.1mol/l, ph=5.5 0.1mol/l,h2o 0.1mol/l,介质甲醇 0.1mol/l,药典专用 0.1~2 mg/l 0.1μg/ml,h2o 0.1μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 0.1μg/ml 0.1μg/ml、2μg/ml、1μg/ml、1μg/ml、2μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 0.2 mm,99.9% metals basis 0.2 mm,99.99% metals basis 0.2 m 0.2 n in h2o 0.2 wt% 0.2% (w/v) in methanol (methanol) 0.2% (w/v) in water 0.2% in h2o 0.2% in isopropanol, for tlc derivatization 0.2% in methanol 0.2%(w/v)in acetic acid 0.2%(w/v)in water 0.2%,5%ki,澄清过滤 0.2%,ph4.2 0.2%,ph8.3 0.2%的明胶溶液 0.2-0.3μm 0.2-0.5mmol/g 0.2-0.6kb,6 条带,过滤除菌 0.2-10kb,含预混引物 0.2-12kb,12 条带,红色荧光,过滤除菌 0.2-12kb,12 条带,绿色荧光,过滤除菌 0.2-12kb,m-mlv 0.2-12kb,去基因组dna,含独立引物 0.2-12kb,去基因组dna,含预混引物 0.2-12kb,含预混引物 0.2-12kb,高拷贝,低拷贝基因检测 0.2-12kb,高稳定性 0.2-15kb,6 条带,过滤除菌 0.2000mol/l in h2o 0.2013mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.2015mol/l 0.2021mol/l 介质:h2o 0.2022mol/l 0.206mg/l in h2o 0.206mg/l,h2o 0.210mg/l,h2o 0.21mg/l,基体:甲醇 0.22g/l 0.22ug/l,h2o 0.24-0.26μm 0.25 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran 0.25 m solution slurry in thf, mkseal 0.25 mm in h2o 0.25% in h2o(cp) 0.25%(w/v)in water 0.25%,不含酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.25%,溶于pbs,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.25%,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.25%/0.02%,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 0.25%乙醇溶液 0.25-15kb, 7条带 0.25-5kb,9条带,过滤除菌 0.250mol/l 介质:h2o 0.25g/l in h2o 0.25m solution in thf, mkseal 0.25m solution in thf 0.25mm 厚, 99.994% metals basis 0.25mm 直径, 99.99% (metals basis 去除 ta) 0.25mm 直径, 退火, 99.9% metals basis 0.25mol/l 介质: h2o 0.25mol/l(0.25n) 0.25mol/l介质: h2o 0.25μg/ml,h2o 0.26μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 0.279mg/l,h2o 0.282±1%mol/l(≈0.282n) 介质: h2o 0.282mol/l in h2o 0.2g/l in ethanol 0.2g/l, 介质: 乙醇 0.2g/l 0.2g/l水溶液 0.2m in h2o 0.2m, ph8.5, 过滤除菌 0.2m, ph3.5 0.2m, ph3 0.2m, ph4.5 0.2m, ph4 0.2m, ph5.5 0.2m, ph5 0.2m, ph6.5 0.2m, ph6 0.2m, ph7.2 0.2m, ph7.4 0.2m, ph7.5 0.2m, ph7.6 0.2m, ph8.0 0.2m, ph9.5 0.2m, ph=3.6 0.2m, ph=4.0 0.2m, ph=5.0 0.2m, ph=6.0 0.2m, ph=7.0 0.2m,ph10.0 0.2m,ph3.6-5.8,无菌 0.2m,ph3.6-5.8 0.2m,ph7.4,20×,过滤及高温双重灭菌 0.2m,ph7.4,20×,过滤除菌,无酶 0.2m,ph7.6,20×,过滤除菌,无酶 0.2m,ph7.8,无rnase 0.2m,ph7.8 0.2m,ph8.5,澄清过滤 0.2m,ph9.2 0.2m,无菌级 0.2mg/l,溶剂:水 0.2mg/ml in dichloromethane 0.2mg/ml in ethanol 0.2mg/ml in h2o 0.2mg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=3% 0.2mg/ml, 混合溶剂 0.2mmol/l in h2o 0.2mm直径,99.999% metals basis 0.2mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.2mol/l 介质:h2o 0.2mol/l 介质:甲醇 0.2mol/l(0.2n) 0.2mol/l, ph=5.8 0.2mol/l,介质:h2o 0.2mol/l 0.2mol/l介质: h2o 0.2mol/l甲醇溶液 0.2μg/ml in h2o 0.2μg/ml, 5% hno3 0.2μg/ml, 基质: h2o 0.2μg/ml,h2o 0.3 m solution in thf, mkseal 0.3% (w/v) in h2o 0.3%(w/v), 基体: 甲醇 0.3%(w/v)in water 0.3%溶液 0.3-0.8mmol/g 0.3-3 units/mg 0.30 m in h2o 0.300mol/l in h2o 0.304μg/ml, 介质: h2o 0.317mg/l,h2o 0.333 normal (n/3) in h2o 0.33μg/ml in h2o 0.3447mol/l 0.3450mol/l in h2o 0.345mol/l 0.345μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 0.35 m in h2o 0.3531mol/l in h2o 0.35m in h2o 0.35mol/l in h2o 0.3g/l, 介质: h2o 0.3g/l, 基体: 乙醇 0.3m in h2o 0.3mg/l,基体:甲醇 0.3mg/ml in h2o 0.3mm 厚, 99.9% (reo) 0.3mol/l in h2o 0.3mol/l, 介质: h2o 0.3m 0.4 m solution in 1,4-dioxane, mkseal 0.4 m solution in thf, mkseal 0.4% (w/v) in h2o (4 g/l) 0.4% (w/v) in water 0.4%(w/v) in water 0.4%(w/v)in water 0.4%溶液,用于组织培养 0.4±0.008mol/l in h2o,trace metal grade 0.40% 0.41g/l水溶液 0.45-0.55μm 0.488mg/l, 基质:水 0.498mg/l,h2o 0.4m in ethylene glycol 0.4m,ph4.75,无菌 0.4mg/ml in h2o 0.4mg/ml,10000u/ml 0.4mol/l 介质: h2o 0.4mol/l,介质:h2o 0.4μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 0.5 g/l, 介质: h2o 0.5 m in anhydrous thf 0.5 m in tetrahydrofuran 0.5 m slurry in thf ,mkseal 0.5 m solution in thf 0.5 mg/ml,介质:正己烷 0.5 m 0.5% (v/v) in h2o 0.5% (w/v) in h2o 0.5% (w/v) in water 0.5% (w/w) in h2o 0.5% in 50% ethanol 0.5% in water 0.5% pd,50% water-wet paste, d50=25µm 0.5%(w/v) in alcohol 0.5%(w/v) in h2o 0.5%(w/v)in h2o 0.5%(w/v)in water, 银量滴定法中的吸附指示剂 0.5%(w/v)in water,含0.5% ki 0.5%(w/v) 0.5%,基体:乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲液(ph5.0) 0.5%溶液 0.5%硼酸盐法 0.5%磷酸盐法 0.5 m in h2o 0.5µg/ml, h2o 0.5-0.85 mm 0.5-15kb,11 条带,过滤除菌 0.5-15kb,7条带,过滤除菌 0.50 m in 2-me-thf 0.50 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 0.50 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran 0.5000mol/l 介质: h2o, 符合gb/t601-2016 0.5000mol/l(0.5m) 0.5003mol/l in h2o 0.500mol/l 介质:甲醇 0.5057mol/l 介质: h2o 0.50mg/ml 基质:50%乙醇 u=2% 0.50mg/ml u=2% 正己烷 0.518mg/l,h2o 0.518μmol/g 0.527μg/ml in h2o 0.53% 0.582mg/l,h2o 0.5g/l 介质: h2o 0.5g/l 0.5g/l水溶液 0.5m in 2-methf, mkseal 0.5m in h2o, ph7.0-7.5 0.5m in methf 0.5m in tert-butyl methyl ether 0.5m in thf,mkseal 0.5m in water 0.5m(cp) 0.5m, ph5.5 0.5m, ph6.0 0.5m, ph6.8 0.5m, ph7.2 0.5m, ph7.5 0.5m, ph7.6 0.5m, ph8.0 0.5m, ph8.5 0.5m, ph9.0 0.5m,ph11.0 0.5m,ph2.5 0.5m,ph3.0 0.5m,ph3.5 0.5m,ph4.0 0.5m,ph4.5 0.5m,ph5.0,无菌无酶 0.5m,ph7.2 0.5m,ph8.0, 无rnase和dnase 0.5m,ph8.3, 含0.3mol/l nacl 0.5m,ph8.3 0.5m,ph9.0,10×,过滤除菌,无酶 0.5m,ph9.6 0.5m,溶于四氢呋喃 0.5mg/l,h2o 0.5mg/l,溶剂:水 0.5mg/ml in h2o 0.5mg/ml in methanol 0.5mg/ml 基质:乙醇 0.5mg/ml, 用于蛋白免疫印迹法 0.5mg/ml,h2o 0.5mg/ml,介质:正己烷 0.5mg/ml 0.5minthf 0.5mm 厚, 99.998% metals basis 0.5mm 厚,99.9975% metals basis 0.5mm 直径, 99.998% metals basis 0.5mm,无菌无酶 0.5mol/l in methanol 0.5mol/l 介质: 乙醇 0.5mol/l 介质:h2o 0.5mol/l 水溶液,离子对色谱级 0.5mol/l(0.5n) 0.5mol/l, ph=5.2 0.5mol/l,h2o 0.5mol/l,介质:h2o 0.5mol/l,基体: h2o 0.5mol/l 0.5msolutioninthf,mkseal 0.5ng/ml,1.0ng/ml,3.0ng/ml,5.0ng/ml,基质:2%硝酸,u=2% 0.5wt%la, 300目,氧含量<1000 ppm 0.5wt%la, 300目 0.5μ g/ml in acetonitrile 0.5μg/ml in methanol 0.5μg/ml,1.0μg/ml,3.0μg/ml,5.0μg/ml,基质:2%硝酸,u=1% 0.6 m solution in thf, mkseal 0.6% on activated carbon, 50% water-wet paste 0.6%(w/v)in water 0.60-0.70μm 0.600 m in h2o 0.600mol/l in h2o 0.625%,基体:乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲液(ph5.0) 0.62mm 厚, 99.9% (reo) 0.65%溶液 0.6965mol/l in h2o 0.696mg/l,h2o 0.6m in h2o 0.6m in thf, mkseal 0.6mg/l,基体:甲醇 0.7 m solution in thf,water≤1000ppm, mkseal 0.7%(v/v) in h2o 0.7-1.2mm,元素分析仪专用 0.7-1.4 mmol/g 0.70% (w/w) in h2o, preserved 0.702μg/ml in methanol 0.704μg/ml in h2o 0.704μg/ml, 介质: h2o 0.75%溶液 0.75-0.90μm 0.75g/l in pbs 0.75m solution in thf, mkseal 0.7m solution in hexanes, mkseal 0.8-1 wt %, od:1-3nm, length:1-2μm 0.8-12mm (0.03-0.47in), 99.98% (metals basis) 0.800mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.800mg/ml 0.807mg/ml,基体:水 0.827μg/ml,h2o 0.855μg/ml,h2o 0.8m solution in thf, mkseal 0.8mg/l,h2o 0.8mg/ml in h2o 0.8mg/ml solution (ph 10) 0.9 m in heptane , mkseal 0.9% (w/w) in h2o 0.9%(v/v) in h2o 0.9%,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 0.92mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.93 mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.984mg/ml ,基体:甲醇 0.989 mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.992μg/ml,h2o 0.996mg/ml,基体:甲醇 0.9m solution in thf, mkseal 0.9μg/ml, 基质: h2o 0ntu 1 m in ethyl acetate 1 m in thf, mkseal 1 m in thf 1 m solution 1 mg/0.5 ml 乙醇溶液 1 mg/ml in ethanol 1 mg/ml in methanol 1 mg/ml 1 mol/l in h2o 1 mol/l in water 1 mol/l 1 u/mg 1 wt% in h2o 1 μm,98.5% 1% crossl. with dvb, 1.0-1.5 mmol/g, 100-200 mesh 1% in 1,2-dichloroethane 1% in acetic acid 1% in water 1% on polyethylenimine/sio2,40-200 mesh 1% on titania(anatase)(surfactant and reactant-free),≤100nm 1%(v/v) in h2o 1%(v/v) 基质:异丙醇 1%(w/v) in h2o 1%(w/v) in methanol 1%(w/v) in water 1%(w/v), 基体: 甲醇 1%(w/v)in h2o 1%(w/v)in methanol (甲醇) 1%(w/v) 1%(w/w) in h2o 1%, ph4.2 1%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,5×,mops,rnase free 1%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tae 1%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tbe 1%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,5×,mops,rnase free 1%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae,rnase free 1%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae 1%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tbe,rnase free 1%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tbe 1%pd 1%粘度: 1501~2600mpa.s, 25℃ 1%粘度: 2601~3400mpa.s, 25℃ 1%粘度: 3401~6000mpa.s, 25℃ 1%粘度: 700~1500mpa.s, 25℃ 1%粘度:1000-1200 mpa.s 1 m in hexanes 1 mg/ml in methanol (:aqueous 10 mm nh4oh (7:3)), ≥90% (tlc) 1 mg/ml in methanol (:aqueous 10 mm nh4oh (7:3)), ≥95% (tlc) 1×, 无菌, depc处理 1×,in pbs,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,in pbstw,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,in pbstx,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,in tbs,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,in tbstw,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,in tbstx,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,无气味,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,过滤除菌,无酶 1×,预混粉末 1×10-4g/ml,u=2% 基质:甲醇 1×10-5g/ml,u=2% 基质:甲醇 1×10-7g/ml,u=2% 基质:甲醇 1,000 mesh 1-1.5mm 厚, 保存在石蜡油里, 99.9% (reo) 1-10 μm,98% 1-10kb, 8条带 1-14,显色反应间隔1 1-3mm (0.04-0.1in),99.9997% (metals basis) 1-3mm,99.999% metals basis 1-3μm, ≥99% metals basis 1-3μm,元素分析仪专用 1.0 m in acetic acid 1.0 m in heptane, mkseal 1.0 m in heptane 1.0 m in hexane, mkseal 1.0 m in methylene chloride,mkseal 1.0 m in thf,mkseal 1.0 m in thf/hexanes, mkseal 1.0 m solution in 2-methyl-thf, mkseal 1.0 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 1.0 m solution in ch2cl2, mkseal 1.0 m solution in ethanol, mkseal 1.0 m solution in h2o 1.0 m solution in hexanes ,mkseal 1.0 m solution in methylene chloride, mkseal 1.0 m solution in methylene chloride 1.0 m solution in p-xylene, mkseal 1.0 m solution in tert-butanol, mkseal 1.0 m solution in tert-butyl methyl ether, mkseal 1.0 m solution in thf , mkseal 1.0 m solution in thf, containing ca. 5% h2o 1.0 m solution in thf 1.0 m 二氯甲烷溶液 1.0 m, ph 8.5±0.1 1.0 mg/ml,介质:正己烷 1.0 mol/l hno3 (含k+)(1.0摩尔/升硝酸)(含钾离子) 1.0 mol/l in thf 1.0%,基体:乙酸-乙酸钠缓冲液(ph5.0) 1.0 m in ethyl acetate 1.0 m in h2o 1.0 m in heptane 1.0 m in thf, mkseal 1.0 m in thf 1.0 m solution in thf, mkseal 1.0 mg/ml in methanol 1.0-1.3 wt% in h2o, ph1000 1.0-6.0 units/mg solid 1.0.m solution in thf, mkseal 1.00 m in h2o 1.00 mol/l in h2o 1.00 n in h2o 1.00 normal 1.000×10-2 1.006mol/l in h2o 1.008mol/l in h2o(cp) 1.008μg/ml in water 1.00g/l in pbs 1.00mg/ml in h2o 1.00mg/ml u=2%基质:甲醇 1.00mg/ml 基质:50%甲醇 u=1% 1.00mg/ml 基质:水 u=1.5% 1.00mg/ml, 基体:乙腈 1.00mg/ml, 基体:正己烷 1.00mg/ml,介质:甲醇 1.00mg/ml,基体:水 1.00mol/l 介质:甲醇 1.00μg/g,基体:k+ 2.2mg/l,na+ 23mg/l,ca2+ 39mg/l,mg2+mg/l,0.5mol/l hno3 1.01mg/l,h2o 1.01mg/ml,基体:甲醇 1.0290mol/l 介质: h2o 1.02mg/ml in n-hexane 1.03mg/l,h2o 1.04mg/ml,基体:甲醇 1.05mg/ml 1.05ug/l,h2o 1.08μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 1.09mg/l,水质标样 1.09mg/ml,基体:甲醇 1.0g/l in ethanol 1.0m in 2-methf 1.0m in cyclohexane 1.0m in hexane,mkseal 1.0m in methf 1.0m in tetrahydrofuran 1.0m in thf 1.0m solution in dichloromethane,mkseal 1.0m(cp) 1.0m,ph5.5 1.0m,ph7.2 1.0m,ph7.6 1.0m,ph7.8 1.0m,ph8.2 1.0m,ph8.4 1.0m,ph8.6 1.0m,ph8.8 1.0m,ph9.5 1.0mg/ml,基体:甲醇 1.0mm 厚, 99.99% metals basis 1.0mm 直径, 退火,99.995% metals basis 1.0mm 直径,99.999% metals basis 1.0mmol/l in h2o 1.0mm直径, 99.9% metals basis 1.0mol/l inthf,mkseal 1.0mol/l in thf, mkseal 1.0mol/l(1n) 1.0~1.24mmol/g ,100~200 mesh,1% dvb 1.0代,粘稠液体 1.1% in h2o, surfactant-free, high-conductivity grade 1.10μg/ml in methanol 1.11mg/ml,h2o 1.12mg/l,h2o 1.137ppm(±0.357ppm) 1.17μg/ml in h2o 1.17μg/ml 1.1mg/ml in h2o 1.2-1.6 mm 1.2-2.0mm, 元素分析仪专用 1.2-2.5mm,元素分析仪专用 1.23mg/l in h2o 1.25g/l in pbs 1.25m,ph6.5-6.8,澄清过滤 1.25m,ph6.5-6.8,过滤除菌,无酶 1.28μg/ml in h2o 1.28μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 1.2m in h2o 1.2mg/ml in h2o 1.3 m in thf, mkseal 1.3 m solution in hexane, mkseal 1.3 m solution in thf, mkseal 1.3 wt % dispersion in h2o, conductive grade 1.3%-1.5% in isopropanol 1.3-1.7 wt% in h2o, ai4083 1.30mol/l 介质:h2o 1.31mg/l, 基质:水 1.3m lifsi 1.4 m solution in butyl diglyme, mkseal 1.4 m solution in thf,mkseal 1.43mg/l,h2o 1.45% (v/v) in h2o 1.45 m solution in butyl diglyme, mkseal 1.4m solution in thf, mkseal 1.4mg/l, h2o 1.5 m in h2o 1.5 m in thf 1.5 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 1.5 m solution in dibutyl ether, mkseal 1.5% (v/v) in h2o 1.5% in h2o, neutral ph, high-conductivity grade 1.5% in water(抗静电型) 1.5%溶液 1.5-2.0 units/mg 1.5-2.0u/mg 1.5-2.5mm, 元素分析仪专用 1.50 n in h2o 1.50g/l in pbs 1.50mg/l,h2o 1.50mol/l 介质:h2o 1.5g/l, 介质: h2o 1.5m,ph6.8,过滤除菌,无酶 1.5m,ph8.8,过滤除菌,无酶 1.5mg/ml in h2o 1.5mm 直径, 退火,99.995% metals basis 1.5m 1.5μg/ml in h2o 1.5μg/ml, 5% hno3 1.5μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 1.5代 固体 1.6 m in thf, mkseal 1.6 m solution in hexanes, mkseal 1.64mg/l,h2o 1.69mg/l,h2o 1.6m in hexane ,mkseal 1.6μg/ml in methanol 1.7 m solution in thf,mkseal 1.74mg/l, h2o 1.75g/l in pbs 1.76%(w/v) 1.7mmol/l in h2o 1.80-2.10μm 1.80mg/l,h2o 1.80mol/l 介质:h2o 1.84mg/l,h2o 1.85mg/ml in h2o 1.8mg/ml in h2o 1.8mmol/l in h2o 1.9-2.1%, for determination of hydrogen peroxyde (h 15), according to din 38 409, part 15, dev-18 1.90% (v/v) in h2o 1.94mg/l,h2o 1.98mg/l,h2o 1.9m solution in thf, mkseal 1/12mol/l(0.5n) 1/16吋,柱状 1/24mol/l(0.25n) 1/2na2co3:0.1000mol/l 1/60mol/l(0.1n) 1/6mol/l(1n), 介质: h2o 10 % 溶液 10 atom % 18o 10 kda 10 mg/ml in 20 mm hepes 10 mg/ml in ethanol 10 mg/ml in methyl acetate 10 mg/ml, 基体: 甲醇 10 mg/ml,基体:二氯甲烷 10 mg/ml,基体:庚烷 10 mg/ml,基体:正己烷 10 mm/dmso 10 ng/ul于乙腈,10ml 10 nm diameter, λmax, 780 nm, dispersion in h2o 10 u/µl 10 u/mg solid 10 wt% in hexanes 10 wt. % 正丙醇溶液 10 wt.% in 10 wt.% nitric acid, 99.999% trace metals basis 10 wt.% in hexanes 10 wt.% 基体:丙二醇 10 μg/ml in acetonitrile/water(1:1) 10% (v/v) in h2o 10% (w/v) in h2o (100 g/l) 10% (w/v) 10% fe 10% in acetonitrile 10% in ethanol, 约 0.57mol/l 10% in h2o,医药级,ph.eur.,nf 10% in meoh 10% in pb 10% in propandiol 10% in propanediol 10% pd basis 10% pd(oh)2 10% pd,contains 40-60% h2o 10% solution in h2o 10% w/v in ethanol 10% w/w soln. in thf 10% w/w乙醇溶液 10%(brij-30) in h2o 10%(brij-35) in h2o 10%(v/v) in h2o 10%,11孔,1.0mm,塑料板 10%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 10%,快速免染,过滤除菌,无酶 10%,快速电泳,过滤除菌,无酶 10%,用于病理实验 10%,过滤除菌,无酶 10%,高清条带,过滤除菌 10%hno3,trace hf 10%pd 10%于水中 10%全水溶 10%溶液, 丙二醇 10%的水溶液,约2.4mol l 10%的水溶液 10 mg/ml in h2o 10µg/ml in dmso 10×, ph9.5 10×, 无菌, depc处理 10×,in pbs,过滤除菌,无酶 10×,ph4.0 10×,ph9.0 10×,不含酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 10×,澄清过滤 10×,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 10×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 10(绿色)、17、25、33、43、55、70(橙红色)、95、130 10(绿色)、17、25、33、43、55、70(橙红色)、95、130、180 10,000 × in dmso 10-13 u/μl 10-150 kda 10-170 kda 10-180 kda 10-200 kda 10-250 kda 10-30 nm, 25% in h2o 10-30 units/mg protein 10-30u/mg,来源:杏仁 10-30units/mg solid 10-310kda 10-40 units/mg protein (bradford) 10-50 nm, 20% in h2o 10-80% 10.0µg/l,h2o 10.00mg/ml in h2o 10.0mg/l,h2o 10.0mg/ml,基体:纯水 10.0mol/l 介质:h2o 10.0ng/μl,基体:异辛烷 10.0ng/μl 10.1 ug/ml,基体:甲醇 u=4% 10.1114mg/ml in h2o 10.1mg/l,h2o 10.2mg/l,h2o 100 µg/ml in acetonitrile 100 µg/ml in mtbe 100 mesh,99.9% 100 mg/l, 基体: 5% hno3 100 mg/ml in ethanol 100 mg/ml, 基体: 甲醇 100 mm/ml 100 ng/ul于环己烷 100 ng/μl ,基体:乙腈 100 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 异丙醇溶液 100 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 水溶液 100 u/mg solid 100 u/mg 100 ug/ml in ethanol 100 x 20µl reactions 100 μg/ml in methanol 100 μg/ml in meoh 100 μg/ml in n-hexane 100 μg/ml, u=2%, 用于水质分析 100%(w/v) 100 mm in h2o 100 μg/ml in ethanol 100 μg/ml in methanol, ampule of 1 ml 100µg/ml, 0.1%hf 100µg/ml, 1% hno3 100µg/ml,0.01mol/l naoh 100µg/ml,1% hno3 100µg/ml,10 mol/l hno3 100µg/ml,3% hf 100µg/ml,3% hno3 100µg/ml,5% hno3 and tr. tartaric 100µg/ml,5% hno3 ,含k+ 100µg/ml,h2o,含cl- 100µg/ml,h2o,含k+ 100µg/ml 100×100mm gf254, 80 pieces/ea 100×100mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 100*200mm gf254, 40 pieces/ea 100-1000bp,10条带 100-200 mesh, 1% dvb,0.5-2.5mmol/g 100-200 mesh, extent of labeling: 1.5-2.0 mmol/g loading, 1 % cross-linked 100-200 mesh,1% dvb,0.3-0.8mmol/g 100-200 mesh,1% dvb,0.4-3.0mmol/g 100-200目,比表面积:300-550 m2/g 100-300 nm, 25% in h2o 100-3000bp,14条带 100-300nm, 99.5% metals basis 100-5000bp,9条带 1000 kda 1000 units/mg protein 1000 usp u/mg 1000 μg/ml in meoh 1000 μg/ml, 10 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml hno3 (1.0摩尔/升硝酸) 1000µg/ml, 1.0 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml, 5%hno3 1000µg/ml,0.1 mol/l naoh 1000µg/ml,0.5 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 (含k+) 1000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 and 0.1% hf 1000µg/ml,1.5 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml,2% hno3 1000µg/ml,2.5 mol/l hno3 and tr. tartaric 1000µg/ml,5.0 mol/l hno3 1000µg/ml,基体0.05 mol/l naoh 1000µg/ml,溶剂:10% hno3 10000 x in dmso 10000µg/ml,0.1 mol/l naoh 10000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 10000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 (含k+) 10000µg/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 and 0.5mol/l hf 10000µg/ml,2.5 mol/l hno3 and tr. tartaric 10000µg/ml,h2o (含cl-) 10000×,dsdna染色,pcr级,过滤除菌 10000×,蓝光适用 10000×,过滤除菌 10000× 100000 u/g 100000mg/l in methanol 100000mpa.s 100000μg/ml in carbon disulfide 10000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 10000μg/ml in acetonitrile 10000μg/ml in carbon disulfide 10000μg/ml in dichloromethane 10000μg/ml in hexane 10000μg/ml in tetrachloroethylene 10000μg/ml, 基体: 水 10000μg/ml, 溶剂: 四氯乙烯(适用于hj 637-2018) 10000μg/ml 1000g/l in h2o 1000mg/l in methanol 1000mg/l, 2.0 mol/l hno3 1000mg/l, h2o 1000mg/l, 基体: 水 1000mg/l, 基质:水 1000mg/l,基体:乙酸乙酯 1000mg/l,基体:水 1000mg/l,溶剂:二氯甲烷 1000mg/l,溶剂:甲醇 1000mg/l于叔丁基甲醚 1000u/g,固体 1000u/g,来源于黑曲霉 1000ug/ml in 2.0 mol/l hno3 1000ug/ml 介质: 0.02mol/lnaoh 1000ug/ml, h2o 1000ug/ml,1.0 mol/l hno3 and tr. hf 1000ug/ml,基体:甲醇 1000x,双抗,细胞培养适用 1000~1500mpa.s,25℃ 1000μ g/ml in acetonitrile 1000μ g/ml in methanol 1000μg/ml 基质:水 u=0.4% 1000μg/ml in (acetonitrile:water=1:1) 1000μg/ml in (methanol:acetonitrile=80:20) 1000μg/ml in (methanol:acetonitrile=95:5) 1000μg/ml in 1.0 mol/l hno3 1000μg/ml in dichloromethane, uncertainty 2% 1000μg/ml in dmf 1000μg/ml in formic acid 1000μg/ml in h2o(以三氯乙醛计) 1000μg/ml in h2o(以磷酸根计) 1000μg/ml in h2o,u=3%,以bod计 1000μg/ml in isooctane, uncertainty 2% 1000μg/ml in meoh:accn(1:1) 1000μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 1000μg/ml in methanol/dmso(4:1) 1000μg/ml in methanol:acetonitrile(1:1) 1000μg/ml in tetrachloroethylene,适用于hj637-2018 1000μg/ml in water (20℃) 1000μg/ml in water:glycerol 1000μg/ml 以bro3-计, 基质:水 u=0.6% 1000μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=2% 1000μg/ml 基质:水 u=1% 1000μg/ml 基质:水 u=0.5% 1000μg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=2% 1000μg/ml, 0.5% na2co3 1000μg/ml, 1%hno3 1000μg/ml, 1.0 mol/l 硝酸 1000μg/ml, 介质: h2o 1000μg/ml, 基体: 乙酸乙酯 1000μg/ml, 基体:乙腈 1000μg/ml, 基体:正己烷 1000μg/ml, 基体:甲醇 1000μg/ml, 基质: 甲醇 1000μg/ml, 溶于吹扫-捕集甲醇溶液中 1000μg/ml, 溶剂: 四氯乙烯(适用于hj 637-2018) 1000μg/ml, 溶剂: 正己烷 1000μg/ml, 溶剂:甲醇 1000μg/ml, 用于水质标样 1000μg/ml,0.05mol/l naoh 1000μg/ml,2%hno3(v/v) 1000μg/ml,in 1mol/l hno3 1000μg/ml,in purge and trap methanol 1000μg/ml,u=2%, 基体: h2o 1000μg/ml,u=5%, 基体: h2o 1000μg/ml,介质:h2o 1000μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 5% 1000μg/ml,基体:1.0 mol/l 硝酸 1000μg/ml,基体:10%hno3 1000μg/ml,基质:甲醇 1000μg/ml,杂质测定用(gb/t602) 1000μg/ml,溶剂:1.0 mol/l hno3 1000μg/ml,溶剂:h2o(水) 1000μg/ml,溶剂:四氯化碳 1000μg/ml,溶剂:正己烷 1000μg/ml介质: h2o 1000μs/cm (25℃) 1000分子量 1000目 1002μg/ml, 介质: h2o, 以氯计 100g/l 介质: h2o 100g/l 介质:h2o 100g/l,介质:h2o 100mg/l, 基质: h2o 100mg/l,基体: 5%hno3 100mg/l,基体:乙酸乙酯 100mg/l,基体:异辛烷 100mg/l,基体:水 100mg/l,溶剂:乙腈 100mg/l,溶剂:乙醇 100mg/l,溶剂:甲醇 100mg/l 100mg/l于甲醇 100mg/ml in dmso 100mg/ml in ethanol 100mg/ml 基质:dmf 100mg/ml 100mm in h2o,过滤除菌 100mm,ph9.0 100mm,过滤除菌 100mmol/l in h2o 100ms/cm (25℃) 100ng/ul,u(%)=2,介质:异辛烷 100nm, 0.05mg/ml, 溶剂:水 100nm,99.5% metals basis 100nm,99.5% 100ntu 100pg/μl,基体:异辛烷 100u/g, 来源于黑曲霉 100ug/ml in ethanol 100ug/ml in isooctane 100ug/ml in n-hexane 100ug/ml, 5% hno3 100ug/ml, h2o 100ug/ml, u=2%基体:甲醇 100ug/ml, 溶剂: 正己烷 100ug/ml, in methanol 100ug/ml,5% hno3 100x, 不含edta 100x,双抗,细胞培养适用 100x 100μ g/ml in ethyl acetate 100μ g/ml in hexane 100μ g/ml in methanol(free) 100μg/ml 基质:水.u=5% 100μg/ml in (methanol:dichloromethane=1:1) 100μg/ml in (methanol:water=1:1) 100μg/ml in cyclohexane, uncertainty 3% 100μg/ml in dichloromethane uncertainty 3% 100μg/ml in dmf 100μg/ml in ethanol, 98% (cp) 100μg/ml in ethanol, 不确定度3% 100μg/ml in ethyl acetate 100μg/ml in h2o(以三氯乙醛计) 100μg/ml in h2o(以磷酸根计) 100μg/ml in h2o,u=3%,以bod计 100μg/ml in h2o,以钡计 100μg/ml in isooctane, uncertainty 3% 100μg/ml in meoh:accn(1:1) 100μg/ml in methanol,for water analysis 100μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 100μg/ml in methanol:acetonitrile(1:1) 100μg/ml in petroleum ether 100μg/ml in purge and trap methanol 100μg/ml in tetrachloroethylene,适用于hj637-2018 100μg/ml in water:glycerol 100μg/ml u=3% 基体:苯 100μg/ml u=3% 基质:正己烷 100μg/ml 异辛烷溶液 100μg/ml 正己烷溶液 100μg/ml 溶剂:乙腈 100μg/ml 溶剂:环己烷 100μg/ml, 0.05% na2co3 100μg/ml, u(%)=2 , 介质:苯 100μg/ml, u(%)=2 100μg/ml, 介质:0.01% naoh水溶液 100μg/ml, 基体: 1% hf 100μg/ml, 基体: 5% hno3 100μg/ml, 基体: 乙腈 100μg/ml, 基体: 水 100μg/ml, 基体: 甲醇 100μg/ml, 基质: 甲醇 100μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 100μg/ml, 溶剂: 甲醇 100μg/ml,in acetonitrile 100μg/ml,u(%)=4基体:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=2%, 100μg/ml,u=2%,介质:乙酸乙酯 100μg/ml,u=2%,介质:异丙醇 100μg/ml,u=2%,介质:正己烷 100μg/ml,u=3%,介质:乙酸乙酯 100μg/ml,u=3%.介质:甲醇 100μg/ml,u=3%.石油醚 100μg/ml,u=4% ,,溶剂:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=4% 介质:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=4%,基体:正己烷 100μg/ml,u=4%,基体:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=5%, 基体: h2o 100μg/ml,u=5%,介质:石油醚 100μg/ml,u=5%,基体:甲醇 100μg/ml,ur=3%,基质:甲醇 100μg/ml,乙醇 100μg/ml,介质:1.0mol/l hf+1.0mol/l hno3 100μg/ml,介质:h2o 100μg/ml,介质:正己烷 100μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 5% 100μg/ml,基体: 1% hno3 100μg/ml,基体:正己烷 100μg/ml,基体:甲醇 100μg/ml,基质:甲醇 100μg/ml,溶剂:石油醚 100μg/ml;基体:甲醇 100μg/ml介质: h2o 100μg/ml介质:甲醇 100μs/cm (25℃) 100次/ea 101.0 mosmol·kg-1 101.5μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=5% 1018μg/ml in methanol 1030μg/ml in methanol 103μg/ml in methanol 104μg/ml in dmf 106g/l 106μg/ml in acetonitrile 10:1 含有表面活性剂 10:1 提纯 10:1提纯 10g/l in ethanol 10g/l in h2o,适用于gb/t 5750.5 酚盐分光光度法 10g/l 介质:h2o 10g/l,介质:h2o 10ku/ml,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 10mg/l in h2o 10mg/l in methanol 10mg/l,h2o 10mg/l,溶剂:水 10mg/l 10mg/ml in 0.9% nacl solution 10mg/ml in h2o,过滤除菌 10mg/ml in mac 10mg/ml 基质:hplc级乙醇 u=2% 10mg/ml 基质:水 u=2% 10mg/ml, 基体: 二氯甲烷 10mg/ml, 水分散液 10mg/ml,3% naoh,u=3% 10mg/ml,药典专用 10mm in ethanol 10mm in h2o, ph1.5 10mm in h2o, ph2.0 10mm in h2o, ph2.5 10mm in h2o, ph3.0 10mm in h2o, ph3.5 10mm in methanol 10mm, ph7.4, 含钠镁 10mm, ph7.4 10mm,100×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 10mm,ph5.0 10mm,ph7.4,1×,过滤及高温双重灭菌 10mm,ph8.0,无菌无酶 10mm,ph8.0 10mm,ph8.5,过滤除菌 10mmol/l, ph 8.0 10m 10ng/ul,u(%)=2,介质:无水乙醇 10ntu 10n 10ug/ml in isooctane 10wt% in heptanes 10wt% in hexanes 10wt.% in hexane,mkseal 10x,for blot washing 10x,high salt 10x,low salt 10x,ph7.0 10x,ph7.5 10x,ph8.5 10x,低盐,澄清过滤 10x,电泳适用,澄清过滤 10x10x0.5mm, polished one side, a plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished one side, c plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished one side, m plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished one side, r plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished two side, c plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished two side, m plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished two side, r plane 10x10x0.5mm, polished two sides, a plane 10x浓缩液 10x澄清过滤 10~100mg/l, 基质:甲醇 10μ g/ml in acetonitrile 10μg/ml 基质:水 u=2% 10μg/ml in acetonitrile, uncertainty 2% 10μg/ml in carbon disulfide 10μg/ml in dichloromethane 10μg/ml in dmso 10μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 10μg/ml in h2o(以磷酸根计) 10μg/ml in methanol, u=4% 10μg/ml in methanol, uncertainty 2% 10μg/ml in methanol, 不确定度4% 10μg/ml in methanol, 不确定度6% 10μg/ml in methanol,u=2% 10μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 10μg/ml in mtbe 10μg/ml in n-hexane 10μg/ml in water 10μg/ml 溶剂:乙腈 10μg/ml, 5% hno3 10μg/ml, u=3%, 基质: 甲醇 10μg/ml, 介质: h2o, 以氯计 10μg/ml, 基质: h2o 10μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 10μg/ml,u=% ,溶剂:水 10μg/ml,u=2%,介质:甲醇 10μg/ml,u=5%,基体:正己烷 10μg/ml,u=5%,基体:石油醚 10μg/ml,u=6% 介质:石油醚 10μg/ml,u=6% 介质:石油醚 10μg/ml,u=6%, 溶剂:石油醚 10μg/ml,u=7%,基体:甲醇 10μg/ml,u=7%,基体:石油醚 10μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 1μg/ml 10μg/ml,基质:甲醇 10μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 10μg/ml、100μg/ml、10μg/ml、200μg/ml、200μg/ml、50μg/ml、10μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 10μg/ml介质: h2o 10、17、25(绿色)、34、43、55、75(橙红色)、95、130、180 10片/ea 11%(v/v) in h2o 11-180 kda 11-245 kda 11.3μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 11.5% (w/v) 110 kda 110μg/ml in methanol 111mg/l, 基质: h2o 117μg/ml in carbon disulfide 11g/l, 介质: h2o 11g/l 12 x 5 reactions 12% (v/v) in h2o 12% (w/v) in h2o 12% (w/v) in water 12% zr in mineral spirits 12%(w/v) in h2o 12%,11孔,1.0mm,塑料板 12%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 12%,快速免染,过滤除菌,无酶 12%,快速电泳,过滤除菌,无酶 12%,高清免染,过滤除菌,无酶 12%,高清条带,过滤除菌 12-14% fe 12-16目 12.0-14.5% fe basis 12.1±1.1μg/l 12.5mmol/l 介质:h2o 12.6mg/l,h2o 12.88ms/cm (25℃) 12.88μs/cm (25℃) 1200ug/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=2% 1200μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 1203us/cm, 符合gb/t27502-2011 120g/l in h2o 120g/l, 介质: h2o 120mg/l 120μg/ml 125 cst 1250(11um) 12500目,气相法 1250目,沉淀法 12g/l in h2o 12ku/g 12μg/ml in h2o 12醇:14醇=70:30,moa-3 12醇:14醇=70:30,moa-5 12醇:14醇=70:30,moa-9 13%于四氢呋喃中, 约0.8mol/l 13-14% active oxygen 13.5-18.5% fe basis 130±10 mpa.s 1300℃高温还原, 平均径向尺寸: 5-8umd50<20um 130u/mg 13x 14 s,丁醛基43-50% 14% (w/w) in h2o 14% in methanol,mkseal 14% solution in h2o 14%,ph7.4 14.3mg/l,h2o 14.4-116 kda 14.5 - 16% wt.% 磷 14.6μg/ml, 溶剂: 四氯化碳 14.7mg/l,h2o 140.4μs/cm 1402μs/cm 1408μs/cm (25℃) 140g/l in h2o 1413μs/cm (25℃) 1420.55μg/ml in methanol 143 units/mg protein 143.5us/cm 1453.62μg/ml in methanol 147.4μs/cm(25°c) 1488mg/l 148μg/ml in carbon disulfide 15 units/mg solid 15 wt. % in h2o 15% (v/v) in h2o 15% (w/v) in h2o 15% (w/v)in h2o 15% in pb 15% mo 15%(v/v)in iso-propyl alcohol(异丙醇) 15%(w/v) in h2o 15%(w/v) 15%,快速免染,过滤除菌,无酶 15%,快速电泳, 15%,高清免染,过滤除菌,无酶 15%,高清条带,过滤除菌 15%于丙二醇中,约1.2mol/l 15%于四氢呋喃中, 约1.2mol/l 15%全水溶 15%水胶体分散液 15, 20, 25, 35, 50, 70(橙红色), 100, 130 15-120 kda 15-130 kda 15-20 wt. % in h2o, ≥99.99% trace metals basis 15-30 units/mg protein (in the presence of 0.03 mm ca2+ and a saturating level (10 units per ml) of calmodulin (p2277)), lyophilized powder 15-30nm, 4mg/ml in h2o 15-30nm, 5mg/ml in h2o 15-50 mesh 15-s-30型 15-s-40型, 70% aqueous solution 15-s-7型 15.0 g/l葡萄糖,无氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无碳酸氢钠, 无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 15.0 g/l葡萄糖,无氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无碳酸氢钠, 无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 15.0-18.0 s,丁醛基40-45% 15.0mg/l in h2o, 以硫酸根计 15.6µg/l,h2o 150 kda 150 units/mg protein(biuret),lyophilized powder 150-200目 150000 u/g 150000u/g 1500mpa.s 1500u/g 1500~2500mpa.s,25℃ 1500μg/ml 150g/l in h2o 150nm, 99.9%, α型 150u/mg,typei,来源于兔肌 150μg/ml in methanol 150μg/ml 150μm 150μs/cm (25℃) 153mg/l, 基质: h2o 153μg/ml in methanol 159.9μg/ml in h2o 15cm或更小, 99.999% metals basis 15g/l,介质: 0.2mol/l氢氧化钾 15g/l,介质:h2o 15g/l 15mg/l,h2o 15mg/ml 15mpa.s 15wt.% in h2o 15μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 15μs/cm (25℃) 16% in h2o 16.5%(w/v), stabilized 16.5%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 16.5%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 16.5mg/l in h2o, 以硫酸根计 1600μg/ml in methanol 160μg/ml in h2o 165.0μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 1650 u/mg 165μg/ml 基质:水 u=1% 166.7μg/ml in mtbe 16g/l in ethanol 16μg/ml in h2o 17 units/mg protein 17% (v/v) in h2o 17%,ph7.0 17-23%钒 17.6 mg/l,h2o 17.75μg/ml,h2o 170u/mg protein 175.3μg/ml in mtbe 176mg/l 178μg/ml in h2o 17g/l 18 wt%二甲苯溶液 18 wt. % in h2o,含5-8% 甲醇稳定剂 18-22mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 18.2mω,过滤及高温双重灭菌,pcr适用 18.8μg/ml, 溶剂: 正己烷 180-220mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 180μg/ml in h2o 180μg/ml in methanol 185 usp units/mg 188ppb(±78ppb) 189units/mg protein 18nm,18 wt% 19%-21%水溶液 19-117 kda 19-23% ce basis 19.2mg/l in h2o, 以硫酸根计 19.3m in h2o 19.98μg/ml in methanol 19.9mg/l in h2o 1900μg/ml,h2o 191.6mg/l in h2o 194.5mg/l,h2o 195.0μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 199.9 mosmol·kg-1 19mm 或更小, 99% metals basis 1:1.5 1:1.5型 1:10000 1:15000 1:1比例 1:1水溶液 1:250 1:2水溶液 1:3000 1:3水溶液 1:4水溶液 1g/l in methanol 1g/l in water 1g/l, 介质: 乙醇 1g/l乙二醇溶液 1g/l水溶液 1m in methf 1m in water 1m lipf6 in ec:dec=1:1 vol% with 10% fec 1m lipf6 in fec:femc:hfe=1:1:1 wt% 1m solution in benzyl alcohol, mkseal 1m solution in thf, mkseal 1m thf 1m, ph=1.75 1m,pcr级 1m,ph4.0 1m,ph4.5 1m,ph4.7-4.8 1m,ph5.0 1m,ph6.0 1m,ph6.8,过滤除菌,无酶 1m,ph7.0-7.4,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 1m,ph7.3 1m,ph7.8,无rnase 1m,ph7.8 1m,ph8.8,过滤除菌,无酶 1m,无rnase 1m,过滤除菌,无酶 1mg/l,溶剂:水 1mg/l 1mg/ml (1,000ppm) 1mg/ml ,用于水质分析 1mg/ml in carbon disulfide 1mg/ml in dichloromethane 1mg/ml in dimethyl sulfoxide 1mg/ml in dmso 1mg/ml in h2o(cp) 1mg/ml in mac 1mg/ml in meoh 1mg/ml in mes-buffered saline 1mg/ml in methanol,for water analysis 1mg/ml in methanol 1mg/ml in triacetin 1mg/ml in water 1mg/ml 基体:甲醇 1mg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=2% 1mg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=2% 1mg/ml 基质:dmf 1mg/ml 基质:乙醇 1mg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 1mg/ml(以氯计),锅炉水专用试剂 1mg/ml, 基体: 二氯甲烷 1mg/ml, 基体: 石油醚 1mg/ml, 基体:冰乙酸 1mg/ml,h2o 1mg/ml,基体:异辛烷 1mg/ml,基质:甲醇,用于水分析 1mg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 1mg/ml的甲醇溶液,用于水质分析 1mg水/ml, 测含微量水分样品 1ml可灭活120,000单位的青霉素,从蜡状芽孢杆菌所得,冷冻干燥粉末 1mm 直径, 99.998% metals basis 1mm-1.6mm,干燥剂用 1mol/l in pb 1mol/l thf溶液 1mol/l 介质: h2o 1mol/l 介质: 乙醇 1mol/l 介质:h2o 1mol/l, ph=3.0 1mol/l, ph=3.5 1mol/l, ph=4.5 1mol/l, ph=5.0 1mol/l, ph=5.1 1mol/l, ph=5.2 1mol/l, ph=5.3 1mol/l, ph=5.4 1mol/l, ph=5.5 1mol/l, ph=5.6 1mol/l, ph=5.7 1mol/l, ph=5.8 1mol/l, 基体: h2o 1mol/l,介质:h2o 1u/ul,无核糖核酸酶活性 1wt. % loading(dry basis), 4-8mesh, (wetted with ca. 60% water) 1x, ph 7.5 1x, ph 9.5 1x,ph4.5 1x,ph7.2-7.4,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 1x,过滤除菌 1μg/ml in methanol 1μg/ml in water 1μg/ml, 5% hno3 1μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 1μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 0.1μg/ml 1μm 2 % cross-linked with divinylbenzene 2 g/l, 介质: h2o 2 m in thf, mkseal 2 mg/l in methanol 2 wt. % in h2o 2% (v/v) in h2o 2% (w/v) in ethanol 2% (w/w) in h2o 2% in water 2% pd basis 2% solution, dmso and lithium acetate buffer, ph 5.2 2%(w/v) in h2o 2%(w/v) in methanol 2%(w/v)in water,含5% ki 2%(w/v)in water 2%, ph7.0 2%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tae 2%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tbe 2%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae,rnase free 2%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae 2%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tbe,rnase free 2%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tbe 2%,ph4.2 2%/2.5% 2%pd 2%粘度: 20-30mpa.s 2%粘度: 25~150mpa.s, 25℃ 2%粘度:100000mpa.s 2%粘度:6mpa.s,甲氧基:28-30%;羟丙基:7.0-12% 2 m in thf 2µm 2×,red 2×,变性,过滤除菌 2×,含dtt,过滤除菌,无酶 2×,含巯基还原剂,过滤除菌,无酶 2×,无气味还原剂,过滤除菌,无酶 2×,染料法,低rox 2×,染料法,独立rox 2×,染料法,高rox 2×,染料法 2×,过滤除菌 2×,还原型,过滤除菌,无酶 2×,非还原型,过滤除菌,无酶 2-3 mm,干燥剂用 2-3mm,球形 2-5kb,7条带,过滤除菌 2-5mm (0.08-0.20in) 直径, 99.9999% (metals basis) 2-5um/99.5% 2-5μm,元素分析仪专用 2.0 m in dmf 2.0 m in h2o 2.0 m in methylene chloride, mkseal 2.0 m in thf/n-heptane ethylbenzene, mkseal 2.0 m in thf 2.0 m solution in hexane, mkseal 2.0 m solution in hexanes 2.0 m solution in thf ,mkseal 2.0 m solution in thf 2.0 mg/ml in methanol 2.0-2.6 meq/g 2.00 m in h2o 2.00g/l in pbs 2.00mg/l,h2o 2.00mg/ml,基体:甲醇 2.00mol/l 介质:h2o 2.09mg/l,h2o 2.0m in thf 2.0m solution in thf, mkseal 2.0m,ph7.0 2.0m,ph7.4 2.0m,ph7.5 2.0m,ph8.0 2.0mm 厚,99.9985% metals basis 2.0mm 直径, 99.999% metals basis 2.0mm直径, 99.999% metals basis 2.0m 2.0代 固体 2.1 ppm(±0.2ppm) 2.17μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 2.24ppm(±0.1ppm) 2.25g/l in pbs 2.2m in hexane ,mkseal 2.3 mol/l in h2o 2.35mg/l, h2o 2.41μg/ml in ethanol 2.49mg/l,h2o 2.4mg/ml 2.5 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 2.5 m solution in hexanes, mkseal 2.5 m solution in thf, mkseal 2.5% (v/v) in h2o 2.5% in etoh 2.5% in h2o 2.5%(v/v) in h2o 2.5%,介质: h2o 2.50g/l in pbs 2.5g/l in h2o 2.5m (30 wt%) in thf 2.5m 2.5u/μl,热启动 2.5代 固体 2.63 mg/l 2.7 wt % dispersion in h2o, low-conductivity grade 2.75g/l in pbs 2.8 m in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 2.8 m solution in 2-methyl-thf, mkseal 2.88μg/ml, 5% hno3 2.92ug/l,h2o 2.93ppm(±0.2ppm) 20 mol% trfe 20 nm, 5mg/ml in cyclohexane, 含约0.6%油酸修饰 20 s,丁醛基43-50% 20 u/μl 20 wt. % in ethanol 20 wt. % in mixture of lower aliphatic alcohols and water, contains 34% water 20 wt. % suspension in thf 20 wt. % 正丙醇溶液 20 wt. % 水溶液, 600-900 cp (25°c) 20 wt. %正丁醇溶液 20 μg/ml in aqueous 17μm acetic acid(ph5) 20% (v/v) in h2o 20% (w/v) in h2o 20% (w/w) in h2o 20% in c6h5cl 20% in pb 20% in tetrahydrofuran, mkseal 20% in water, for direct count for bacteria, yeast, and mold 20% in water 20% pd(oh)2 20% solution in etoh, mkseal 20% w/w in h2o 20% w/w乙醇溶液 20%(brij-30) in h2o 20%(brij-35) in h2o 20%(w/v) solution in thf, stabilized with 100ppm bht 20%(w/v)异丙醇溶液 20%, 介质: h2o 20%, 过滤除菌 20%,cod≥17万mg/l 20%,ph7.2 20%-26% in h2o 20% 20%全水溶 20%甲醇溶液,~20% in methanol (t) 20%甲醇溶液 20%的苯溶液 20×,ph:7.0 20×100mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 20× 20-100nt 20-25 wt. % in h2o 20-25% 乙醇溶液 20-30 units/mg protein 20-30nm,99.99% metals basis 20-30目,元素分析仪专用 20-40 mesh 20-40 目 20-40目, gc 20-40目 20-50 mesh 20-50mesh 20-50目 20.1μg/ml in h2o 20.22μg/ml 20.8mg/l,h2o 200 u/g 200µg/ml,h2o 200×200mm af254, 20 pieces/ea 200×200mm gf254, 16 pieces/ea 200×200mm gf254, 20 pieces/ea 200-300 u/mg 200-300 目 200-300mg/l,基体:甲醇 200-300目, 疏水性 200-400 mesh, extent of labeling: 1.5-2.0 mmol/g loading, 2 % cross-linked 200-400 目 (h) 200-600μm 200-hr, mw range 5-250 kda (globular proteins), mw range 1-80 kda (dextrans) 200.0μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 2000 kda 2000 u/ml 2000 目 2000 μg/ml in dichloromethane 200000mpa.s 200000μg/ml in h2o 20000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 20000u/mg 20000μg/ml in acetonitrile 20000μg/ml in methanol 20000μg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=0.5% 20000μg/ml 2000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 2000mg/l,溶剂:乙醇 2000mg/l,溶剂:二氯甲烷 2000ng/ul,基体:甲醇 2000u/g, 来自牛 2000u/g,液体 2000u/mg 2000μg/ml in dichloromethane, uncertainty 2% 2000μg/ml in formic acid 2000μg/ml in h2o 2000μg/ml in hexane 2000μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 2000μg/ml in purge and trap methanol 2000μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=1% 2000μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=2% 2000μg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=2% 2000μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 2000μg/ml 2000μs/cm (25℃) 200g/l, 介质: h2o 200mg/l in methanol 200mg/l,溶剂:乙醇 200mg/ml in h2o 200nm, 气相法 200nm,99% 200nm,99.5% metals basis 200nm 200u/mg,来源于地衣芽孢杆菌 200u/mg 200u/ul 200ug/ml in isooctane 200unit/mg solid 200μg/ml in (ethyl acetate:methanol=95:5) 200μg/ml in carbon disulfide 200μg/ml in dichloromethane 200μg/ml in h2o,u=3%,以bod计 200μg/ml in h2o 200μg/ml in isooctane 200μg/ml in methanol, uncertainty 3% 200μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 200μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=5% 200μg/ml, 溶剂: 正己烷 200μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 200μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 200μg/ml,介质:h2o 200μg/ml,介质:甲醇 200μg/ml、50 μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 200目, 未煅烧, 未酸洗 200目,粉末状,褐色 200目,粉末状 201mg/l,用于水质分析 201μs/cm 205 usp units/mg 20g/l,基体: h2o 20ku/mg,生物技术级 20mg/l in methanol 20mg/l, 基质: h2o 20mg/l,溶剂:乙醇 20mg/ml in ethanol 20mg/ml,h2o 20mm, ph7.2-7.4 20nm 球形,99.5%,γ型 20nm-100nm,99.9% metals basis 20nm-50nm 球形,99.5% 20nm~160nm,100od(±5od) in h2o 20ntu 20u/mg 20u/ul 20ug/ml in isooctane 20ug/ml,基体:甲醇 20x, ph7.2 20x,ph7.0 20~30 nm 粒径, 30 wt. % 异丙醇溶液 20~30 nm 粒径, 30 wt. % 水溶液 20μg/l in h2o(以氮计) 20μg/l in water 20μg/ml in carbon disulfide 20μg/ml in h2o(cp) 20μg/ml in hexane 20μg/ml, 基体: 甲醇 20μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 20次/ea 20目 21.4mg/l, 基质:水 214g/l, 介质: h2o 218mv 22%-25% w/v in isopropanol 22-25% aqueous solution 22.5%水溶液 22.5g/l, 介质: h2o 22.6mg/l,h2o 220g/l, 介质: h2o 22mm (0.9in) 直径, 99% (metals basis), sr ≤0.8% 23.2mg/l 23.8mg/l,h2o 230.0μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 230μg/ml介质: h2o 238.0μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 23g/l,介质: 0.2mol/l氢氧化钾 24% (w/v) in h2o 24% in tetrahydrofuran, mkseal 24%(w/v) in h2o 24-28 wt. % in h2o 24-60 cst 24.0 g/l 葡萄糖,碳酸氢钠, 无氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 24.0 g/l 葡萄糖,碳酸氢钠, 无氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 24.7mg/l,溶剂:水 2400分子量 240g/l in h2o,适用于gb/t 5750.5 酚盐分光光度法 248μg/ml in methanol 25 mol% trfe 25 ug/ml in acetonitrile 25 ug/ml in methanol 25 wt. % in h2o, mkseal 25 wt. % in hexanes 25 wt.% 水溶液 25 μg/ml in acetonitrile 25% (v/v) in h2o 25% (v/v) in h2o 25% (w/w) in h2o, analytical reagent grade 25% aqueous solution 25% bovine serum albumin, ≥200 units/mg protein (enzyme + bsa) 25% in h2o,mkseal 25% in meoh 25% in methanol 25% solids in h2o 25% w/w in 1-methoxy-2-propanol 25% w/w in hexane 25% in isopropanol 25%(v/v) in h2o 25%(w/v) 25%,cod≥20万mg/l 25%与二乙烯基苯交联 25%全水溶 25%的吡啶溶液,约1.2mol/l 25×100mm gf254, 320 pieces/ea 25×100mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 25×50mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 25×80mm gf254, 320 pieces/ea 25-30 mpa·s 25-30 wt. % 水溶液 250 ug/ml in ethanol 250-12000bp,13条带 250-500u/mg, 来源于莱克曼尼乳杆菌 250-750u/mg, 来源于球形红假单胞菌 250-850μm 2500mg/l in methanol 2500μg/ml 250g/l in h2o 250g/l 介质: h2o 250g/l, 介质: h2o 250g/l,基体: h2o 250mg/ml in h2o 250~450mpa.s,25℃ 250μg/ml in h2o 250μg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=3% 250μg/ml,h2o 250μg/ml,介质:h2o 251μg/ml in methanol 255μg/ml 基质:水 u=3% 25cst,40℃ 25g/l, 介质: h2o 25mg/5ml in pbs,非磁性,1um 25mg/l in h2o 25mg/ml 基质:hplc级乙醇 u=0.5% 25mg/ml, 无菌 25mg/ml 25mm,ph4.0 25mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌,pcr适用 25u/mg protein 25u/mg 25wt.% in d2o, 99 atom % d 25μg/ml in h2o 25μg/ml,h2o 26.6mg/l,h2o 2600~3300mpa.s,25℃ 260g/l 266μg/ml in methanol 27% 乙酸乙酯溶液 27-31% h2so4 basis, for the detection of h2o2 and ether peroxides 27.8mg/l, 基质: h2o 270-330mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 272g/l 2750 iu/mg 275mg/l 27g/l in h2o 28 kda (sds-page) 28% in water solution 28% in water 28% k2o,粉末 28%-33% in water 28.4μs/cm 2800℃高温还原, 平均径向尺寸: 5-8umd50<20um 280万iu/g 288mg/l, 基质: h2o 29 kd (sds-page) 29.1μg/ml in carbon disulfide 29.3µg/l,h2o 299.5 mosmol·kg-1 299μg/ml in dmf 2g/l, 介质: 乙醇 2g/l 2m (1:1, ph 6.5) 2m in thf 2m,ph4.5-6.5 2m,ph7.0,过滤除菌,无酶 2m,无菌无酶 2m:2m in h2o 2mg/ml in dichloromethane 2mg/ml in h2o,u=3% 2mg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=2% 2mg/ml 基质:乙醇 2mg/ml(cp) 2mg/ml, 基体: 乙腈 2mg/ml, 基体: 二氯甲烷 2mg/ml, 基体:无水乙醇 2mg/ml 2mol/l in methanol 2mol/l in pb 2mol/l, 介质: h2o 2mol/l,基体: h2o, 适用于分子生物学 2mol/l介质: h2o 2wt% in pbs 2x, 含蓝染料 2x, 非还原性 2x,for transfection 2x,ph 3-10 2x,ph 7.5 2x,ph 9.5 2x,ph7.4 2x,还原型 2x,非还原型 2μg/ml in carbon disulfide 2μg/ml in methanol 2μg/ml, 介质: h2o(cp) 2μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 2μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 0.1μg/ml 2μm,医用研究级 2万u/g 3 m in h2o 3 wt. % in h2o 3 wt.% 基体:丙二醇 3% (w/w) in h2o 3% nh3 in h2o 3% pd,reduced,50%-60% water-wet paste 3%(w/v) in h2o 3%(w/v) in methanol 3%, ph7.0 3%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tae 3%,15孔,10*10cm,5mm,tbe 3%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm tbe,rnase free 3%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae,rnase free 3%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tae 3%,8孔,6*6cm,5mm,tbe 3%pd 3%全水溶 3%无塑化剂 3%无苯并芘 3%水溶液 3%溶液 3-20 units/mg protein 3-5 mm,干燥剂用 3-5mm,吸附剂,催化剂及载体 3-5mm,干燥剂用 3-5mm,球形 3-5mmol/g 3-7mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 3-8%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 3-8%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 3.0 m in thf, mkseal 3.0 m solution in 2-methyl-thf, mkseal 3.0 m solution in thf, mkseal 3.0-15.0 units/mg protein 3.0-5.0 s,丁醛基40-45% 3.0-5.0mm,元素分析仪专用 3.00g/l in pbs 3.00mol/l 介质:h2o 3.02mg/l,h2o 3.0m 3.0代 粘稠液体 3.175mm 直径 x 3.175mm 长, 99.9999% (metals basis) 3.175mm 直径 x 3.175mm 长,99.9999% metals basis 3.175mm 直径 x 6.35mm 长, 99.95% (metals basis去除ta) 3.28mg/l,h2o 3.3-20.1 kda 3.3-31.0 kda 3.3mol/l(3.3n) 3.4 m solution in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, mkseal 3.4µm 3.405mol/l,溶剂h2o 3.5 s,丁醛基43-50% 3.5%溶液 3.55mg/l,h2o 3.56ug/ml,基体:甲醇 3.57m in h2o 3.58 μg/ml,基体:甲醇 3.5g/l 介质: h2o 3.5mol/l(50wt.%)inthf 3.5代 固体 3.60μg/ml,基体:甲醇 3.6g/l in h2o 3.7% in h2o 3.8% in h2o 3.81mg/l,h2o 3.8μg/ml, 基质: h2o 3.95mg/l,h2o 3.97ug/ml,基体:甲醇,u=2.7%(k=2) 30 mol% trfe 30 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 异丙醇溶液 30 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 水溶液 30 units/mg 30 wt%甲醇溶液(ca. 5mol/l) 30% (v/v) in h2o 30% (w/w) in h2o, analytical reagent grade 30% (w/w) in h2o 30% in pb 30% solution in h2o 30% w/w 水溶液 30% 水溶液 30%(brij-35) in h2o 30%(w/v) 30%, 介质: h2o 30%,29:1,过滤除菌,无酶 30%,39:1 30%,cod≥25万mg/l 30%,ph 2~3(1%溶液) 30%,ph 6.8~8.5(1%溶液) 30%-32.5%活性含量(以edtmp.na计) 30%乙二醇溶液 30%全水溶 30%甲醇溶液 30%碳纤增强材料 30±2% in h2o 30,000u/l,液体 30-35 wt. % in 200#paint solvent 30-35% in  water 30-35% 30-40 wt. % in d2o, 98 atom % d 30-50nm 30-60 目 30.5mg/l in h2o 30.5μg/ml, 溶剂: 四氯化碳 30.6-39.0%cu 30.6ug/l,h2o 300µg/ml,h2o 300,000u/g 3000 目 3000(5um) 30000 u/g,来源于杏仁粉 3000ppm 3000μg/ml in h2o 300g/l in h2o 300ng/μl 300u/mg, from bovine pancreas 300u/mg,生物技术级 300μg/ml 基质:乙醇.u=1% 300μg/ml in h2o 300μg/ml介质: h2o 300目,99% 30g/l, 介质: h2o 30mg/l in h2o 30mg/ml in h2o 30mg/ml 30nm 球形 纯度:99% trace metals basis 30nm 球形 纯度≥97% trace metals basis 30nm 球形,99.5%,α型 30nm,18 wt% 30nm,20 wt.% 异丙醇 30nm,30 wt. % 1,2-丙二醇单甲醚乙酸酯溶液 30nm,98%,α型 30nm,99.5% 30ntu 30u/µl 30μg/ml in h2o(以磷计) 30μg/ml in h2o 30μg/ml 30目,98% 30目 31% in h2o 31.5μg/ml, 介质: h2o, 以氯化铵计 31wt.% phthalyl 32%,30:2,过滤除菌,无酶 32%-34% 活性含量(以碱计) 32%溶液 32-36% 320μg/ml介质: h2o 322μg/ml、1.85μg/ml、27.6μg/ml、306μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 325ku/g 325目, 99.5% metals basis 325目,沉淀法 32mm±2mm 32μg/ml介质: h2o 33 wt.% in acetic acid 33 wt.% solution in acetic acid, mkseal 33% in h2o, 99% (dry basis) 33% in water 33%(w/v) in h2o 33% 33-35% tio2 33.0-40.0% 33.1-33.5% in dipropyleneglycol 33.1-33.5% in monoethyleneglycol 33.5-36.0% 33.7μg/ml, 溶剂: 四氯化碳 34-40%ca 34.0mg/l,h2o 3400~5000mpa.s,25℃ 343g/l in h2o 34ug/l,h2o 35 wt. % in h2o, mkseal 35 μg/ml 异辛烷 35 μg/ml于异辛烷 35% (w/w) in h2o 35% pt basis 35%(w/v) in h2o 35%-39%(以bhmtpmpa计) 35%-40% in water, 模数:3.3-3.5 35-39% 35.0 g/l葡萄糖,无氯化钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 35.0 g/l葡萄糖,无氯化钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 3500 units/mg 3500u/mg,生物技术级 35g/l in h2o 35g/l, 介质: h2o 35ug/ml in isooctane 35μg/l in h2o 35μg/ml in h2o 35μg/ml in hexane 36 wt. % in h2o 36%,固体 36% 36.0-40.0% ru basis 36μg/ml in h2o 37 wt. % in h2o,含10-15% 甲醇稳定剂 37 wt. % in h2o 37.1g/ml in h2o 37.7ug/l,h2o 372g/l in h2o 37μg/ml in isooctane 38% emulsion in h2o, <0.5 μm particle size 38% in h2o 38-42% aqueous solution 38-75μm ,60Å,c含量15-19% 380g/l 39-44% b2o3 basis, 31-37% cao basis, powder 39.86μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=3% 392.8mg/l in h2o 395μg/ml,基体:甲醇 399.6 mosmol·kg-1 3:1 3a 3g/l in ethanol 3g/l in h2o 3g/l, 基体: 95%乙醇 3m, 介质: h2o 3m,ph4.5 3m,ph5.2,过滤除菌 3m,ph5.2 3m,ph5.5 3mg/l,溶剂:水 3mg/ml in carbon disulfide 3mg/ml in h2o 3mg/ml, 用于蛋白免疫印迹法 3mm in dmso 3mol/l in meoh 3mol/l(3n) in h2o 3mol/l介质: h2o 3x 3万u/g 4 % (w/v) (prepared from copper (ii) sulfate pentahydrate) 4 mm in h2o 4 wt. % in h2o 4% (v/v) in 70% ethanol 4% (w/v) (40 g/l) in h2o 4% ca 4%(w/v) in h2o 4%,in h2o 4%/0.5% 4%/1% 4%/2.5% 4%多聚甲醛,溶剂:pbs 4%水溶液 4%溶液 4×,含dtt,tris-acetate电泳 4×,含dtt,过滤除菌,无酶 4×,非还原,过滤除菌,无酶 4,000 u/ml 4-12%,11孔,1.0mm,塑料板 4-12%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 4-20%,11孔,1.0mm,塑料板 4-20%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 4-6mm,99.999% metals basis 4-8 mmol/g 4-苯乙烯磺酸:马来酸(摩尔比率1:1) 4.00% (w/w) in h2o 4.00mg/l in water 4.00mol/l 介质:h2o 4.02μg/ml in h2o 4.08µg/ml,基体:甲醇 4.0代,粘稠液体 4.15mg/l,h2o 4.15mm厚, 99.99% metals basis 4.34mg/l,h2o 4.3ug/l,h2o 4.40μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 4.44μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 4.5%(active oxygen) 4.5-5.5 wt% 4.5-6.5% (al) 4.58μg/ml,h2o 4.5μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 4.5代 固体 4.76% (v/v) in h2o 4.78μg/ml,基体: 硫化锌胶体 4.82μg/ml in h2o 4.85mg/l,h2o 4.91ug/l,h2o 4.97mg/l,h2o 4.99mg/l,h2o 40 cst 40 kda 40 s,丁醛基43-50% 40 wt. % in h2o (8.8 m) 40 wt. % in h2o, 含0.01%的乙酸铵阻聚剂 40 wt. % in methanol, contains (3-chloropropyl)trimethoxysilane 40 wt. %正丁醇溶液 40 wt.% in h2o, mkseal 40 wt.% in h2o 40 wt.% solution in meoh, mkseal 40 wt.% solution in methanol,mkseal 40% (w/v) in h2o 40% (w/w) in h2o, analytical reagent grade 40% (w/w) in h2o 40% 2-乙基己酸溶液(8-12% sr) 40% in ethanol,mkseal 40% in pb 40% w/w in hexanes 40% w/w in mineral spirits, 6% mn 40% w/w in water 40% w/w 水溶液 40% w/w水溶液 40% 水溶液,即 2.6mol/l 40%(w/w) in h2o 40%, contain sodium sulfate 40%,19:1,过滤除菌,无酶 40%,37.5:1,过滤除菌,无酶 40%,澄清过滤 40%,熔点54.0-57.0℃ 40%溶液,电子级 40%溶液,蛋白组学级 40%甲醇溶液 40 μg/ml (50:50 acn:water) 40-120目,比表面积:350-400 m2/g 40-47%mgo 40-50nm, ≥99.95% metals basis 40-60%,工业级 40-60u/mg 40-60目 gc 40-60目,c1-c4烃类分析 40-60目,乙烃,hcl分析 40-60目,气体烃,甲醇中水等分析 40-60目,较高沸点样品分析 40-63µm,60Å 40-75μm ,70Å,bet:480m2/g 40.0 - 50.0 %甲醇溶液 40.0%, 优级试剂 40.0% 40.5%-42.5% pb 40.5μg/ml,h2o 400 目 400µg/ml,h2o 400-2,000 units/mg protein 400-600micron 400.5 mosmol·kg-1 4000-5000 cps (60°c) 40000mpa.s 40000u/g 40000u/mg 4000ntu 4000u/g 4000μg/ml in dichloromethane 4000μg/ml in methanol 4000μg/ml in purge and trap methanol 4000μg/ml,h2o 4000μg/ml 400g/l in h2o,适用于gb/t 5750.5 酚盐分光光度法 400g/l 400mpa.s 400u/mg protein 400u/mg, 生物技术级 400μg/ml in h2o 400μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 400μg/ml,h2o 400μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 5% 400℃高温还原, 平均径向尺寸: 5-8umd50<20um 400目,粉末状 40g/l, 介质: naoh, 适用于hj 636-2012 40mg/ml in h2o 40mg/ml 40mpa.s 40nm,99.5% metals basis 40nm,99.5% 40u/μl 40wt%, dmf-dmso(3:1)混合溶剂 40μg/ml in (acetonitrile:water=1:1) 40μg/ml in purge and trap methanol 40μg/ml,h2o 414.33μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 415g/l in h2o 417g/l, 介质: h2o 41mv 42 mg/ml in buffer solution 42% 42%~46% khso5 basis 43.2-47.6% methacrylic acid basis (calc. on dried substance) 43.6%(wt) in dichloromethane 430g/l 430mv 44 wt. % in h2o 44% 44-50% 44.9µg/l,h2o 4400u/mg 45 mol% trfe 45% (w/w) in h2o, with 5 ppm iron 45% fecl3 basis in h2o 45% in pb 45%-50% 活性组分 45%-55% 45%的水溶液 45-50%, soluble in isobutanol 45-55 %(w/w) in h2o, ≥98 atom % 13c, ≥98%(cp) 45-55 wt. % in h2o 45-55% in water 45-55mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 45-60%, mixture of isomers 45.0 - 50.0% 4500-5500 cps(2% in h2o, 25°c) 4500mg/l 基质:水 u=1% 450mpa.s 455μg/ml in methanol 45g/l in h2o 45mg/ml in h2o 45um,-325 目, 99.9% metals basis 45wt.% aqueous solution 46% 46.2mg/l 46.3μg/ml in carbon disulfide 460μg/mg 460μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 46g/l, 介质: h2o 47%-53%(以酸计) 47% 47-49°c 47.5μg/ml in mtbe 48% bf3, mkseal 48% 48-50% ni basis 200-250目 48-50% ni basis,150μm 48-50% ni basis,40μm 48-50% ni basis,425-850um 48-50% ni basis,50μm 48-50% ni basis,60μm 48-50%溶液 48.2μg/ml in ethanol 48.8μg/ml in carbon disulfide 48.9mg/l,h2o 48.9μg/ml in isooctane 480g/l 48wt. % in h2o, 优级试剂, 适用于分析, acs,iso,reag. ph eur 48wt. % in h2o,≥99.99% trace metals basis 48wt. % in h2o 48~50% au basis 49 wt. % in 2-ethylhexanoic acid 49 wt. % in hexane, ce: 12% 49-53 wt. % in h2o 49.5%,3%c,过滤除菌,无酶 49.5%,6%c,过滤除菌,无酶 496mg/l 499μg/ml in mtbe 49g/l in h2o 4a 4g/l 4g/l乙二醇溶液 4g/l水溶液 4m in h2o 4mg/l,h2o 4mg/ml in dmso 4mg/ml in h2o 4mm-6mm,干燥剂用 4mol/l in h2o 4n,靶材专用 4x, ph8 4x, 还原性 4x, 非还原性 4x,ph 3-7 4x,ph7.4 4μg/ml in h2o(以磷酸根计) 4μg/ml in h2o 4μg/ml,h2o 4代,粘稠液体 4种套装 5 % 溶液 5 m, pcr reagent 5 s,丁醛基43-50% 5 wt. % in mixture of lower aliphatic alcohols and water, contains 45% water 5% (w/v) in h2o 5% carboxyl basis 5% in h2o(cp),适用于己二酰肼含量测定 5% in pbs(ph=7.4) 5% in pb 5% on carbon black (surfactant and reactant-free) 5% pd, 50-70% wetted powder 5% pt, 99.95% metals basis 5% w/v in ethanol 5% w/v in isopropanol 5% w/w乙醇溶液 5%(v/v) in h2o 5%(w/v) in water 5%, ph7.0 5%, 介质: h2o 5%,5%,过滤除菌,无酶 5%-10% in ethanol, mkseal 5%pd 5%全水溶 5%无塑化剂 5%无苯并芘 5%的水溶液 5%载量,粉末 5µg/ml, h2o 5×,含dtt,过滤除菌,无酶 5×,无气味还原剂,过滤除菌,无酶 5×,澄清过滤 5×,过滤除菌,无酶 5×,过滤除菌 5×,非变性,过滤除菌 5×,预混粉末 5-10 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 异丙醇溶液 5-10 nm 粒径, 20 wt. % 水溶液 5-10%, for esterification 5-10 units/mg protein 5-10nm,自分散 5-10μm,元素分析仪专用 5-245 kda 5-30 units/ml 5-和6-异构体混合物 97%生物技术级 5.0 m in 1 m naoh 5.0-6.0m in decane, mkseal 5.00 n in h2o 5.00mol/l in h2o 5.00mol/l 介质:h2o 5.02ug/ml, 基体:甲醇 5.0m in h2o 5.0代,粘稠液体 5.11mg/l,h2o 5.15mg/l in h2o 5.18mg/l,h2o 5.20-5.90μm 5.26μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 5.30μg/ml in water 5.49mg/l,h2o 5.4mg/l,1-5层 5.5 g/l 葡萄糖,无碳酸氢钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无ht添加剂,无酚红,无氯化钠,干粉,细胞培养适用 5.5μg/ml in h2o 5.6% in h2o 50 kda 50 mg/ml in acetonitrile 50 mg/ml in ethanol 50 mg/ml in water 50 mosmol·kg-1 50 wt%己烷溶液 50 wt. % in h2o, 99% trace metals basis 50 wt. % in h2o, 99.9% trace metals basis 50 wt. % in mineral spirits 50 wt. % in pentane 50 wt. % in propylene carbonate 50 wt. % 水溶液 50 wt. %二氯甲烷溶液,含~280ppm对叔丁基邻苯二酚稳定剂 50 wt. %水溶液 50 wt.% solution in water 50% (v/v) in h2o 50% (w/v) in h2o, suitable for orsat gas analysis 50% (w/w) in h2o (760 g/l), analytical reagent grade 50% aqueous solution,99.9%-pr(reo) 50% in 2-ethylhexanoic acid 50% in dep 50% in dichloromethane 50% in ea 50% in ethanol 50% in h2o,医药级,ph.eur.,nf 50% in isopropanol 50% in methanol 50% in pb 50% in triacetin, stabilized 50% mixture of isomers,含0.1%tbc稳定剂 50% pt basis 50% w/w aq. soln. 50% w/w solution in methanol, mkseal 50% w/w水溶液 50% 麦芽糊精粉末 50% in ethanol 50% in isopropanol 50% in volatile silicone 50% in xylene 50%(gc), 异构体混合物 50%(w/w) in ethanol 50%, 水溶性 50%aqueoussolution(99.9%-eu)(reo) 50%乙酸锂溶液 50%乙醇溶液(共聚物copolymer,3:7) 50%乙醇溶液(共聚物copolymer,7:3) 50%全水溶 50%抗氧剂1010 + 50%抗氧剂168 50%水溶液,含磷酸稳定剂≤2% 50%甲醇溶液 50%邻苯二甲酸二辛酯溶液 50 mg/ml in dmso 50 μm particle size 50×,不含抗氧化剂,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 50×,不含维生素a,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 50×,过滤除菌 50×100mm gf254, 160 pieces/ea 50×100mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 50×200mm gf254, 20 pieces/ea 50×200mm gf254, 80 pieces/ea 50×200mm,厚度:2mm,反相带荧光,25 pieces/ea 50,000-100,000 g/mol by gpc 50-100 mesh, extent of labeling: 3-4 mmol/g loading, 1 % cross-linked 50-100 mesh 50-100 ug/ml 50-100 目 (h) 50-1000bp,14条带 50-100目,4.5-5.3mmol/g 50-125 units/mg protein 50-150 nm, 10% in h2o 50-150 nm, 20% in h2o 50-150 units/mg protein 50-200 units/mg protein 50-2000ppm, 100条/ea 50-54% 50-55% w/w hbf4 50-60% tio2, 35-40% k2o 50-60%的水溶液 50-70% 50-80 cst 50.00%水溶液 50.1μg/ml in methanol 50.3% (w/w) in h2o, with 5 ppm iron 50.3mg/l,h2o 50.3μg/l in h2o 50.54μg/ml 50.5μg/ml in carbon disulfide 50.5μg/ml in methanol 50.5μg/ml in water 500 kda 500 mg/l,溶剂:微量氨水 500 mg/l,溶剂:水和微量氨水 500 u/mg 500 目, 99.9% 500µg/ml, 1%hno3 500µg/ml, 5%hno3 500µg/ml, h2o 500µg/ml,1%hno3 500-15000bp,8条带 500-5000bp,8条带 500.5 mosmol·kg-1 5000 目 5000µg/ml,h2o 5000-70000 cps(25°c), stabilized with mehq 50000 µg/ml in dichloromethane 50000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 50000mpa.s 5000mg/l in methanol 5000~6400mpa.s,25℃ 5000μg/ml in carbon disulfide 5000μg/ml in ethanol 5000μg/ml,溶剂:二硫化碳 5000μg/ml 5000μs/cm (25℃) 500g/l, 介质: h2o 500mg/l in h2o 500mg/l, 基质: h2o 500mg/l,h2o 500mg/l,溶剂:甲醇 500mg/ml in h2o 500nm 500ntu 500μg/ml in acetonitrile 500μg/ml in carbon disulfide 500μg/ml in dichloromethane 500μg/ml in dmso 500μg/ml in ethyl acetate 500μg/ml in h2o(以磷酸根计) 500μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 500μg/ml in mtbe 500μg/ml in water 500μg/ml u=3% 基质:正己烷 500μg/ml, 0.05% na2co3 500μg/ml, 1% hno3 500μg/ml, 1%hno3 500μg/ml, 5% hno3 500μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 500μg/ml,介质:h2o 500μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 5% 500μg/ml 500μg/ml介质: h2o 500μs/cm (25℃) 506μg/ml in methanol 50g/l 介质: h2o 50g/l,介质:h2o 50mg/l in methanol 50mg/l,溶剂:水 50mg/l,溶剂:甲醇 50mg/l于乙腈(以醛酮计) 50mg/ml in meoh 50mg/ml,过滤除菌 50mm, ph7.4, 过滤除菌(含150mm naci) 50mm,ph10.0 50mm,ph10.5 50mm,ph8.5 50mm,ph9.0 50mm,ph9.5 50mmol/l, ph7.4 50nm 近球形,99.5% 50nm,20-30% in water 50nm,30 wt. % 1,2-丙二醇单甲醚乙酸酯溶液 50nm,40 wt. % in h2o 50nm,40 wt. % 异丙醇 50nm,50 wt. % in h2o 50nm,99% 50nm,球形, 99.9% metals basis 50ntu 50u/mg protein 50u/mg 生物技术级 50u/μl 50wt%水溶液 50wt.% in h20 50x, 通用型 50x,ph7.4 50x,ph7.6 50x,ph8.0 50x 50μg in 500μl ethanol 50μg/ml 基质:无水乙醇 u=2% 50μg/ml in carbon disulfide 50μg/ml in ethanol, 98% (cp) 50μg/ml in ethanol 50μg/ml in h2o,u=3%,以bod计 50μg/ml in hexane 50μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 50μg/ml 基质:甲醇 u=5% 50μg/ml, 5% hno3 50μg/ml, 基体: 甲醇 50μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 50μg/ml,介质:h2o 50μg/ml,基体: 0.025mol/l naoh,不确定度(k=2): 5% 50μg/ml 50μg/ml、50μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 50μg/ml介质: h2o 50μg/ml壬烷溶液 50μs/cm (25℃) 50万iu/g 50万u/g 50片/ea 51% 51.8mg/l,h2o 51.9μg/ml in h2o 51ug/ml,基体:甲醇 53-220 kda 53.0mg/l in h2o 53.3μg/ml in carbon disulfide 54% in dichloromethane 55 wt. % in h2o 55% (w/w) in h2o, with 5 ppm iron 55% mixture of isomers,含0.1%tbc稳定剂 55%, soluble in isobutanol 55%,外消旋和内消旋的混和物 55% 55-60 wt% bf3 55.0 - 58.0 %, 不含稳定剂, acs试剂 55.0 - 58.0 % 55.4μg/ml in carbon disulfide 55mm,1000×,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 55wt.% in isobutanol 56% 8微米 57wt. % in h2o, 蒸馏, 不含稳定剂, 99.99% trace metals basis 57wt. % in h2o, 蒸馏, 含<1.5 % h3po2 稳定剂, 99.95% 58.2ug/l,h2o 58.9μg/ml in hexane 59% 59.02μg/ml in carbon disulfide 59.5mg/ml 59.5μg/ml in methanol 59.6μs/cm 590μg/ml in dmf 595ug/mg 5a 5g/l, 介质: 乙醇 5g/l,介质:乙醇 5m in ddh2o,过滤除菌 5m,ph4.8 5mg h2o /ml 5mg/l in h2o 5mg/l in methanol 5mg/ml bsa 5mg/ml in etoh 5mg/ml in h2o,u=5% 5mg/ml in ipa 5mg/ml in meoh 5mg/ml 基质:乙醇 5mg/ml, 基体: 乙腈 5mg/ml,h2o 5mg/ml 5mg水/ml,测水量较高样品 5mg水/ml 5mm (0.2in) 直径,99.995% (metals basis) 5mm 或更小, 99.9999% metals basis 5mm 直径,99.995% metals basis 5mm 直径,99.999% metals basis 5mm 直径,99.9999% metals basis 5mm 5u/mg 5u/μl,大肠杆菌 5u/μl,超长片段 5u/μl,高保真 5u/μl 5ug/ml in methanol 5um/99.5% 5wt. %(dry basis), matrix activated alumina 5x, ph7.0 5x,ph6.8 5x,ph7.2 5x,ph8.0 5x,ph9.0 5x,ph9.5 5x,过滤除菌 5μg/ml in acetonitrile 5μg/ml in carbon disulfide 5μg/ml in dichloromethane 5μg/ml in ethanol, 98% (cp) 5μg/ml in methanol 5μg/ml, 溶剂: 水 5μg/ml,h2o, 含cl- 5μg/ml,介质:h2o 5μg/ml 5μg/ml、8μg/ml、8μg/ml、40μg/ml,u=3%, 基体: h2o 5代,粘稠液体 6 wt. % (on silica gel) 6 wt. % in h2o 6% (v/v) in h2o 6% (w/v) in h2o 6%(w/v) 6%,快速免染,过滤除菌,无酶 6%,快速电泳,过滤除菌,无酶 6%,高清免染,过滤除菌,无酶 6%,高清条带,过滤除菌 6%-8%fe 6% 6×,无气味还原剂,过滤除菌,无酶 6×,红色荧光,溴酚蓝,过滤除菌 6×,绿色荧光,溴酚蓝,过滤除菌 6×,非还原,过滤除菌,无酶 6-12目,ph:5-6 6-12目,ph:9-10 6-16目,ph:5-6 6-16目,ph:9-10 6-24目 6-9mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 6.0 g/l 葡萄糖,无碳酸氢钠,无l-谷氨酰胺,无ht添加剂,无酚红,无氯化钠,干粉,细胞培养适用 6.0m in h2o 6.0代纯品 6.10mg/l,h2o 6.25%(w/v) in h2o 6.2μg/ml,h2o 6.35mm 厚, 99.9% metals basis 6.5% 6.5-270 kda 6.50 mol/l 介质:h2o 6.5μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 60 wt %分散液 60 wt. % in methanol, contains (3-chloropropyl)trimethoxysilane 60 wt. % 水溶液 60 wt. %水溶液 60% (w/v) (600 g/l) in h2o 60% (w/v) in h2o 60% in heptane, ca. 1.7 mol/l, mkseal 60% in heptane,ca. 1.7mol/l 60% in n-butoxide, hf: 22.6 wt% 60% in pb 60% in water,300-500ppm mehq 60% in water 60% w/w in water 60% 水溶液 60%,gc 60%,用于生物染色 60%-70% 60%正己烷溶液, ca. 1.7mol/l 60%溶液 60,000u/l,液体 60-100 目 60-200目 60-64% 60-65% 60-70% 水溶液 60-70% 60-70mg/ml, 溶剂: 蒸馏水 60-80mpa.s,5%甲苯/乙醇80:20 60-80目 gc 60-80目,c1-c4烃类分析 60-80目,乙烃,hcl分析 60-80目,气体烃,甲醇中水等分析 60-80目,较高沸点样品分析 60-90目 60.0 g/l葡萄糖,无ht添加剂,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 60.0 g/l葡萄糖,无l-谷氨酰胺,无碳酸氢钠,无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 60.0% 60.4mg/l, 基质: h2o 60.8 - 74.3 % tin 60/90 600µg/ml,h2o 600-800目 600.9 mosmol·kg-1 6000(2.5um) 6000-8000 mpa.s (40°c) 60000u/g 6000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 6000u/g 600mg/l,溶剂:乙醇 600μg/ml介质: h2o 600目 60mg/l in h2o 60mg/l in methanol 60mg/ml in h2o 60nm 球形,98.0% 60nm,99.9% metals basis 60μg/ml in h2o 60μg/ml in isooctane 60μg/ml in mtbe 61%min in mineral spirits ,pb 24% 62 wt. % in h2o 62% 10微米 62% in ethanol 62% in methanol 62.0~68.0 w/w% 62.4mg/ml 625目 6350ug/ml,h2o 64-66%的水溶液 64.2μg/ml in h2o 64μg/ml in h2o 65 % water 65 wt. % in mineral spirits 65% in dmso 65% in etoh 65%(lc) 65%, 来源于柑橘皮 65%, 来源于苹果 65%, 黄色粉末, 来源于苹果 65-70% p2o5 basis 65-72% in water 650 iu/mg(on dried basis) 65000μg/ml 基质:二硫化碳 u=0.5% 653µg/mg 65wt% in h2o 66-669 kda 66.1mg/l 68-70%, mixtures 68.8μg/ml in methanol 680μg/ml in methanol 69.5%-70.5%水溶液 6:1 含有表面活性剂 6:1 6g/l in h2o 6g/l 6m in h2o 6mg/ml in h2o 6mg/ml 基质:乙醇 6mm 直径, 99.99999% metals basis 6mm 直径,99.9% metals basis 6m 6x, 还原性 6x, 非还原性 7% (w/v) in h2o 7% in h2o 7%(w/v) in h2o 7%,10孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 7%,15孔,1.5mm,玻璃板 7-8 wt. % in methanol 7-8wt % 7-9% 7.0 m solution in meoh, mkseal 7.37mg/l,h2o 7.4% in h2o 7.48μg/ml in h2o 7.5% (v/v) in h2o 7.5% (w/v), 介质: h2o 7.5% in h2o 7.5% w/w p2o5 7.5%(w/v) in h2o 7.50 m in h2o 7.50-8.50μm 7.5g/l in h2o 7.5m in h2o 7.75µg/l,h2o 70 kda 70 wt. % 正丙醇溶液 70 wt. % 70 wt.% in 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate 70% (hplc) 70% in 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate 70% in etoh 70% 水溶液 70%(hplc) 70%(w/v) in h2o 70%(含30%甲醇和水) 70%, technical grade 70%, 工业级 70%,含异构体和邻苯二甲酸 70%,含稳定剂铜屑 70%,用于电泳 70%in water 70%甲醇溶液 70%的水溶液,约7.3mol 70 wt. % in h2o 70 wt. % in isopropanol 70-75% in heptane 70.0±2.0% 700µg/ml,h2o 700-1500 cst 700.2 mosmol·kg-1 7000-10000 cps(25°c), stabilized with mehq 7000u/g 700μg/ml,h2o 70g/l, 介质: h2o 70g/l 70万 u/g, 液体 719μs/cm (25℃) 72% in ethanol 72.5g/l in h2o 720 i.u./mg 73%,含约20%的2-溴-1-丁醇 73% 73%水溶液 73-79% tio2, 19.5-22.5% k2o 73-79%(hplc) 73~79% 74%,光球状,3-5mm 74%,片状 74% 74-76% in water 74.3μg/ml in water 745mg/l,h2o 746mg/l 75 wt. % in h2o,含 600 ppm mehq 阻聚剂 75 wt. % in h2o 75% (contains ca. 23% isomer) 75% (dry basis) 75% (v/v) in h2o 75%(v/v),消毒用 75%,含稳定剂mehq 75%,含稳定剂mgo 75%异丙醇溶液 75%水溶液 75-80 wt. % in water 75.0%(gc) 75.00% 7500 750ug/mg,usp 750μg/mg 750μg/ml介质: h2o 755.34μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 75g/l, 介质: h2o 75μg/l in water 76.6μg/ml in methanol 76.8μg/ml 770~820μg/mg 78% in 2-ethylhexanoic acid 78.6μg/ml 基质:乙醇 79.1μg/ml 基质:乙醇 79.4mg/l,h2o 79.8μg/ml in methanol 7mm, for elisa 7μg/l in h2o 7μg/ml,h2o 8 mg/ml in 0.9%nacl,0.1μm过滤,生物试剂,适用于细胞培养 8 wt. % in h2o 8% (v/v) in h2o 8% (w/v) (80 g/l) in h2o 8% in pb 8%,11孔,1.0mm,塑料板 8%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 8%,快速电泳,过滤除菌,无酶 8%,高清免染,过滤除菌,无酶 8%,高清条带,过滤除菌 8% 8%全水溶 8%水溶液 8,000u/ml,液体 8-12% in dichloromethane 8-15nm, ≥99.95% metals basis 8-20%,15孔,1.0mm,塑料板 8.0-10.0 s,丁醛基43-50% 8.00mol/l 介质:h2o 8.0μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 8.22mg/l,h2o 8.2μg/ml in methanol 8.32μg/ml in h2o(以氮计) 8.3g/200ml 8.4μg/ml,h2o 8.5(绿色)、17、25、34、43、55、72(橙红色)、95、130、180 8.80mg/l,h2o 8.92μg/ml,h2o 80 % in water 80 g/l aqueous 80 wt. % in h2o, contains 600 ppm monomethyl ether hydroquinone as inhibitor 80 wt. % 80 wt. %正丁醇溶液 80 wt.%,含benzoic acid ,isophtalic acid 稳定剂 80# 80% (contains 5% phenol at maximum) 80% (elemental analysis) 80% (hplc) 80% ethanol solution 80% in isopropanol 80% metals basis 80% mixture of isomers,含0.1%tbc稳定剂 80% w/w in water 80% 水溶胶 80%(mixture) 80%(mixtures of isomers) 80%(t) 80%(w/v) 80%, mixture of isomers 80%, 含碳酸钙稳定剂 80%, 粉末 80%,gc 80%,indicator for metal titration 80%,含175 ppm mehq 稳定剂 80%,含2,6-异构体 80%,天然 80%,用于显微镜 80%,用于生物染色 80%-85% 80%水溶液 80%溶液 80-100mpa.s,5%甲苯/乙醇80:20 80-100目 gc 80-100目,c1-c4烃类分析 80-100目,乙烃,hcl分析 80-100目,气体烃,甲醇中水等分析 80-100目,较高沸点样品分析 80-120mpa.s, 乙氧基: 48.5-49.5% 80-85 % 80.0 g/l葡萄糖,氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无碳酸氢钠, 无酚红,干粉,细胞培养适用 80.0 g/l葡萄糖,氯化钠, 无l-谷氨酰胺, 无碳酸氢钠, 无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 80.0% in thf 80.0%(gc), 含约20%反-异构体 800 usp u/mg 800µg/ml,h2o 800-1000mpa·s 8000mg/l in purge and trap methanol 8000目 800nm 球形 纯度>99.5% 800ntu 800u/mg,生物技术级 800μg/ml in ethanol 800μg/ml in methanol,适用于gb50325-2020 800μg/ml in methanol 80g/l, 介质: h2o 80mg/l in methanol 80mg/ml in h2o 80nm, 99.5% metals basis 80wt.% in isopropanol 80~100目,c1-c2烃,co,co2,c2h2,c2h4,c3h6分离 80μg/ml;基体:甲醇 80μg/ml 80目 812u/mg 82% sio2 basis (based on calcined substance) 83%,gc 83.2mg/l 83.5-86.5% tio2, 13.5-16.5% k2o 832-970μg/mg 842μs/cm (25℃) 848.81±158.05ppb 84us/cm (25℃) 85% (t) 85% in hexamethyldisiloxane 85% in water 85%(mixtures) 85%(t) 85%(w/v) in h2o 85%, cont. ca 10% 2-cyclohexylidenecyclohexanone 85%, mixtures 85%, suitable for insect cell culture 85%, 医药级ph eur,bp,jpe,nf,e338 85%,gc 85%,stabilized with tbc 85%,其余物为2-氯代萘 85%,分子量627-691 85%,含100ppm mehq稳定剂 85%,含稳定剂mehq 85%,工业级 85%反式,10%顺式 85 % 85-90%,含150-200 ppm mehq稳定剂 85-90%,工业级 85.0%,gc 85.0% 85/38% 850 mosmol·kg-1 86.9μg/ml in methanol 86.9μg/ml 基质:乙醇 87%,顺反异构体混和物 88% (m- and p- mixture)(stabilized with tbc + onp + o-nitrocresol) 88%(w/v) in h2o 88.00-95.00 %(mixture of isomers) 88.5% (hplc) 89%,含200 - 250 ppm(mehq)稳定剂 89.0% 89.7μg/ml in carbon disulfide 89.8% 89.8μg/ml in methanol 8m,过滤除菌 8mg/ml in h2o 8mg/ml 基质:水 u=2% 8x,过滤除菌 8μg/ml,h2o, 含cl- 8μg/ml,h2o 9 wt. % in h2o 9% in benzene 9%(v/v) in h2o 9%-10%γ-亚麻酸 9-11% 9-11mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 9-11μm,元素分析仪专用 9-13 μm particle size 9.5-12.5 wt %, od:30-80nm, length≤10μm 9.5-12.5 wt %, od:40-60nm, length≤10μm 9.5g/l, 介质: h2o 9.5mm 直径,99.97% metals basis 9.62mg/l,h2o 9.71µg/l,h2o 9.78μg/ml,h2o 9.81mg/l,h2o 90 % 90% (hnmr) 90% (hplc),用于荧光分析 90% (stabilized with diisopropylethylamine) 90% (stabilized with na2co3) 90% (stabilized with tbc) 90% (t) 90% mix tbc as stabilizer 90% stabilized with 60-100 ppm mehq 90% technical grade 90%(gc )(mixture of isomers) 90%(hnmr) 90%(hplc)(混旋) 90%(mixture of c-16 and c-18 isomers), 工业级 90%(mixtures), 包含~0.006%对苯二酚稳定剂 90%(stabilized with mehq) 90%(sum of a4+a7) 90%(t) 90%(tbc作为稳定剂) 90%(total of isomer) 90%(w/v) in h2o 90%(以干基计) 90%(含≤6%二氯甲烷) 90%, 43kda(sds-page) 90%, m/g=1:2, 颗粒 90%, mixture of disaccharide 90%, mixture, stabilized with tbc 90%, stabilized with mehq 90%, γ型 90%, 包含对苯二酚稳定剂 90%, 含200ppm mehq稳定剂 90%, 含稳定剂α-生育酚 90%, 异构体混合物 90%, 来源于鲨鱼 90%, 黄色固体 90%,5-和6-异构体混合物 90%,gc 90%,lc&n 90%,lc 90%,mixture of isomers 90%,nmr 90%,recombinant, expressed in e. coli 90%,stab. with 0.5% 4-methoxyphenol 90%,stabilized with 250-450ppm hq 90%,stabilized with k2co3 90%,stabilized with tbc 90%,含100ppm mehq稳定剂 90%,含mehq 400-600ppm 90%,含有10-(4-碘苯基)吩噻嗪的最大值为10% 90%,含碳酸钙稳定剂 90%,工业级 90%,异构体混合物 90%,异构体的混合物 90%,来源于五倍子 90%,来源于石榴 90%,溶于水 90%,用于分子生物学 90%,顺反异构体混和物 90%wt, 400mesh 90%水溶液 90 wt. % in denatured ethanol 90-110mpa.s,5%甲苯/异丙醇80:20 90.0% (hplc) 90.0%(gc) 90.3μg/ml in h2o 90.7μg/ml in methanol 90/120 900µg/ml,h2o 900-1000mg/l 溶剂:甲醇 900-1200 m2/g 900000mg/kg in h2o 900u/mg 90g/l in h2o(cp) 90mg/l in h2o 90nm,0.03mg/ml,溶剂:超纯水 90nm,0.193mg/ml,溶剂:超纯水 90nm,30 wt. % 1,2-丙二醇单甲醚乙酸酯溶液 90nm,40 wt. % 乙醇 90μg/ml,h2o 91%,≤10% dichloromethane 92% (mixture of monomer and dimer) 92% (stabilized with hq) 92%(cis- and trans- mixture),含稳定剂mehq 92%(gc) 92%, stabilized with mehq 92-94 % 92-94% 92.5μg/ml in methanol 93%(gc) 93%(hplc), 还原型 93%(hplc) 93%,gc 93%,lc 93%,t 93%,含1% caco3稳定剂 93%,含200 ppm tbc 阻聚剂 93%,含稳定剂吩噻嗪 93%,外消旋和内消旋混合物 93%,异构体混合物 93%,黄相 93.2μg/ml in carbon disulfide 936μg/ml in methanol 94% (gc) 94%(gc) 94%(hplc) 94%,刺球状,1-3mm 94%,刺球状,3-5mm 94%,含0.2% topanol 稳定剂 94%,含mehq稳定剂 94%,用于植物细胞培养 95 atom % 15n, 95% 95 atom % 6li 95 atom % d, 96% 95 atom % d 95% (contains <6%solvent) 95% (contains h2o) 95% (h-nmr) 95% (mix) 95% (stabilized with 1%bht) 95% (stabilized with bht) 95% (tlc) 95% ,stabilized with mehq 95% 99%ee 95% anhydrous basis 95% contains ≤10%h2o 95% hplc 95%(7-deaza-dgtp, hplc), ≤4%(7-deaza-dgdp, hplc), solution, 10 mm 95%(cis- and trans- mixture) 95%(gc)(t) 95%(gc), stabilized with mehq 95%(hplc)(t) 95%(mixture of t8,t10,t2) 95%(qnmr), stabilized with mehq 95%(stabilized with bht) 95%(stabilized with copper chip) 95%(stabilized with dcm) 95%(stabilized with k2co3) 95%(sum of mixtures) 95%(含有<3%h2o) 95%(含水约50%,单位重量以干重计) 95%(含碳酸钾稳定剂) 95%(含约40%的十八烷基醚硫酸钠) 95%(异构体混合物) 95%, ≤1.0% water 95%, 0.1% 4-甲氧基苯酚稳定剂 95%, 0.1% 氢氧化钾作稳定剂 95%, 1 mg/ml in methanol:ammonia solution 95%, 100 µg/ml in ethanol 95%, 100 μg/ml in ethanol 95%, 100mm in h2o 95%, 10mg/ml in methyl acetate 95%, 15-30 cst 95%, 2.5 wt% in ethanol 95%, 20% in water 95%, 200ppm 4-甲氧基苯酚稳定剂 95%, 250-350 cst 95%, 25mg/ml in methyl acetate 95%, 400mesh 95%, 5mg/ml in buffer solution 95%, 95 atom % d 95%, 98 atom % 13c18 95%, 98%ee 95%, average mn 1250 95%, contains 0.1% bht as stabilizer 95%, contains 0.1% hq as stabilizer 95%, contains h2o 95%, in ethanol 95%, mixture of diastereomers 95%, mw10000 95%, mw20000 95%, mw2000 95%, mw40000 95%, mw5000 95%, mw≥700kda 95%, stabilized with 0.2% tbc 95%, stabilized with bht 95%, stabilized with caco3 95%, stabilized with copper chip 95%, stabilized with hq 95%, total of isomers 95%, wetted with ca. 20% water 95%, ~21mg/ml in buffer, ph6.0 95%, ~400mesh 95%, ≥300u/g 95%, 分子量2000 95%, 分子量5000 95%, 分子量600 95%, 分子量:10000 95%, 分子量:20000 95%, 分子量:2000 95%, 含250 ppm mehq 稳定剂 95%, 含k2co3稳定剂 95%, 含有mehq作为抑制剂 95%, 含有稳定剂mehq 95%, 异构体混合物(反式为主) 95%, 非对映异构体混合物 95%, 顺反异构体混合物 95%,>90%e.e. 95%,(e)+(z) 95%,(双酯≥75%,单酯≥20%) 95%,100目 95%,1m solution in water 95%,200 ppm monomethyl ether hydroquinone as inhibitor 95%,200-300目 95%,3000ppm对苯二酚作为稳定剂 95%,5-10% branched isomers 95%,contains30-35%pinacone 95%,containsea 95%,dcm<5% 95%,ee 98% 95%,ee98% 95%,fe 21% min 95%,lc&t 95%,lc 95%,mixture of cis and trans isomers,with 200ppm 4-methoxyphenol 95%,mw 10000 95%,mw 2000 95%,mw 89000~98000 95%,od:1-2 nm,length:4-10 μm,双侧开口 95%,stabilized with 50-350ppm mehq 95%,stabilized with 60-100 ppm mehq 95%,stabilized with mehq 95%,stabilizedwithbht 95%,stabilized 95%,trans-isomer >92% 95%,t 95%,分子量2000 95%,分子量400 95%,含0.01 % 柠檬酸稳定剂 95%,含0.2% sodium carbonate 稳定剂 95%,含100-500 ppm tbc稳定剂 95%,含100ppm mehq稳定剂 95%,含100ppmmehq稳定剂 95%,含200ppm mehq稳定剂 95%,含250ppm bht 稳定剂 95%,含≤3%二氯甲烷 95%,含稳定剂mehq 95%,含稳定剂tbc 95%,固体 95%,对映体混合物, 主要是(s)-型 95%,异构体的混合物 95%,来源:马链球菌 95%,蓝相 95%,颗粒状 95%生物技术级 95.0% (gc) 95.0% (qnmr) 95.0% (tlc) 95.0%(hplc) 95.0%(total of isomers) 95 96 atom % d, 96% 96 atom % d, 98% (cp) 96 atom % d,98% 96% (hplc) 96% (predominantly (s-)) 96% (tlc) 96% ,含80- 120 ppm hydroquinone 稳定剂 96% dry weight,5-10% 甲醇做稳定剂 96%(cis- and trans- mixture) 96%(gc), contanins ≤200ppm mehq as inhibitor 96%(gc) 96%(isomers mixture) 96%(mixture of isomers) 96%(mixture of tautomers) 96%(mixture) 96%(stabilized with copper) 96%(stabilized with tbc) 96%(酯含量) 96%, 10mg/ml in ethanol 96%, 2500-3500 da 96%, 98 atom % d 96%, contains mehq as inhibitor 96%, contains nahco3 as stabilizer 96%, mixture of isomers 96%, mixture 96%, mkseal 96%, stabilized with 100ppm 4-methoxyphenol 96%, 含有200 ppm mehq阻聚剂 96%, 大约200ppm bht 稳定剂 96%, 指示剂(ph 11.5-14.0) 96%,(99% ee) 96%,5-和6-异构体混合物 96%,stabilizedwithtbc 96%,sum of branched isomer,0.01% mehq 96%,上层覆保护剂 96%,含0.1% tbc 稳定剂 96%,含200 ppm mehq 稳定剂 96%,含250ppmmehq稳定剂 96%,含30 - 70 ppm mehq 稳定剂 96%,含30%水作为稳定剂 96%,含稳定剂铜屑 96%,混合构型 96%,溶于油 96%,片状 96%,高纯级 96.0% (gc) 96.0% (tlc) 96.0%(gc) 96.4mg/l,h2o 96.5% (gc) 96~100% 97 % passes a 75 μm (no. 200) sieve 97 %,200 ppm mehq 97 atom % 18o 97 atom % d, 95%(cp) 97 atom % d, 96% (cp) 97 atom % d,98% (cp) 97% (stabilized with copper chip) 97% 25-27% solution in ethyl acetate 97% 99%ee(contains ~10%solvents) 97% average mw4000 97% contains ≤10%h2o 97% metals basis 97% rel-(1r-2e-ps)-axial 97% trace metals basis, 300-500nm 97% trace metals basis, 50-300nm 97%(contains of anhydride) 97%(d4<0.1%, d5<0.1%, d6<0.1%) 97%(gc)(t) 97%(gc),含300ppmmehq稳定剂 97%(hplc)(t)(contains <10%h2o) 97%(hplc), 99%e.e. 97%(mix) 97%(mixed of isomers) 97%(mixture of isomers) 97%(mixtures) 97%(s)-binapine 97%(stab. with hydroquinone) 97%(stabilized with bht) 97%(stabilized with copper chip) 97%(stabilized with phenothiazine) 97%(sum of mixtures) 97%(tbc作为稳定剂) 97%(tlc) 97%(total of isomer), ≤20% trimethylallenylsilane (in equilibrium), 500 ppm bht as stabilizer 97%(含200-300ppmmehq稳定剂) 97%(基于干物质)in 25% h2o 97%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 97%, (e)+(z) 97%, 0.05%的对叔丁基邻苯二酚作稳定剂 97%, 100 μg/ml in ethanol 97%, 100-200mesh, 0.4-2.0mmol/g 97%, 20 wt. % in h2o 97%, 20% in methoxyethanol 97%, 25% in h2o 97%, 30-45kda 97%, 4-叔-丁基邻苯二酚 稳定剂 97%, 5 mm dmso solution 97%, 50% in ethanol 97%, 60% in ethanol 97%, 60% in heptane 97%, 65% in methanol 97%, 95 atom % d 97%, average mw 1000 97%, average mw 550 97%, average mw1000 97%, average mw2000 97%, average mw5000 97%, contains cylinder +fill charge 97%, dmso溶解性≥10mg/ml 97%, mix-50%z 97%, mixture of 2- and 4-isomers 97%, mixture of cis and trans 97%, mixture of isomers,stabilizer:100-300ppm mehq 97%, mixture of tetramer 97%, mixtures of c16&c18 97%, mixtures 97%, moistened with ca 20% water 97%, pd 5%, 铅毒化 97%, stabilized 250 ppm bht 97%, stabilized with 0.5% calcium carbonate 97%, stabilized with 100 ppm tbc 97%, stablized with tbc 97%, sum of c16 c18 c20 97%, water ca 10% 97%, water ≤ 3.0% 97%, 含0.01% bht稳定剂 97%, 含0.1% hydroquinone稳定剂 97%, 含0.1% koh稳定剂 97%, 含有稳定剂mehq 97%, 含稳定剂mehq 97%, 含稳定剂tbc 97%, 含稳定剂铜屑 97%, 含铜稳定剂 97%, 来源于山苍子油 97%, 白色固体 97%, 精制级 97%, 约含150ppm 4-甲氧基苯酚稳定剂 97%, 颗粒 97%,0.01% 氢醌稳定剂 97%,0.1% 对叔丁基邻苯二酚作稳定剂 97%,10%h2o 97%,10mg/ml solution in water 97%,1μm 97%,20% in fluorinated hydrocarbon,分子量4000-8000 97%,300目 97%,40-100kda 97%,50% in methanol 97%,averagemw2000 97%,bet surface area 8~16 m2/g 97%,cis- and trans- mixture 97%,contains≤7%ea 97%,contain≤10%ea 97%,ee97% 97%,ee值98% 97%,ee值≥98% 97%,gc&t 97%,hq as inhibitor 97%,lc&t 97%,mixture of cis and trans 97%,mix 97%,n 97%,pd 10% 97%,predominantlytrans 97%,stab. with <1% magnesium oxide 97%,stabilized with bht 97%,stabilized with tbc 97%,stabilizedwith5%k2co3 97%,stabilizedwithcopperchip 97%,sum of enantiomers 97%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 97%,可能以晶形二聚体存在 97%,含 900 ppm mehq 稳定剂 97%,含0.02% 4-methoxyphenol 稳定剂 97%,含0.05% bht 稳定剂 97%,含0.05% 四溴双酚a 稳定剂 97%,含0.1 % 对苯二酚 稳定剂 97%,含0.1% tbc稳定剂 97%,含0.1%对叔丁基邻苯二酚(tbc)稳定剂 97%,含100-200ppm bht稳定剂 97%,含100ppm bht稳定剂 97%,含100ppmmehq稳定剂 97%,含50ppm bht稳定剂 97%,含60-100ppm bht稳定剂 97%,含tbc稳定剂 97%,含低聚物 97%,含含稳定剂氢醌 97%,含稳定剂hq 97%,含稳定剂mehq 97%,含稳定剂mgo 97%,含稳定剂tbc 97%,含稳定剂水滑石 97%,含铜作稳定剂 97%,含铜粉稳定剂 97%,片状 97%,用于gc衍生化,含1% tbdmscl 97%,用于生物学染色 97%,用于细胞培养 97%,电泳专用 97%,铜稳定剂 97%,顺反异构体 97%,顺反异构体混合物 97%,顺反异构体混和物 97%,顺反混合物 97%,顺式 + 反式 97%,香料级 97%水溶液 97-100% (agarose gel electrophoresis) 97-103%(t),beta≥60%,lossondrying≤5% 97.0 % gc 97.0 % 97.0% (nt) 97.0% (sum of isomers, gc) 97.0% (tlc) 97.0%(hplc) 97.00%, particle size : <10nm 97.00%盐酸盐 97.5% 98 atom % ¹³c,cp:98% 98 atom % ¹5n, cp:98% 98 atom % 13c, 95% (cp) 98 atom % 13c, 97%(cp) 98 atom % 13c, 98 atom % 15n, ≥98% 98 atom % 13c, 98% (cp) 98 atom % 13c, 98% 98 atom % 13c 98 atom % 15n, 98%(cp) 98 atom % 15n, 99 atom % 13c 98 atom % d(deuterated from d0-d8), 95% 98 atom % d, 97%(cp) 98 atom % d, ≥99%(cp) 98 atom % d,≥95% 98 atom % 13c, 95% (cp) 98 atom % 13c, 98 atom % 15n, 95%(cp) 98 atom % 13c, 99% (cp) 98 atom % 15n, 98 atom % d 98 atom % 15n, 98 atom % 13c, 95%(cp), 97%(chiral purity) 98 atom % 15n, 99 atom % 13c 98 atom %, 98%(cp) 98 atom %, 98% 98 atom %, ≥97% (cp) 98 atom %d 98 atom% 13c 98 atom% 15n, 98 atom% d 98 atom% d, 95%(cp) 98 atom% d, 99%(cp) 98 atom% d,99%(cp) 98 atom%d 98% stabilized with tbc 98% (as sncl4) 98% (contains <1%h2o) 98% (contains ~10%solvents) 98% (gc) 98% (n) 98% (only trans) 98% (reo) 98% (tlc) 98% ,ee98% 98% ,含5-10 ppm tert-butylcatechol 稳定剂 98% 200目 98% average mw ~15000 98% contains ca. 11% dioxane 98% d, 98% (cp) 98% dry weight 98% ir 53% 98% metal basis, rh 19.32%最低 98% mix tbc as stabilize 98% mixture of isomers 98% mof 98% stab. with potassium carbonate 98% trace metals basis excluding zr 98%(900-1100ppm mehq as inhibitor) 98%(cis+trans) 98%(contains of anhydride) 98%(cp), 95 atom % d 98%(dry basis) 98%(gc&t) 98%(gc)(t) 98%(gc), 顺反混合物, stabilized with mehq 98%(m- and p- mixture)(stabilized with tbc) 98%(mix2%ea) 98%(mixture of isomers) 98%(mixture of isomer) 98%(mixture of isomeric branched chain hexanes) 98%(mixture),含70-100ppm对苯二酚稳定剂 98%(mixtures of isomers) 98%(mixtures) 98%(nmr) 98%(sds-page) 98%(stabilized with koh) 98%(stabilized with methylhydroquinone) 98%(sum of cis and trans) 98%(sum of isomers) 98%(sum of isomers, hplc) 98%(sum of mixture) 98%(t) 98%(tlc) 98%(total of isomer) 98%(total of isomers) 98%(~36% bf3 basis) 98%(以干基计), water≤16.5% 98%(混合异构体) 98%+,水封 98%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98%, 1 μg/μl in ethanol 98%, 10 mg/ml ethanol 98%, 10 mg/ml in methyl acetate 98%, 10 mg/ml methyl acetate 98%, 100 ug/ml in ethanol 98%, 100 μg/ml in ethanol 98%, 100 μg/ml ethanol 98%, 100 μg/ml in methyl acetate 98%, 100mg/ml in pbs 98%, 100ug/ml in ethanol 98%, 100μg/ml in methyl acetate 98%, 10mg/ml in methanol 98%, 1800-2000目 98%, 1mg/ml in methyl acetate 98%, 25 mg/ml in ethanol 98%, 25 mg/ml in methyl acetate 98%, 250-500 cst (50˚c) 98%, 2mg/ml in 95% ethanol 98%, 30μg/ml in dichloromethane 98%, 400nm-1μm 98%, 500 μg/ml in dmso 98%, 50μg/ml in ethanol 98%, 5mg in 200ul ethanol 98%, 5mg in 200μl ethanol 98%, 5mg/ml 98%, 80%ee 98%, 95 atom % d 98%, 98 atom % 13c 98%, 98 atom%d 98%, 98%atom%d 98%, carbon≤1.5% 98%, contains <7%h2o 98%, contains 10-15%acoh 98%, contains 15 wt.% water as stabilizer 98%, contains ca. 10% na2co3 98%, contains caco3 as stabilizer 98%, contains potassium carbonate as stabilizer 98%, ee80% 98%, ee99% 98%, for analysis, acs,iso,reag. ph eur 98%, from streptomyces cyaneus 98%, in 10% dcm 98%, isomer mixture 98%, mix tbc as stabilizer 98%, mixp-0+p-1+p2+p-3+p-3'+p-4+p-4' 98%, mixture 98%, ph<7 (33.3% in water) 98%, ru≥25.8% 98%, stab. with 1-5% hexane 98%, stabilized with 200ppm mehq 98%, stabilized with hq 98%, stabilized with ~1.5% phenothiazine 98%, up to 10% water 98%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98%, ~20nm 98%, ~5mg/ml in buffer 98%, 含<1%正丁硫醇稳定剂 98%, 含0.1%tbc稳定剂 98%, 含100ppm mehq稳定剂 98%, 含k2co3稳定剂 98%, 含有2%硫酸钠作为干燥剂 98%, 含铜屑稳定剂 98%, 无水 98%, 来源:大豆 98%, 混旋 98%, 游离态 98%, 生物技术级 98%, 用于生化研究 98%, 用于蛋白质研究 98%, 白色粉末, 用于生化研究 98%, 立体异构体混合物 98%, 粉末, 用于药物研究 98%, 粒度: ≥100目 98%, 粒径: 0-2μm 98%, 粒径: 1-2μm 98%, 粒径: 100-300nm 98%, 粒径: 600-800nm 98%, 粒径; 100-500nm 98%, 粒径; 400-700nm 98%, 粒径; 800-1000nm 98%, 顺反混合物 98%, stabilized with bht 98%,(stabilized with mehq) 98%,(t) 98%,10 mg/ml in ethanol (1% w/v) 98%,10 mm in h2o 98%,10-20目 98%,100-200 ppm bht as inhibitor 98%,10mg/ml in methyl acetate 98%,1250目 98%,200目 98%,25mg/ml in ethanol 98%,4 ~ 8μm 98%,40-60目 98%,400目 98%,42-50(mpa25°c) 98%,60ppmmehq 98%,97%ee 98%,98 atom % d 98%,98%atom%d 98%,99%e.e. 98%,anomer ca 15% 98%,co:45-47% 98%,contains 0.1-0.2%mehq 98%,contains<10-20%h2o 98%,contains≤6%h2o 98%,contains≤7%h2o 98%,ee 97% 98%,ee92% 98%,ee95% 98%,from:brown seaweed 98%,gc&n 98%,m.w ~80000 98%,mix tbc as stabilizer 98%,mixture of cis and trans 98%,ni32% 98%,pd 15% 98%,pd>11.0% 98%,pd>13.3% 98%,pd>15.5% 98%,pd>19.0% 98%,pd>21.0% 98%,pd>22.5% 98%,pd>29.0% 98%,pd>36.2% 98%,pd~35% 98%,pt:55.0 ± 1.3% 98%,rh>25.8% 98%,rh>42% 98%,solid 98%,stabilized with 0.1% 3,5-di-tert-butylcatechol 98%,stabilized with 0.2% α-tocopherol 98%,stabilized with 5% k2co3 98%,stabilized with 5-20 ppm hydroquinone 98%,stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98%,stabilized with copper chip 98%,stabilized with hq 98%,stabilized with tbc 98%,stabilizedwith4-7%h2o 98%,viscosity: 800~1200 mpa.s 98%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 98%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 98%,β-phase basis 98%,光学纯 70% 98%,光学纯 98%,含 o-型 98%,含0.01% koh稳定剂 98%,含0.1% 对苯二酚稳定剂 98%,含0.1%碳酸钾稳定剂 98%,含0.10% alpha-tocopherol 抗氧化剂 98%,含0.3 % mgo稳定剂 98%,含1% caco3稳定剂 98%,含100ppmmehq稳定剂 98%,含175 ppm mehq 稳定剂 98%,含50 - 100 ppm bht 稳定剂 98%,含500 ppm bht稳定剂 98%,含500ppm氢醌单甲醚mehq稳定剂 98%,含60-100ppmmehq稳定剂 98%,含600 ppm 环氧丙烷稳定剂 98%,含90 - 110 ppm mehq 稳定剂 98%,含有数量不等的1,3-二异丙基咪唑鎓-2-羧酸盐 98%,含水约20% ,单位重量以干重计 98%,含稳定剂bht 98%,含稳定剂tbc 98%,含稳定剂吩噻嗪 98%,含铜屑稳定剂 98%,支链异构体类的混和物 98%,无水 98%,无水级 98%,无色液体 98%,晶体 98%,本征态 98%,来源于猪 98%,来源于石榴树皮 98%,棕色结晶粉末 98%,正丁酰氯≤0.10% 98%,氩气封装 98%,深蓝紫色结晶粉末 98%,熔点67-72°c 98%,片状 98%,球状 98%,生物技术级 98%,用于过氧化物酶试验 98%,用于酯化 98%,甲硫氨酸亚砜还原酶底物 98%,白色粉末 98%,磺酸掺杂 98%,粒径:100-300nm 98%,约含0.5% mehq 稳定剂 98%,自然提取 98%,蓝相 98%,试剂级 98%,适用于荧光 98%,顺反异构体混合物 98%,黄相 98%,黄色液体 98%atom%d 98%含稳定剂mehq 98%混合(tbc作为稳定剂) 98%混合物(tbc作为稳定剂) 98 atom % d 98-100% 98-101% 98-102%(t)(含有30-40%h2o) 98.0% (at) 98.0% (tlc) 98.0%(hplc)(t), 用于高效液相色谱标记 98.0%(hplc) 98.0%(n)(t) 98.0%(tlc) 98.0%,含30ppmmehq稳定剂 98.0-102.0% anhydrous basis (hplc) 98.00%-gc&t 98.00%lc&n 98.00%lc 98.4mg/l, 基质: h2o 98.5 atom %, 15n 98% 98.5% trace metals basis, particle size<100 nm (bet) 98.5% trace metals basis 98.5%(hplc) 98.5%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98.5%, mixture of isomers 98.5%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 98.5%,生化级 98.5-101.5% (at) 98.50% 98.9-101.2% b2o3 basis 99 %,stab. with 0.1% tbc 99 atom % ¹³c,20 wt. % in h2o 99 atom % ¹³c,cp:98% 99 atom % ¹³c,cp:99% 99 atom % 11b 99 atom % 13c, 95% 99 atom % 13c, 98 atom % 15n 99 atom % 13c, 98 atom % d 99 atom % 13c, 99 atom % 15n, 95% (cp) 99 atom % 13c, 99 atom % 15n, 98%(cp) 99 atom % 13c, 99 atom % d 99 atom % 13c, 99% (cp) 99 atom % 13c, 99%(cp), contains cu as stabilizer 99 atom % d, 80%(hplc) 99 atom % d, 99 atom % 13c 99 atom % d, 99% (cp) 99 atom % d, cp:95% 99 atom % d,100 ug/ml in acetonitrile 99 atom % d,99% 99 atom % 13c, 97%(cp) 99 atom % 13c, 98%(cp) 99 atom % 7li, 99%(cp) 99 atom %, 98% 99 atom %, ≥98% 99 atom %13c, 99%(cp) 99 atom %13c 99 atom% d, 95 atom% 18o 99% (contains 20-30%h2o) 99% (dry wt.), water <2% 99% (gc) 99% (hplc), 98% 99% (less than 1% free nucleotides, tlc) 99% (metals basis excluding ba) 99% (metals basis excluding zr), zr <2% 99% (n) 99% (purity excludes ~1% zr) 99% (tlc) 99% ,粒径≤1μm 99% 10-50微米 99% au assay:39.91 ± 0.8% 99% bstfa + 1% tmcs,,用于gc衍生化 99% bstfa + 10% tmcs,,用于gc衍生化 99% bstfa + 5% tmcs,,用于gc衍生化 99% hplc 99% isotopic 99% metals basis, ≥325 mesh 99% metals basis, 含有约10%的nicro3 99% metals basis,2-10 μm 99% metals basis,400目 99% metals basis,pd 9.0% 99% purity,>99% ee 99% trace metals basis, 150-200nm 99% trace metals basis, 20nm, 球形 99% trace metals basis, 350nm 99% trace metals basis,sba-15 99% 生物技术级,来源于牛 99%(99.99 %-ta) 99%(99.99%-sb) 99%(99.99%-w) 99%(gc), contanins ≤200ppm mehq as inhibitor 99%(hplc), sublimed 99%(hplc), 以干基计 99%(lc) 99%(mixture of isomers),来源枯草菌脂肽钠 99%(mixture of isomers) 99%(mixture) 99%(mixtures), 包含~0.006%对苯二酚稳定剂 99%(nmr) 99%(stabilized with 600-750ppm mehq) 99%(sum of mixtures) 99%(titration) 99%(二甲苯异构体+乙基苯) 99%(升华级) 99%(含200-300ppmmehq稳定剂) 99%(天然) 99%(支链异构体类的混合物总和) 99%, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%, 0.1-1mm 99%, 0.2-0.5μm 99%, 0.5-1μm 99%, 1-3mm 99%, 10% w/v in isopropanol/hexane(50:50) 99%, 100±5nm 99%, 100-300nm 99%, 10μm 99%, 10万u/g 99%, 2-4mm 99%, 200目 99%, 3-5μm 99%, 300-500nm 99%, 325目 99%, 4-7mm 99%, 400目 99%, 600-1000目 99%, 7% s, dissolved in tbp 99%, 98atom%d 99%, 99.999%-si 99%, acid<200 ppm, h2o<100 ppm 99%, mixture of isomers 99%, mixture of milbemycin oxime a3 and milbemycin oxime a4, 10:1 99%, mixtures 99%, stabilized with bht 99%, stabilized with mehq 99%, sublimed 99%, with molecular sieves, stabilized with 400 ppm triethylamine, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%, with molecular sieves,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%, β型 99%, ≥99.99% trace metals basis 99%, 厚度: 0.8-1.2 nm, 直径: 0.5-5μm 99%, 含50-150 ppm tbc 稳定剂 99%, 天然 99%, 平均粒径: 2μm 99%, 异构体混合物 99%, 水分≤0.1% 99%, 浊点55°c 99%, 浊点73℃ 99%, 浊点88℃ 99%, 片径: 0.5~5 μm, 厚度: 0.8-1.2 nm 99%, 用于细胞培养 99%, 用于药物研究 99%, 粉末 99%, 粒径: 5-10μm 99%, 粒径:5-10μm 99%, 粒径<10μm 99%, 蛋白浓度: 5 mg/ml, 内毒素: <1eu/mg 99%, 高纯级 99%,(mixture of isomers) 99%,-325目 99%,0.1%单杂 99%,0.5~0.7um 99%,1-4mm 99%,1-5μm 99%,100目 99%,15nm,疏水性 99%,1~2μm 99%,20000 fu/g 99%,200目 99%,3-5μm 99%,30-50nm 99%,3000-4000目 99%,40-60目 99%,5-15nm 99%,50-200nm 99%,500目 99%,50目 99%,6-10μm 99%,6μm 99%,99.99%-hf, <0.2% 99%,<10nm 99%,<500nm 99%,anhydride group content≥41.0% 99%,bp 99%,ee 98% 99%,ee99% 99%,hq as inhibitor 99%,metals basis 99%,mixture of isomers 99%,p≥27% 99%,stabilized with 100ppm mehq,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99%,stabilized with bht, water:300-500ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,with molecular sieves, water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99%,~300目 99%,≤100nm 99%,≤325 目,粉末 99%,主要是顺式 99%,十二水合物 99%,单杂<0.2%,ee99.5% 99%,含0.01 % bht 稳定剂 99%,含0.01% copper 稳定剂 99%,含0.01% 铜片 稳定剂 99%,含0.1 % koh 稳定剂 99%,含1% k2co3 稳定剂 99%,含1-3%乙醇稳定剂 99%,含10 - 20 ppm mehq 稳定剂 99%,含10-100ppm 4-methoxyphenol 稳定剂 99%,含10-15ppm 4-叔-丁基邻苯二酚稳定剂 99%,含10-20 ppm mehq 作为稳定剂 99%,含15 - 20 ppm mehq稳定剂 99%,含15 ppm 4-叔丁基邻苯二酚稳定剂 99%,含150-400 ppm bht 稳定剂 99%,含20ppm mehq稳定剂 99%,含40 - 60 ppm mehq 稳定剂 99%,含50-150 ppm tbc 稳定剂 99%,含50ppm bht 稳定剂 99%,含水20% 99%,含阻聚剂mehq 99%,异构体混合物 99%,总杂<0.1% 99%,无色 99%,水分≤1.0% 99%,生物技术级 99%,用于hplc标记 99%,用于分子生物学 99%,用于生化分析 99%,用于生化研究 99%,用于细胞培养 99%,离子对色谱级 99%,粒径<1.2um 99%,粒状 99%,蛋白测序级 99%,超纯级 99%,适用于分析 99%,酯酶底物 99%,重结晶 99%,金红石,2-3um 99%,锐钛,100nm 99%,锐钛,2-3um 99%,闪烁级 99%,非动物源 99%,顺反混合物 99%,颗粒 99%,高纯级 99%,黄色结晶针状固体 99%[bmim][po4] 99.0% (at) 99.0% (hplc) 99.0% (t) 99.0% metals basis 99.0%(hplc), 升华提纯 99.0%(hplc) 99.0%, mkseal 99.0%,stabilized with 5-20 ppm hydroquinone 99.0%,含30ppmmehq稳定剂 99.0%,超纯级 99.0-100.3% (w/w) (t) 99.0-100.5% (in dried substance), meets analytical specification of e 282 99.00%,ee99% 99.1%(isotopic value:98.6%) 99.5 atom % d, 3 n in d2o 99.5 atom % d, 99% (cp) 99.5% ( 4 times purification ) 99.5% (metals basis excluding sr), sr <500ppm 99.5% (metals basis 去除ni), ni < 0.2% 99.5% (metals basis 去除铪) ,325目 99.5% (metals basis,锆除外), zr <1% 99.5% ,粒径:1-2um 99.5% m.w 4000 99.5% metals basis (去除铪),1-3μm 99.5% metals basis, 1-1.5um 99.5% metals basis, 100-200nm 99.5% metals basis, 40nm, 近球形 99.5% metals basis, 50-100nm 99.5% metals basis, d50: 2-3μm 99.5% metals basis, d50≈3μm 99.5% metals basis, ~100目 99.5% metals basis, ≤6um 99.5% metals basis,<100 nm 99.5% metals basis,<100nm 99.5% metals basis,10μm 99.5% metals basis,150nm,锐钛,亲水 99.5% metals basis,2.0μm 99.5% metals basis,25μm 99.5% metals basis,2μm 99.5% metals basis,300目 99.5% metals basis,5 μm 99.5% metals basis,5μm 99.5% metals basis,<15μm 99.5% metals basis,≤45um 99.5% metals basis,≥200目 99.5% metals basis,粉末, 2 μm 99.5% metals basis,粉末,<3 μm 99.5% trace metals basis, 3μm 99.5% trace metals basis, aqueous nanoparticle dispersion, <5 nm, 20% wt.% in h2o 99.5% 生物技术级 99.5%( based on diamine), mixture of isomers 99.5%(gc) 99.5%(t) 99.5%, recrystallized 4 times 99.5%, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.5%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.5%, 10-80目 99.5%, acid <200 ppm, h2o <100 ppm 99.5%, hafnium chloride<50ppm 99.5%, sublimated 99.5%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%, 含<1%正丁硫醇稳定剂 99.5%, 含~75 ppm bht稳定剂 99.5%, 适用于分析 99.5%,-325mesh 99.5%,1-3μm 99.5%,100-200nm,球形 99.5%,100nm 99.5%,10um 99.5%,15±5nm 99.5%,150-160mghoh/g 99.5%,150-200目 99.5%,2-3μm 99.5%,20±5nm 99.5%,20-80nm 99.5%,200nm 99.5%,200目 99.5%,20nm 99.5%,30±5nm 99.5%,300目 99.5%,30nm 99.5%,40-100nm 99.5%,50±5nm 99.5%,500nm 99.5%,50nm 99.5%,60-120nm 99.5%,dtt,无酶 99.5%,ee99.5% 99.5%,gc 99.5%,gc对照品 99.5%,metals basis 99.5%,stabilized with 5-20 ppm hydroquinone 99.5%,stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%,trace metals basis 99.5%,water< 0.005% (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.5%,with molecular sieves, stabilized with bht, water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%,with molecular sieves, stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%,with molecular sieves, water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.5%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.5%,≤3 μm 99.5%,≤30μm 99.5%,≥100目 99.5%,分子生物学级 99.5%,分析对照品 99.5%,升华纯化 99.5%,单杂<0.1% 99.5%,含0.1 % koh 稳定剂 99.5%,含稳定剂铜屑 99.5%,异构体混合物 99.5%,无水级,水≤50ppm,mkseal 99.5%,片状 99.5%,用于电泳 99.5%,用于细胞培养和昆虫细胞培养 99.5%,用于缓冲溶液 99.5%,粉末 99.5%,重蒸馏 99.5%metals basis 99.5%分析标准品 99.5-100.5% 99.56%,无水级 99.6%,25μm 99.7% metal basis 99.7% metals basis (hf除外),hf ≤1% 99.7% trace metals basis, <25 nm 99.7%,stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.7%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.7%,with molecular sieves, stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.7%,with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.7%,含100ppmmehq稳定剂 99.8 atom % d, cp:98% 99.8% trace metals basis 99.8% metal basis, 1μm, 近球形 99.8% metals basis, 10nm-25nm, 锐钛, 亲水 99.8% metals basis, 300±50nm 99.8% metals basis, 30nm, 锐钛, 亲水 99.8% metals basis, ≥100目 99.8% metals basis,100-300nm,金红,亲水 99.8% metals basis,100nm,金红,亲水 99.8% metals basis,100nm,金红,亲油 99.8% metals basis,100nm,锐钛,亲水 99.8% metals basis,100nm,锐钛,亲油 99.8% metals basis,25nm,金红,亲水 99.8% metals basis,25nm,锐钛,亲水 99.8% metals basis,300目 99.8% metals basis,40nm,金红,亲水 99.8% metals basis,40nm,锐钛,亲水 99.8% metals basis,5-10nm,锐钛,亲水亲油型 99.8% metals basis,5-10nm,锐钛,亲水型 99.8% metals basis,50±10nm 99.8% metals basis,60nm,金红,亲水 99.8% metals basis,60nm,锐钛,亲水 99.8% metals basis,60nm,锐钛,亲油(硬脂酸处理) 99.8% metals basis,60nm 99.8% metals basis,90±10nm 99.8% metals basis,rh 81% 99.8% trace metals basis 99.8%, with molecular sieves, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.),mkseal 99.8%, cl≤0.005% 99.8%, u=0.3%(k=2) 99.8%,10μm 99.8%,1μm,,高白度 99.8%,200目 99.8%,6.35mm (0.25in) dia x 6.35mm (0.25in) length 99.8%,d50 0.5-1.5μm 99.8%,pb:0.0005% 99.8%,pb:0.001% 99.8%,stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,standard for gc 99.8%,water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,with molecular sieves, stabilized with bht, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,with molecular sieves, water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.8%,比表面积(bet): 260m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):100m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):115m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):120m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):150m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):170m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):200m2/g;氯化物:0.0125 99.8%,比表面积(bet):200m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):230m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):300m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.8%,比表面积(bet):380m2/g;粒径:7-40nm 99.85% (metals basis) 99.85% 99.9 %,~60% in neodecanoic acid (15-20% bi) 99.9 atom % d 99.9% metals basis, ≤1μm 99.9% (metals basis), pt 44.9% min 99.9% based on trace metals analysis 99.9% metal basis, 80目 99.9% metal basis, d50≤10μm 99.9% metal basis 99.9% metals basis ,无水 99.9% metals basis, <10μm 99.9% metals basis, 1-3cm 99.9% metals basis, 1000目 99.9% metals basis, 150-250目 99.9% metals basis, 1μm 99.9% metals basis, 200-300nm 99.9% metals basis, 50-300nm 99.9% metals basis, 500目 99.9% metals basis, 600-800nm 99.9% metals basis, 600目 99.9% metals basis, 800目 99.9% metals basis, 900目 99.9% metals basis, d50=200nm 99.9% metals basis, α相, 100nm, 亲油型 99.9% metals basis, ≤0.8μm 99.9% metals basis, ≤150nm 99.9% metals basis, ≥200目 99.9% metals basis, 平均粒径:10 μm, 近球形 99.9% metals basis, 棕色固体 99.9% metals basis, 粒径<500nm 99.9% metals basis,<50 nm 99.9% metals basis,0.5μm 99.9% metals basis,1-2μm 99.9% metals basis,1-5μm 99.9% metals basis,10-20μm 99.9% metals basis,10-30nm 99.9% metals basis,100-200 mesh 99.9% metals basis,100目 99.9% metals basis,1~2μm 99.9% metals basis,2 μm 99.9% metals basis,2-3μm 99.9% metals basis,200目,粉末 99.9% metals basis,20nm 99.9% metals basis,2μm 99.9% metals basis,3-5μm 99.9% metals basis,30±10nm 99.9% metals basis,300目,近球形 99.9% metals basis,40nm 99.9% metals basis,4mm,颗粒 99.9% metals basis,4μm 99.9% metals basis,50-70nm 99.9% metals basis,500nm 99.9% metals basis,5~10μm 99.9% metals basis,60-100nm,黑色粉末 99.9% metals basis,60-100nm 99.9% metals basis,60-80nm 99.9% metals basis,<200nm 99.9% metals basis,ir ≥84.5% 99.9% metals basis,pd 29% 99.9% metals basis,α相,100nm,亲水型 99.9% metals basis,α相,30nm,亲水型 99.9% metals basis,α相,30nm,亲油型 99.9% metals basis,≤1μm 99.9% metals basis,不规则片状 99.9% metals basis,宽:13 mm, 厚:0.3 mm 99.9% metals basis,无水 99.9% metals basis,粉末,100-200 mesh 99.9% metals basis,粉末,≥200目 99.9% metals basis,粒径<5mm 99.9% metals basis,粒径(d50)10-20μm 99.9% metals basis,粒径10μm 99.9% metals basis,粒径≤1μm 99.9% metals basis,颗粒 99.9% metals basis,黄色 99.9% rare earth metals basis,200目 99.9% trace metals basis (purity excludes ~2% hfo2) 99.9% trace metals basis, 100目 99.9% trace metals basis, 50-100 nm 99.9% trace metals basis, 50-80nm 99.9% trace metals basis,325mesh 99.9% trace metals basis,−325目 99.9%(gc),含40ppm二异丙胺 稳定剂 99.9%(metals basis) 99.9%(mixtures) 99.9%, 100±5nm 99.9%, 100nm, 单斜相 99.9%, 100nm, 立方相 99.9%, 1600-2000目 99.9%, 1cm-3cm 99.9%, 1μm, 单斜相 99.9%, 20-40nm 99.9%, 200nm, 单斜相 99.9%, 200目, 四方相 99.9%, 200目 99.9%, 20nm, 单斜相 99.9%, 20nm 99.9%, 300±5nm 99.9%, 500nm, 单斜相 99.9%, 50nm, 单斜相 99.9%, 60-100目 99.9%, k=2 99.9%, water≤0.2% 99.9%, ≤30μm 99.9%, ≤500 μm, powder 99.9%, 不含甲醇 99.9%, 无甲醇、无甲醛、无酯、无杂醇油 99.9%, 深蓝色, 用作透明隔热薄膜 99.9%, 球型, d50=0.6-1um, 四方晶体-铁电体 99.9%, 球型, d50=0.6-1um 99.9%, 白色 99.9%, 粒径: 200-500nm 99.9%,1-2um 99.9%,1-3um 99.9%,100nm 99.9%,100目 99.9%,105-250um 99.9%,1250目 99.9%,12~16um 99.9%,15-45um 99.9%,15-53um 99.9%,17um 99.9%,1~5mm 99.9%,23um 99.9%,27um 99.9%,300目 99.9%,30nm 99.9%,3~4um 99.9%,40nm 99.9%,53-105um 99.9%,53-120um 99.9%,53-150um 99.9%,80-100nm 99.9%,800目 99.9%,8~10um 99.9%,d50(0.2~0.55μm) 99.9%,lossondrying≤5% 99.9%,metals basis 99.9%,stabilized with amylene, water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.9%,total metallic impuriyies≤1000 ppm 99.9%,water≤50 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.9%,with molecular sieves, water≤30 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.9%,平均粒径≤100 nm,粉末 99.9%,比表面积≥120m2/g;粒径:30nm 99.9%,生物技术级 99.9%,用于生物偶联 99.9%,粒径:1-3μm 99.9%,颗粒,锆≤0.15% 99.9%-la(reo) 99.9%-ni 99.9%-pd 99.9%-sc(reo) 99.9%-sm(reo) 99.9%metal basis,d1=1μm 99.9%metals basis 99.9%生物技术级 99.95% metals basis 99.95% (metals basis), pt 51.5% min 99.95% metal basis, ru 25.3%最低 99.95% metal basis 99.95% metals basis ,白色 99.95% metals basis, os 37%最低 99.95% metals basis, rh 13.5% 最低 99.95% metals basis, ≤80目 99.95% metals basis, 钌 10.2% 最低 99.95% metals basis,1-5mm 99.95% metals basis,10000目 99.95% metals basis,1200目 99.95% metals basis,2000目 99.95% metals basis,325目 99.95% metals basis,4000目 99.95% metals basis,5000目 99.95% metals basis,50目 99.95% metals basis,750-850目 99.95% metals basis,80-120目 99.95% metals basis,8000目 99.95% metals basis, 99.95% metals basis,≥100目 99.95% metals basis,无水级,粉末 99.95%,1um 99.95%,water≤100 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.96% 99.97% metals basis 99.99 % metals basis 99.99% (metals basis), au 84.2% 最低 99.99% metal basis, ru 23%最低 99.99% metal basis, 无气味的粉末 99.99% metals basis ,50nm 99.99% metals basis ,5~6μm,粉末 99.99% metals basis 0.5-2mm 99.99% metals basis, 3.3-5μm 99.99% metals basis, 40目 99.99% metals basis, 800目 99.99% metals basis, au≥39.3%最低 99.99% metals basis, d50=20μm 99.99% metals basis, d50=6μm 99.99% metals basis, os 52-56% 99.99% metals basis, rh 11.4%最低 99.99% metals basis, rh 46.2% 最低 99.99% metals basis, water<10 ppm (by k.f.), mkseal 99.99% metals basis, γ相, 40nm 99.99% metals basis, 平均粒径: 100nm 99.99% metals basis, 无水 99.99% metals basis, 用于镀膜 99.99% metals basis, 直径0.1-2mm 99.99% metals basis,0.1mm 直径 99.99% metals basis,0.25mm 直径 99.99% metals basis,0.5mm 直径 99.99% metals basis,0.5um 99.99% metals basis,1-3mm,powder 99.99% metals basis,1-3mm 99.99% metals basis,100nm 99.99% metals basis,150-250目 99.99% metals basis,150目 99.99% metals basis,1mm 直径 99.99% metals basis,1um 99.99% metals basis,200nm 99.99% metals basis,2~10μm 99.99% metals basis,2μm 99.99% metals basis,300目 99.99% metals basis,40-200目 99.99% metals basis,400目 99.99% metals basis,4mm颗粒 99.99% metals basis,50-70nm 99.99% metals basis,5μm 99.99% metals basis,80%α相,30nm-50nm 99.99% metals basis,trace metal ≤200ppm 99.99% metals basis,α晶型,60nm 99.99% metals basis,α晶型约90%,晶型γ约10%,50nm 99.99% metals basis,α晶型约95%,晶型γ约5%,80nm 99.99% metals basis,α相,300nm,亲水型 99.99% metals basis,α相,30nm,亲水型 99.99% metals basis,α相,30nm 99.99% metals basis,α相,50nm,亲水型 99.99% metals basis,γ晶型,60nm 99.99% metals basis,γ相,10nm 99.99% metals basis,γ相,20nm 99.99% metals basis,≤0.1μm 99.99% metals basis,≤45μm 99.99% metals basis,≥100目 99.99% metals basis,不规则块状 99.99% metals basis,主体晶相,30nm-50nm 99.99% metals basis,无水级 99.99% metals basis,晶体颗粒 99.99% metals basis,晶型α,0.20μm 99.99% metals basis,晶型γ,20nm 99.99% metals basis,晶粒 99.99% metals basis,用于光学玻璃或单晶 99.99% metals basis,粒径<5mm 99.99% metals basis,粒径:10μm 99.99% metals basis,粒径:2μm 99.99% metals basis,粒径:5μm 99.99% metals basis,粒状,1-3mm 99.99% trace metals basis (purity excludes zirconium) 99.99% trace metals basis, <100 nm 99.99% trace metals basis, <100nm 99.99% trace metals basis, d50=2~3μm 99.99% trace metals basis, ≤10 μm 99.99% trace metals basis, 无水级 99.99% trace metals basis, 超干 99.99% trace metals basis,<20 μm, 99.99% trace metals 99.99%(metal basis), water<0.1% 99.99%(metalsbasis去除ni),ni<0.2% 99.99%, 1μm 99.99%, 2um 99.99%, 30μm, 球形 99.99%, d50=1μm 99.99%,1-3μm 99.99%,1~5mm 99.99%,1μm 99.99%,3-5 um 99.99%,4n 99.99%,metals basis 99.99%,water:0.5-0.8% 99.99%,白色粉末,锆≤0.15% 99.99%,粒径:1μm 99.99%-sn 99.99%-zr (reo) 99.99%metalsbasis 99.993%, with indicator, 8 mesh 99.995 % metals basis 99.995% metals basis,≤60目 99.995% metals basis,≤80目 99.9965% metals basis 99.997% trace metals basis 99.998% (metals basis 去除 w), w 300ppm 最高 99.998% metals basis,100目 99.998% metals basis,≤60目 99.998% trace metals basis,结晶,粉末 99.998% 99.9985% (metals basis), (去除最高25ppm的碱土金属) 99.9985% metals basis 99.999% metals basis 99.999% (reo) 99.999% metals basis ,无水 99.999% metals basis, 1-6mm 99.999% metals basis, 200目 99.999% metals basis, 60目 99.999% metals basis, si 10ppm 最高 99.999% metals basis,1-5mm 99.999% metals basis,1-6 mm,beads 99.999% metals basis,300目 99.999% metals basis,<2cm 99.999% metals basis,beads,1-6 mm 99.999% metals basis,powder 99.999% metals basis,无水级 99.999% metals basis,粒状,1-3mm 99.999% trace metals basis, 珠状, -10目 99.999%(metalsbasis去除ni),ni<0.2% 99.999%,5n 99.999%,≤45μm,粉末 99.999%metals basis 99.9995% trace metals basis 99.9999% metals basis,1-5mm 99.9999% metals basis,单晶棒状 99.9999% trace metals basis 99.9999%, 超纯级 99.99999% metals basis,块状 99.99999% metals basis,棒状或块状 997.8mg/l,溶剂:二氯甲烷 99atom%13c <100nm,99% >200目 >30u/mg,10mg/ml in h2o >30u/mg,20mg/ml in h2o >40% in h2o >60% >65% >85% >97%(hplc) >98.0%(gc) >99%(gc) >99%,10-100fg >99%,ultra low-abundance proteins >99% >99.0% metals basis,2μm a grade, 100-200 mesh a grade, 16-30 mesh a grade, 30-60 mesh a grade, 60-100 mesh a grade, ~200 mesh a solution in ethanol, ≥98% a solution in methyl acetate a+b,2-3mg水/ml a+b,3-4mg水/ml a+b,3-5mg水/ml a+b,5-6mg水/ml a+b,5mg水/ml a-21s a-30mp a-62mp a-722 ac: 53%-56%, 粉末 ac: 53%-56%, 絮片状 acid terminated, mw 10,000-18,000 acid terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 24000-38000 acid terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 38000-54000 acid terminated,lactide:glycolide 65:35,mw 24000-38000 acid terminated,lactide:glycolide 75:25,mw 4000-15000 acid terminated,mw 38000-54000 acid terminated,mw 7000-17000 acid value (koh mg/g): 200~235 acid value(koh mg/g):286~326 acryl/bis 29:1, 30% 溶液 acrylic acid 15 wt. % acrylonitrile 37-39 wt. % acs ,≥99.5% acs reagent, chips, 33.5-36.5% acs reagent, for spectrophotometric det. of cd,cu,hg,pb,zn, ≥98%(tlc) acs reagent, mixture of cuo and cu2o acs reagent,95 % acs reagent,≥99.5% acs spectrophotometric grade, ≥99.9% acs 光谱级,≥99.5% acs 光谱级,≥99.9% acs, 99% acs, 99.8-100.3% acs, pt 37.5% min acs, ≥85% acs, ≥90% acs, ≥98% acs, ≥98.0% (rt) acs, ≥98.5% acs, ≥99.0% (gc) acs, ≥99.4% acs, ≥99.5% acs, 干燥剂 acs,>98% acs,48%,无色液体 acs,48% acs,97%,片状 acs,98% acs,98.0-102.0% acs,98.0-103.0% acs,99% acs,99.0% acs,99.0-100.5% acs,99.0-101% acs,99.0-101.0% acs,99.5-101.0% acs,dye content 95 % acs,≥90.0% acs,≥97.0% acs,≥98% acs,≥99.0%(gc) acs,≥99.5%(gc) acs,≥99.5%(t) acs,≥99.7% acs,≥99.8% acs,≥99.9% acs光谱级,≥99.8% acs级,95-102% acs级,≥99.5% ads-600 ag≥24% al2o3 30-40%, -600目 al2o3:46% al2o3≈32% al2o3≥30% al2o3≥50% al: 16-20%, stabilized with boric acid alkylating agent, 90% al≥16% al≥8.4% al≥9.8% al、ca、k、na、pb、se:5.00μg/ml;as、ba、cd、cr、cu、fe、mg、mn、ni、zn:2.50μg/ml amberlite® imac hp1110 树脂 ammonium salt, ≥98% ammonium sulfate suspension, 2,000-6,000 units/mg protein (biuret) ammonium sulfate suspension, 200-500 units/mg protein ammonium sulfate suspension, 5.0-20.0 units/mg protein (biuret) ammonium sulfate suspension, ≥10 units/mg protein ammonium sulfate suspension, ≥100 units/mg protein ammonium sulfate suspension, ≥50 units/mg protein an ionic detergent for the solubilization of membrane-bound proteins analysis of standard solution 0.17 m analytical reference,≥98%(hplc) analytical standard ≥ 99.0 % analytical standard ≥99.0% (gc) analytical standard ,≥97.0 % (gc) analytical standard ,≥98.0 % analytical standard ≥98.0% (hplc) analytical standard, ≥95.0% analytical standard, for gpc, 17,000 analytical standard, for gpc, 483,000,mn ~429000,mp ~549000,mw ~483000 analytical standard,>99.8%(gc) analytical standard,0.500mg/ml in water analytical standard,0.5mg/ml in water,for food analysis analytical standard,10μg/ml in ethanol analytical standard,hplc≥95% analytical standard,≥98% analytical standard,≥99.5%(gc) analytical volumetric solution, 0.002m analytical volumetric solution,0.01m analytical volumetric solution,0.025m analytical volumetric solution,0.02m analytical volumetric solution,1.0m anhydrous, 99.9% metals basis anhydrous, 98% anhydrous, 99.5% anhydrous, powder, 99.9% metals basis anhydrous,98% anhydrous,99.0% anhydrous,99.9% trace rare earth metals basis anhydrous,99.99%(metals basis),ir≥63.9% anhydrous,99.995% trace metals basis anhydrous,99.998% trace metals basis anhydrous,≥99% anhydrous approx. 1-5 mm approx. 90% 1,2-vinyl approx. 90% 1,4-vinyl,固体 approx. m.w. 100,000 approx. m.w. 140,000 approx. m.w. 170,000 approx. m.w. 300,000 approx. m.w. 45.000, pellets approx. m.w. 50,000 approx. m.w. 500,000 aps≈2微米, 99.9% metals basis aqueous glycerol solution, ≥50 units/mg protein aqueous solution ~0.206 m, ≥99% aqueous solution, ≥700 units/g assay:45.0~55.0% assay≥85.0% au 23.5~23.8% in h2o au 48-50% au ≥35% au ≥48% au≥51% au≥55% au≥82% available chlorine 4.0 % average m.w. 10000 average m.w. 1000 average m.w. 115,000 average m.w. 600 average m.w.2000 average mn 1,000, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 1,700-3,200 average mn 10,000, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 10000 average mn 1300 average mn 1310 average mn 13400 average mn 150,000-250,000 average mn 1500 average mn 1540 average mn 2,000, 50 wt. % in h2o average mn 20,000, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 200, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 20000,片状固体 average mn 20000 average mn 2090-2360 average mn 2700 average mn 2900 average mn 300 average mn 3400 average mn 3500 average mn 3600-3700 average mn 40,000-70,000 average mn 40,000 average mn 400, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 4000,conductivity(1g/mlh2o,25℃):35.30-282.6μs/cm average mn 440 average mn 45,000 average mn 50,000 average mn 500 average mn 550, contains 270-330 ppm bht as inhibitor, 80-120 ppm mehq as inhibitor average mn 6,000, contains 1000 ppm 4-methoxyphenol as inhibitor average mn 600, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn 6000 average mn 70,000-100,000 average mn 750, contains 900-1100 ppm mehq as inhibitor average mn 80,000 average mn 8000-10000 average mn 8000 average mn 800 average mn 85,000 average mn <40,000 average mn ~1,100 average mn ~1,150 average mn ~1,400 average mn ~1,800 by gpc, average mw ~2,000 by ls, 50 wt. % in h2o average mn ~1,800 average mn ~10,000, powder average mn ~1000 average mn ~1014 average mn ~12,000 average mn ~13,000, methylhydrosiloxane 3-4 mol % average mn ~13,000 average mn ~14,600 average mn ~15000 average mn ~170 average mn ~1800 average mn ~2,500 average mn ~2,600 average mn ~2,900 average mn ~2000 average mn ~2100 average mn ~230 average mn ~2600 average mn ~27,000 average mn ~2700 average mn ~330 average mn ~357 average mn ~3900 average mn ~400 average mn ~426 average mn ~4600 average mn ~468, eo/phenol 1.5, contains mehq as inhibitor average mn ~5,800 average mn ~50000 by gpc average mn ~500000 average mn ~512 average mn ~530 average mn ~550, viscosity ~25 cst average mn ~570 average mn ~580 average mn ~644 average mn ~650 average mn ~670, average mw ~700 average mn ~683 average mn ~950, methylhydrosiloxane 50 mol % average mn 2,000 average mn 3,700, contains ≤1,500 ppm hq as inhibitor average mn 324, contains 200-300 ppm mehq as inhibitor average mn 50-100 kda average mn ~1,000 average mn ~2,000 average mn ~2,300 (narrow mw distribution), isocyanate ~3.6 wt. % average mn ~3,000 average mn ~314, contains 300 ppm mehq as inhibitor average mn ~328 average mn ~375 average mn ~50,000 average mn ~55,000, average mw ~100,000 average mn ~600 average mn ~650 average mn ~7,200 average mn ~800 average mn-345 average mn2000 average mn40,000, powder average mn8000 average mn:4000±500,软化点:130~145°c average mn:5000±500,软化点:145~155°c average mn:6000±500,软化点:155~165°c average mn:8000±500,软化点:150~160°c average mn~1124 average mn~130, 000, average mw~220, 000 by ls, granular average mn~380 average mn~428 average mn~432,84wt.% in 1-butanol average mn~5000 average mn~500 average mn~534 average mn~640 average mn~692,含100ppm mehq稳定剂 average mn~912 average mol wt 10,000 average mol wt 5,000 average mol wt 8350,40-80目 average mol wt 8350 average mv 1000000 average mv 1110000,average mw 1550000 average mv 20000 average mv 2600000,average mw 3050000 average mv 300000, crystalline average mv 40000,average mw 53000 average mv 425000,average mw 565000 average mv 55000,average mw 70000 average mv 800000,average mw 1050000 average mv 85000,average mw 108000 average mv ~38,000, pellets average mv ~5,000,000,powder average mv ~500,000,powder average mv ~5000,000,powder average mv ~6,000,000,powder average mv ~7,000,000,powder average mv ~70000,powder average mv ~7100,000,powder average mv ~7900,000,powder average mv ~8000,powder average mw 10,000 average mw 100,000-500,000, powder average mw 100,000~120,000 average mw 1000-1500 average mw 1200-1600 average mw 1200-2500 average mw 1400-1600 average mw 150,000 average mw 1500-1800 average mw 150000 average mw 2,000,000, 15 wt. % in h2o average mw 2100 average mw 22,000 average mw 250,000 average mw 250-500 average mw 3,000, 50 wt. % in h2o average mw 3000-5000 average mw 300万-700万 average mw 4,000-6,000, 40 wt. % in h2o average mw 4,500 average mw 4000-7000 average mw 400万-500万 average mw 45000 average mw 49,000 by gpc average mw 5,000 average mw 50, 000~100, 000 average mw 50,000 average mw 500,000 average mw 5000 average mw 500万-700万 ,80目 average mw 550-650 average mw 570-620 average mw 600,000 by gpc average mw 600-1000 average mw 600-800 average mw 6000-8000 average mw 650-1000 average mw 66,000 by gpc average mw 700-1000 average mw 700000-800000 average mw 80,000-200,000,pdi≤3.0 average mw 800-1400 average mw 85,000 average mw 86,000 by gpc average mw ~(162.21)n, 米黄色 average mw ~(162.21)n average mw ~1,080,000, average mn ~311,000 average mw ~1,180 average mw ~1,589 average mw ~1000000, powder average mw ~1000 average mw ~12,000 average mw ~14,000, average mn ~10,000 average mw ~160,000 average mw ~165,000 by gpc, acrylonitrile 25 wt. %, pellets average mw ~180,000, beads or pellets average mw ~185,000 by gpc, acrylonitrile 30 wt. %, powder average mw ~2,000 by gpc, 61-65 wt. % in h2o average mw ~2,000 average mw ~216,000 by ls, average mn ~80,000, powder average mw ~216000, average mn ~80,000 average mw ~240,000 by gpc, 25 wt. % in h2o average mw ~25,000 average mw ~250,000 by gpc average mw ~25000 by ls, average mn ~10000 by gpc average mw ~26,000 by gpc average mw ~270,000 average mw ~275,000, pellets average mw ~3, 800 by gpc average mw ~3,000 average mw ~30,000 average mw ~35,000, pellets average mw ~35,000 average mw ~38,000 by gpc average mw ~380,000 average mw ~40,000 by gpc, 25%wt in thf average mw ~400,000, average mn ~130,000, pellets average mw ~400,000, pellets average mw ~400,000, powder average mw ~45,000 by gpc average mw ~455,000, average mn ~110,000, pellets average mw ~5,000 by gpc, 50 wt. % in h2o average mw ~50,000(gpc vs. poly(ethylene oxide)),粉末 average mw ~50,000, pdi 3-4 average mw ~50,000 average mw ~500,000, pdi 3-4 average mw ~52,000, average mn ~7,000 average mw ~534,000, powder average mw ~570,000 average mw ~60, 000 average mw ~60,000 average mw ~65,000 by gpc, 25 wt% in thf average mw ~65,000, 10 wt. % in h2o average mw ~700,000 by gpc average mw ~70000, powder average mw ~80,000 average mw ~800 by ls, average mn ~600 by gpc average mw 10,000-50,000 average mw 100,000-180,000 average mw 50,000-80,000 by gpc average mw 7,000-20,000 average mw ~10,000 by gpc average mw ~100,000 by gpc average mw ~2,200, average mn ~1,200, allyl alcohol 40 mol % average mw ~515,000 by gpc average mw ~6,000, 12-200 mesh (85%) average mw ~9,100 by gpc, average mn ~3,900 by gpc, maleic anhydride 8-10 wt. % average mw10000 average mw120000 average mw20000 average mw30000 average mw60000 average mw:3600~5000 average mw:3800~5000 average mw:5600~6400,来源于猪肠粘膜 average mw~110,000 average mw~170 average mw~300000 average mw~693 average mw≥20,000 averagemw1000 ba ≥30.0 % bacopasides≥50% baee >10000 unit/mg barley seedings, 0.25u/mg basf,k-30 basichydrate battery grade 99.99% trace metals basis beads,4-8 mesh beads,8-12 mesh best scavenger for: ag,hg,os,pd&ru best scavenger for: as,lr,ni,os,pd,pt,rh,ru&se best scavenger for: cd,cr,pt,rh1+,rh2+ best scavenger for:cr,pt,pd2+,pd0 bet surf. area 1300-1600 m2/g bet:350-450㎡/g,孔径:0.56-0.58 nm bf3 ≥19% bf3 ≥60%, 白色固体 bf3: 25%-26% bf3: 34%-36% bf3:17.5 - 19.0 % bf3:30.0 - 35.0 % bi 49% biochemika, ≥96.0%(tlc) biochemika, ≥99% biological stain grade bioreagent plus, 99.0-103.0% bioreagent plus, ≥99.0% (nt) bioreagent ≥10.0 mg/ml (uv) bioreagent, 30-350 units/mg protein (e1%/280) bioreagent, for molecular biology bioreagent, suitable for electrophoresis, 98.0-102.0% bioreagent, suitable for fluorescence, ≥98.0% (n) bioreagent, suitable for fluorescence, ≥98.0% (t) bioreagent, suitable for insect cell culture, ~1360 iu/g bioreagent,粗颗粒 bioreagent,细颗粒 bioreagent biothnology grade ,80% bioultra, ≥99.5% (gc) bioxtra, ≥98.0% (tlc) bioxtra,for molecular biology,lyophilized powder black granular bleached, 46-60°c br 96-99% br, 200-500μm≥80% br, 50000u/mg br, 98% br, ≥2u/mg protein br,0.2mg/ml br,10-20u/mg br,1000u/mg,来源于牛胰腺 br,10~25% br,1200u/mg br,120u/g br,15u/mg protein br,1:4000 br,2-5u/ul,99% br,28% br,32.5万iu/g br,40% br,5万u/g br,70万 u/g br,70万u/g br,8-20u/mg br,90% br,95%,来源于牛奶 br,95% br,冻干粉 br,加替沙星干品含量>78% br,无抑制剂 br,来源于牛奶 br,水溶性 bs, dye content 65 % buffered aqueous glycerol solution, 5-25 units/mg protein(bca) buffered aqueous glycerol solution, ~30 units/mg protein (lowry) buffered aqueous glycerol solution, ≥1.0 units/mg protein buffered aqueous glycerol solution, ≥100 units/mg protein buffered aqueous glycerol solution, ≥100 units/mg protein (lowry) buffered aqueous glycerol solution buffered aqueous solution ≥90% (sds-ge) butyrylcholinesterase inhibitor c(1/2bacl2)=0.02mol/l in h2o(0.02n) c(1/2bacl2)=0.1mol/l in h2o(0.1n) c(1/2bacl2)=0.2mol/l in h2o(0.2n) c(1/2bacl2)=0.5mol/l in h2o(0.5n) c(1/2bacl2)=1mol/l in h2o(1n) c(1/2bacl2)=2mol/l in h2o(2n) c(1/2br2)=0.05mol/l c(1/2br2)=0.1mol/l c(1/2br2)=0.25mol/l c(1/2br2)=0.2mol/l c(1/2br2)=0.4mol/l c(1/2br2)=0.5mol/l c(1/2h2c2o4)=0.01004mol/l 介质: h2o c(1/2h2c2o4)=0.05025mol/l 介质: h2o c(1/2h2c2o4)=0.1011mol/l 介质: h2o c(1/2h2c2o4)=0.5026mol/l 介质: h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.001mol/l(0.001n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.002mol/l(0.002n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.005mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.01005mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.014mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.01mol/l(0.01n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.02045mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.02505mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.02516mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.02mol/l(0.02n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.0400mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.05007mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.05045mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.05mol/l(0.05n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.1006mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.1018mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.1mol/l(0.1n) in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.2002mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.2008mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.2043mol/l in h2o c(1/2hg(no3)2)=0.2mol/l(0.2n) in h2o c(1/2i<sub>2</sub>)=0.09992mol/l c(1/2i2)=0.1mol/l in h2o c(1/2nahso3)=0.1mol/l in h2o c(1/2nahso3)=0.25mol/l in h2o c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.01500mol/l(0.015n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.01mol/l (0.01n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.02000mol/l(0.02n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.02500mol/l(0.025n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.05000mol/l(0.05n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.06000mol/l(0.06n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.1200mol/l(0.12n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.1500mol/l(0.15n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.16mol/l(0.16n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.2000mol/l(0.2n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.3000mol/l(0.3n) 基体:水 c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.6000mol/l(0.6n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.7500mol/l(0.75n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=0.800mol/l (0.8n) c(1/6k2cr2o7)=1.500mol/l (1.5n) c(1/6kbro3)=0.01mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.05mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.1002mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.1010mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.1400mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.1435mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.1mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=0.2mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=1.007mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kbro3)=1mol/l, 介质: h2o c(1/6kio3)=0.005mol/l(0.005n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.01mol/l(0.01n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.05mol/l(0.05n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.1mol/l(0.1n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.2mol/l(0.2n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.3mol/l(0.3n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(1/6kio3)=0.5mol/l(0.5n) in h2o,符合gb/t601-2016 c(bacl2)=0.02011mol/l in h2o c(bacl2)=0.09935mol/l in h2o c(bacl2)=0.1006mol/l in h2o(2020版cp) c(bacl2)=0.1011mol/l in h2o c(bacl2)=50g/l in h2o c(br2)=0.05 mol/l c(cdta-2na)=0.05mol/l c(cr3+)=10g/l,c(co2+)=30g/l,h2o c(cr3+)=12g/l,c(co2+)=25g/l,h2o c(cr3+)=14g/l,c(co2+)=30g/l,h2o c(cr3+)=15g/l,c(co2+)=20g/l,h2o c(cr3+)=5g/l,c(co2+)=20g/l,h2o c(cr3+)=7g/l,c(co2+)=25g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.4g/l,c(al3+)=0.4g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.5g/l,c(al3+)=0.3g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.6g/l,c(al3+)=0.25g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.7g/l,c(al3+)=0.25g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.8g/l,c(al3+)=0.25g/l,h2o c(fe3+)=0.9g/l,c(al3+)=0.25g/l,h2o c(hg(no3)2)=0.05000mol/l in h2o(cp) c(hg(no3)2)=0.05037mol/l in h2o(cp) c(hg(no3)2)=0.05101mol/l in h2o(cp) c(i2)=0.05mol/l in h2o c(i2)=0.1000 mol/l in h2o c(k2cr2o7)=0.01667mol/l(cp) c(k2cr2o7)=0.01mol/l(cp) c(k2cr2o7)=0.05mol/l(cp) c(kbro3)=0.01660mol/l, 介质: h2o(cp) c(kbro3)=0.01667mol/l, 介质: h2o(cp) c(kbro3)=0.01671mol/l, 介质: h2o(cp) c(kbro3)=0.02021mol/l, 介质: h2o c(kio3)=0.01667mol/l in h2o(cp) c(kio3)=0.05054mol/l in h2o(cp) c(na2so3)=0.005mol/l(0.01n) in h2o c(na2so3)=0.05mol/l(0.1n) in h2o c(na2so3)=0.1mol/l(0.2n) in h2o c(na2so3)=0.5mol/l(1n) in h2o c(na2so3)=1mol/l(2n) in h2o c(na2so3)=3mol/l(6n) in h2o c(nahco3)=1.7mmol/l,c(na2co3)=1.8mmol/l c(nahso3)=0.125 mol/l(0.25n) in h2o c(nascn)=0.1008mol/l in h2o c(no3-n)=1000μg/ml, h2o c(no3-n)=100μg/ml, h2o c(no3-n)=10μg/ml, h2o c(no3-n)=500μg/ml, h2o c10-hsl,ahl信号分子 c14-c17混标, 42% cl, 100 μg/ml in cyclohexane c14:98% c16: 30%, c18: 70% c16:54%-62%;c18:38%-44% c16:65-75%, c18:16-26% c16:98% c18: 30%, c16: 70% c18: 40% c18: 50% c18: 65% c18:80-90% c18≥90% c60/c70 mixture c=0.100mg/ml u=3%, 溶剂: 甲醇 c=99.7% u=0.8(k=2) c[pb(ch3coo)2]=0.03mol/l in h2o c[pb(ch3coo)2]=0.05mol/l in h2o ca 6.6-7.4% ca. 10% in isopropyl ether,mkseal ca. 10% weight in thf ca. 15% in tetrahydrofuran,mkseal ca. 15% in water ca. 45% in water ca. 8.5% in methanol ca. 9% in hexane,mkseal ca: 20.0 ~ 24.0 % cabot vulcan xc-72r, 粒径: 10-20 nm cabot vulcan xc-72 cage content (gpc)≥85% carbon (anhydrous) 46.0 - 48.8 % carbon 28.8 - 30.9 % carbon 36.0 - 38.6 % carbon 44%-45% carbon 47.4%-49.3% carbon 58.6%-74.6% carbon 64.4 - 71.2% carbon 64.7 - 70.2% carbon report results, typically ~ 62% carbon:43.0 - 46.1 % cd ≥75% cdte,荧光发射波长: 610nm, 0.05 μmol/l in water cd cellulase substrate certified reference material, tracecert® ch-87工业除氟专用 ch-90na ch-93 ch-95 ch-97 chloride form, 20-50 mesh chloride form, 200-400 mesh chloride form, matrix styrene/divinylbenzene, 20-25 mesh chloride form, strongly basic, 200-400 mesh chp,羟丙氧基:5.0-16.0% cis and trans,94% cis and trans,98% cis and trans,99% cl,13.3-15.8% cl-6b cl: 13.3-15.8% cloud point: 60-69°c, hlb~13.4 cm-52 co 43.0 - 47.0 % co 7.8 - 8.2%,溶剂:40%-80%的石脑油 co 9%-10% co ≥20% co ≥22% co ≥31% co-630,average mn 617 co-720,average mn ~749 co-890,average mn ~1,982 cod(cr)、bod5 50~300mg/l cod(mn) 3~8mg/l cod≥25万mg/l collagen from bovine cartilage, type ii collagen from chicken, type ii collagen from fishskin complete conductivity 10-50 s/cm (pressed pellet) contains >100 ppm mehq as inhibitor, 97% contains 150 ppm bht as inhibitor, 98% contains 300 ppm mehq as inhibitor average mn ~428 contains 4-tert-butylcatechol as inhibitor, 98% contains 50% dicyclohexyl phthalate as stabilizer contains 700 ppm monomethyl ether hydroquinone as inhibitor contains 75-125 ppm monomethyl ether hydroquinone as inhibitor, >90% contains ≤2% bht as stabilizer, 98% contains ≤6000 ppm hydroquinone as stabilizer content(1-mcp): ≥4.0%,carrier cyclodextrin co≥12% co≥25% co≥4.0%水溶液 cp(中国药典) cp-42 cp-52 cp-70 cp: 95%, 95atom%d cr 24% cross-linked, 200-1000 μm particle size crude source of omega-3 fatty acids crystalline cu>36% cu:8% cu:9.5%-10.9%,200目 cu≥8% d,98% + bht d,99%,85 wt.% in d2o d,99%,无水级 d,99.5%+ dcl 35% w/w solution in d2o d,99.5%+0.05% v/v tms d,99.5%, 含0.03 % (v/v) tms d,99.5%,90% in d2o d,99.5%,98% in d2o d,99.50% d,99.6% d,99.8% (0.05% v/v tms) d,99.8%+0.03% v/v tms d,99.9% d,≥98% d-glu:d-lys (6:4), mol wt 20,000-50,000 d.98% d.99.7% +0.03%tms d.99.9% +0.03%tms d.99.9% +1%tms d.99.9% d40 d50: 3~5μm d50<400nm,99.95% metals basis d50<600nm,99.9% metals basis d50~300nm d60 d80 dha≥50% diam. 3 mm, ≥99.95% metals basis diam. 3mm×4mm, 99.99% metals basis diameter 0.2 - 0.5μm ,2.5% w/v,正电位 diameter 0.6 - 1.0 μm ,2.5% w/v diameter 1.0 - 1.9μm ,5% w/v diameter 1.0 - 1.9μm,2.5% w/v,正电位 diameter 1.0 - 1.9μm,2.5% w/v diameter 1.0 - 1.9μm,5% w/v diameter 15-16μm, powder diameter 2.0 - 2.9μm,2.5% w/v,正电位 diameter 2.0- 2.9 μm ,5% w/v diameter 3.0 - 3 .9μm ,5% w/v diameter 4.0 - 4.9μm ,5% w/v diameter 40-50μm, powder diameter 5.0 - 5.9μm ,2.5% w/v diameter 5.0 - 5.9μm,5% w/v diameter 6.0 - 6.9μm ,5% w/v diameter 6.0 - 6.9μm, 2.5% w/v diameter 7.0 - 7.9μm ,5% w/v diameter 7.0 - 7.9μm,5% w/v in 50% (v/v) ethanol aqueous solution diameter 7.0 - 7.9μm,5% w/v diameter 70-90μm, powder diameter 8.0 - 8.9μm ,5% w/v diameter 9.0 - 9.9 μm,5% w/v diameter 9.0 - 9.9μm,5% w/v diameter 9.0-9.9μm ,2.5% w/v diameter 9.0-9.9μm ,5% w/v dioxole 65 mol % doped, conductivity 0.5-1.5 s/cm (pressed pellet, typical), extent of labeling: ~5 wt. % loading, coated on titanium dioxide doped, conductivity 30 s/cm (bulk), extent of labeling: 20 wt. % loading, composite with carbon black ds: 0.65-0.85, 粘度: 400-800 mpa.s(2%, 25°c) dye content > 55 % dye content >85% dye content 15 % dye content 25 % dye content 30 % dye content 30 % dye content 45 % dye content 50 % dye content 50% dye content 60 % dye content 60 % dye content 65 % dye content 70 % dye content 80 % dye content 80% dye content 90% dye content 96 % dye content 97% dye content 98% dye content ~30% dye content ~60 % dye content ~95 % dye content ≥70 % dye content ≥95 % dye content>50%,contains 5% sodium ligninsulfonate dye content, 50% dye content, 80% dye content,50% dye content,90% dye content,~90% dye content,≥45 % dye content:85 % dye content~95 % dye content≥75 % e-1006,羟值:132±5 e-1306,羟值:120±5 e-1310,羟值:88±5 e-1340,羟值:28±5 e-42 e-44 e-51 e15 each 100mm,4×,过滤及高温双重灭菌 each 10mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌 each 2.5/5mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌 each 2.5mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌 each 25mm,过滤及高温双重灭菌 earle's平衡盐,,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,粉末,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 earle's平衡盐,超高糖,碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 eb 清除剂,过滤除菌 eb electronic grade, 99.999% trace metals basis electronic grade, ≥99% trace metals basis electronic grade enzym. assay (spec. activity) > 40.00 u/mgp enzyme conjugate:hrp,detection limit:170 fg/well ep,bp,jp,usp级 epoxy value:0.28-0.35 eq/100g epoxy value:0.43 epoxy value:0.54-0.59/100g epoxy value:0.56-0.67 eq/100g epoxy value:0.5 epoxy value:0.65~0.70 epoxy value:≥0.7 epoxy value~4 ep级,平均粒径:0.1-0.3μm erage mw ~118,000 by gpc, contains >0.03% antioxidant as inhibitor ester terminated, 0.55-0.75 dl/g ester terminated, lactide: caprolactone 70:30 ester terminated, lactide:glycolide 82:18, viscosity:1.7-2.6 dl/g ester terminated, lactide:glycolide 85:15, viscosity:2.5-3.5 dl/g ester terminated, lactide:glycolide 85:15, viscosity:5.0-7.0 dl/g ester terminated, mw 18,000-28,000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 24000-38000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 38000-54000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 50000-75000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 50:50,mw 7000-17000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 75:25,mw 76000-115000 ester terminated,lactide:glycolide 85:15,mw 190000-240000 ester terminated,mw 50000-75000 ester terminated,mw 54000-69000 esterterminated,l-lactide:d,l-lactide70:30 ethanol solution, for tlc ethyl acrylate <5 wt. %, average mn ~39,500 by gpc, average mw ~101,000 by gpc, powder ethylene 32 mol % eudragit® l100 expressed in e. coli, ≥95% (sds-page), ≥95% (hplc) extent of labeling: 12-15 mol per mol β-cd extent of labeling: 30 wt. % loading, matrix activated carbon support extent of labeling: ~2.2 mol cyanoethylation per mol cellulose (d.s.) extent of labeling: ~2.6 mol cyanoethylation per mol cellulose (d.s.) extent of labeling: ~3.0 mmol/g "dmap" loading, matrix crosslinked with 2% dvb f 0.05~0.1mg/l 基体:水 f-、cl-、so42-、no3- fast flow fcc fe 25-35% w/w fe 35-40% w/w fe ~20 % fe ≥ 38% fe>26%, powder fe>30.5% fe(iii)16.5-20%; fe(ii) max 5% fe, 24% fe,60.0 - 72.0 % fe2+(dry basis): 32%~36% fe2o3≤10ppm fe2o3≥85% fe: 19%-24% fe: 20% fe: 24%-30% ferredoxin ≥15 wt. % fe≥11% fe≥21% fe≥50% fe、mn、ni 0.1~2mg/l fe含量:21% fg fmp(显微镜用) for 100% sfii digestion for analysis acs,iso,reag. ph eur for analysis emsure® for analysis for benchmarking research, 99.5% for biochemistry nad for biochemistry for chiral derivatization,≥98.5% for chromatography, ≥99.0% for determination of phosphate for electrochemistry, ≥98.5% (qnmr) for enzymic, spectrophotometric determination of h2o2, ≥98% for enzymic, spectrophotometric determination for fluorescence, ≥90.0% (hplc) for fluorescence,~1% in h2o for fluorescence,≥90% for fluorescence,≥98%(hplc) for fluorescence,≥98.0% for gc derivatization, ≥99.0% for gc, ≥95% for gc,≥99.8% for gc,用于环境分析 for gc-hs,≥99.9%(gc) for hplc, 0.1% in acetonitrile for hplc, 0.1% in water for hplc, 50% in water, 49-51% (t) for hplc, 85% for hplc, 85-90% for hplc, 99-101%(kt) for hplc, ≥98.5% for hplc, ≥99.0% for hplc, ≥99.5%(gc) for hplc,>99%(gc) for hplc,>99.0%(gc) for hplc,>99.5% for hplc,>99.8% (gc) for hplc,0.1% (v/v) in h2o for hplc,0.25 m in h2o for hplc,10mg/dl in h2o for hplc,20mg/dl in h2o for hplc,300mg/dlin h2o for hplc,30mg/dl in h2o for hplc,40mg/dlin h2o for hplc,50mg/dl in h2o for hplc,60mg/dl in h2o for hplc,80mg/dl in h2o for hplc,85% for hplc,99% for hplc,99.0% for hplc,99.5% for hplc,99.7% for hplc,aa, ic, icp and toc analysis for hplc,≥95% for hplc,≥96.0% (gc) for hplc,≥98%(gc) for hplc,≥99%(gc) for hplc,≥99.0%(nt) for hplc,≥99.5%(at) for hplc,≥99.5%(gc) for hplc,≥99.5%(t) for hplc,≥99.7% for hplc,≥99.8%(gc) for hplc,≥99.9%,甲醛≤1.5μg/l for insect cell culture,≥99.0% for ion-pair chromatography,98% for ion-selective electrodes for ir-spectroscopy for labeling dna probes for hybridizations for laboratory use for lc-ms, ≥99.8% for lc-ms,≥99% for lc-ms,≥99.9%(gc) for lc-ms for microscopy(bact., bot., hist.), ~1 mol/mol water for microscopy for molecular biology, bioreagent for molecular biology, ~5 m in h2o for molecular biology,≥99% for nmr spectroscopy,≥99.9%(gc) for pcr for photometric phosphate determination acc. to din 38405-d11-1 for plant cell culture ,≥98.0%(hplc) for plant cell culture, ≥99.0% (hplc) for plant cell culture,98%(hplc) for plant cell culture,≥96% for plant cell culture,≥97% for plant cell culture,≥99% for plant cell culture,≥99.0% for quantitative detection of free formaldehyde and hydrolyzed formaldehyde for spectrophotometric det. (of b, pb) for spectrophotometric det. of ag, fe, ru, ≥98.5% for spectrophotometric det. of alkaline earth metals for spectrophotometric det. of amines, ≥99.5%(hplc) for spectrophotometric det. of amino sugars, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of au, no2-, ce(iv), for the detection of au, co, cu, scn-, v, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of au,tl(iii),w, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of co(ii), cu(ii), ≥90% for spectrophotometric det. of co, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of cu, fe for spectrophotometric det. of cu, zn for spectrophotometric det. of cu, ≥99.0% for spectrophotometric det. of enzyme activity for spectrophotometric det. of fe in serum, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of fe(iii), ≥98.5% for spectrophotometric det. of fe, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of fe, ≥99.0% (hplc)(hplc) for spectrophotometric det. of fe, ≥99.0% for spectrophotometric det. of h2o2 and phenols, ≥98.0% for spectrophotometric det. of isonicotic hydrazide, amines and amino acids, ≥98%(t) for spectrophotometric det. of metal ions, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of mo, sn, w, and also ag and re, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of nitrate and nitrite, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of nitrate and perchlorate, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of proline and thiophene, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of s2-,cl2, ≥99% for spectrophotometric det. of se,≥97.5% for spectrophotometric det. of si, ≥95% for spectrophotometric det. of so42-, s2-, ≥97% for spectrophotometric det. of transition metals, ≥95% for spectrophotometric det. of urea, ≥99.0% for spectrophotometric det. of zn(ii), cu(ii), fe(ii), co(ii), h2o2, ≥95% for spectrophotometric det., bi,71-74% bi basis (kt) for spectrophotometric det., ≥99% for spectrophotometric detection, 99.5%(hplc) for spectrophotometric determination of metal ions for spectrophotometric for synthesis, mixture of isomers for synthesis for the spectrophotometric det. of bi, co, ≥97% for the spectrophotometric det. of fe, ≥98%(hplc) for the spectrophotometric determination of fe, pd, v, ≥99% for the spectrophotometric determination of fluoride for tissue embedding for tlc derivatization, for spectrophotometric det. of phosphorus-containing pesticides, ≥98% for use at 320 nm for use in transformations, x-ray crystallography and nmr for yeasts, for molds formicroscopy free macrogoly, 25-40% free, 90% free, 95% free, 99% free, ≥97% (hplc) from arthrobacter protophormiae,≥10 u/mg from arthrobacter protophormiae,≥20 u/mg from bacillus licheniformis, ~70,000 u/g from egg yolk,>80% from erwinia herbicola from glycine max (soybean), ≥95% (hplc) from penicillium brefeldianum, ≥98% (hplc) from saccharomyces cerevisiae, ≤1% β-isomer, ≥95% from soybean,>70% from soybean,>80% from soybean,>90% from soybean,>98%,powder from soybean,>98%,solubility: ethanol >20mg/ml from soybean,>98% from yeast,≥97% from yeast f≥1.5gh2o/100ml f≥3mgh2o/ml gc对照品, ≥99.0% gc对照品,>99.5% gc对照品,≥99.9%(gc) gc对照品,≥99.9% gc对照品 glu:tyr (4:1), mol wt 20,000-50,000 glu:tyr (4:1), mol wt 5,000-20,000 gmp grade,≥99%,100mm gpc标准品,mw,1000 gpc标准品,mw,410000 grade 135 grade i, buffered aqueous glycerol solution, 0.8-2.0 units/mg protein grade iii, histone, free(millon test) grade iv, histone, free(millon test) grade vi, ≥90% granular gymnemic acids≥75% h 型离子交换树脂 hanks's平衡盐,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 hcl salt,98% hepes, l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 hf 65% w/w high resolution, dnase, rnase, nickase, none detected histology stain grade hlb值:14-15.5,ph值:5.0-7.0 hlb值:16~17 hlb值:9-10,ph值:5.0-7.0 hp-55s,邻苯二甲酰含量24% hplc, ≥98% hplc,>99.5%(gc) hplc,≥98% hplc,≥99.9% hplc>95% hplc hplc≥85% hplc≥94% hplc级, ≥99.9% hplc级,0.5μg/ml hplc级,0.75μg/ml hplc级,1.5μg/ml hplc级,10mg/ml hplc级,10μg/ml hplc级,15μg/ml hplc级,1μg/ml hplc级,20μg/ml hplc级,2mg/ml hplc级,2μg/ml hplc级,5μg/ml hplc级,≥98.0% hpo3≥38% hpo3≥43% hydroxamate transferase ≥200 units/mg protein (biuret) hydroxide form hydroxyl value 75-95mgkoh/g id:3-5nm,od:8-15nm,length:~50um,ni:>60wt% id:5-10nm,od:10-20nm,length:10-30um,ni: >60wt% id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:10-30μm,ni:>60wt% id:5-10nm,od:20-30nm,length:<10μm,ni:>60wt%,c:>38wt% id:5-12nm,od:30-50nm,length:10-20μm,ni:>60wt% id:5-15nm,od:>50nm,length:10-20μm,ni:>60wt% igepal co-520 iii型,羟值(mmol/g): 0.65-0.70 ii型,粘度:100000mpa.s ii型,粘度:1000mpa.s ii型,粘度:100mpa.s ii型,粘度:15000mpa.s ii型,粘度:4000mpa.s ii型,粘度:400mpa.s ii型,羟值(mmol/g): 0.54-0.64 ii型s,2%粘度:100000mpa.s ii型s,2%粘度:10000mpa.s ii型s,2%粘度:2500mpa.s ii型s,2%粘度:40000mpa.s in 2mm dmso in excess methyl sulfide incomplete ind(ph 0.1-2.0) indicator for metal titration indicator,99% indicator,green powder inherent viscosity 0.470-0.560 dl/g inherent viscosity: 0.18-0.30dl/g inherent viscosity: 0.3-2.5dl/g inherent viscosity: 4.00-5.00dl/g ir 48.0 - 55.0 % ir 50-54% ir:73% ira-4200 ira-900 irc-748 ir≥24% ir≥62.0% isomeric mixture iv型,羟值(mmol/g): 0.71-0.80 i型, 2% 粘度:5mpa.s i型,粘度:100mpa.s i型,粘度:20000mpa.s i型,粘度:30mpa.s i型,粘度:4000mpa.s i型,粘度:400mpa.s i型,粘度:8000mpa.s i型,羟值(mmol/g): 0.47-0.53 jis k8001 k+、na+、ca2+、mg2+、cl-、so42-、电导率、ph、总硬度、总碱度 1~600mg/l k-value 54-50 k-value 59-55 k-value 62-60 k-value 68-65 k-value 72-71 k90 kaighn改良,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 kio3=1.006g/l in h2o,适用于hj586-2010 kio3=1.006mg/l in h2o,适用于hj586-2010 kio3=10.06mg/l in h2o,适用于hj586-2010 l-谷氨酰胺,无酚红,无核苷,脱氧核苷,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无hepes l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,无核苷和脱氧核苷,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,核苷,脱氧核苷,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,碳酸氢钠,无hepes,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 l100 l: ~200nm, od: ~10nm lactide:glycolide 50:50, m.w 90000 lactide:glycolide(50:50),mol wt 30000-60000 lactide:glycolide(65:35),mw 40000-75000 lactide:glycolide(75:25),mol wt 66000-107000 large,粒径: 900-1000 nm,表面积:550m2/g lc-ms,≥99.9% leucine aminopeptidase inhibitor liquid, from soybean low eeo low molecular weight low odor lr,1-3mm lr,2-4mm lr lyophilized powder(stabilized with bsa) lyophilized powder, 5-15 units/mg protein,0.5-1.5units/mg powder lyophilized powder, ≥10,000 units/g protein lyophilized powder, ≥15 units/mg solid, secondary activity: ≥10 units/mg solid nadph diaphorase lyophilized powder, ≥3 units/mg protein lyophilized powder, ≥3.0units/mg solid, from yeast lyophilized powder, ≥3.0units/mg solid lyophilized powder, ≥3units/mg solid lyophilized powder, ≥50 units/mg protein (bradford) lyophilized powder, ≥95% (sds-page) lyophilized powder,for cell culture,≥85% lyophilized solid m.w 10,000 m.w 100,000 m.w 10000 m.w 11000-12000 m.w 15,000 m.w 20,000 m.w 40,000 m.w 4000 m.w 5,000 m.w 500000 m.w 5000 m.w 7000-7500 m.w 7000-8000, 40%水溶液 m.w 7000-8000 m.w :30000-100000 m.w. 10,000,99% m.w. 100,000, 35%水溶液, 粘度: 1300mpa·s 25°c m.w. 100,000 m.w. 10000 m.w. 1200,99%, 粘度: 3500~7500mpa·s 25°c m.w. 123,000, mw/mn 1.08 m.w. 13,000, mw/mn 1.06 m.w. 13,000 m.w. 14,000 m.w. 1800,99% m.w. 18000, 99% m.w. 2,400 m.w. 2000,不含酯基 m.w. 25,000,50%水溶液 m.w. 25000-40000 m.w. 250000(ds=0.7) ,1500-3100mpa.s m.w. 250000(ds=0.9) ,1500-3100mpa.s m.w. 250000(ds=1.2) ,400-800 mpa.s m.w. 28000 m.w. 290,000, mw/mn 1.06 m.w. 300,99%,粘度:200~500mpa·s 25°c m.w. 3000,25%水溶液 m.w. 4,000, mw/mn 1.06 m.w. 4,600 m.w. 50,000, mw/mn 1.06 m.w. 500 m.w. 600,99% m.w. 650,000, mw/mn 1.06 m.w. 70,000,30%水溶液 m.w. 70,000,50%水溶液 m.w. 700000(ds=0.9) ,2500 - 4500mpa.s m.w. 8000 m.w. 90000(ds=0.7) ,50-100mpa.s m.w. ~1000 m.w.10000 m.w.1000 m.w.1500 m.w.170,000-250,000 m.w.175,000 m.w.20000 m.w.3000 m.w.40,000-70,000 m.w.5000 m.w.70,000-90,000 m.w.8000 m.w.90,000-120,000 m/g=1:2, 分子量:100k m/g=1:2, 分子量:30k maldi-ms基质 mass spec std matrix for fab-ms and liquid sims,≥98.5%(gc) may contain up to 10% ethanol,85% may contain ≤10% dmf mcpa-isooctyl solution, 100ppm medium molecular weight medium,粒径: 400-450 nm, 表面积: 400m2/g meets analytical specification of ph.eur.,bp,usp,fcc,99-101% melt index 11 g/10 min(279°c/49 newton), pellets melt index: 10 g/10 min(300°c/1.2kg) melt index: 15 g/10 min(300°c/1.2kg) melt index: 3~8g/10min;tm :138~142℃, pellets melt index: 3~8g/10min;tm :138~142℃, powder melt index: 3~8g/10min;tm :151~157℃, powder, for lithium-ion battery melt index: 9 g/10 min melt index: 9~15g/10min;tm :132~136℃, pellets melt index~21g/10min(230°c/5.0kg) mesh 20-60 mgo:45% microbial mix tbc as stabilizer mix.80% mixed isomers mixed,50% in propylene carbonat mixture of cmi and mi,1.50-1.75% in water,ph:2.0-4.0 mixture of cmi and mi,2.5-3.5% in water,ph:2.5-5.0 mixture of diastereomers mixture of enzymes, powder, ≥35u/mg mixture of isomers, ethanol solution, ≥97%(gc) mixture of isomers, stabilized with mehq mixture of isomers,90% mixture of isomers mixture of oligomers,98% mixture of perfluoroadamantane adn perfluoro(1-methyladamantane) mixture, 粘度:1500-1800cps mixtures of cob&co2b mk-i mn > 30000, pdi < 3.0 mn >44% mn 1,000-1,200 mn 10, 000~100, 000 by gpc mn 15,000-25,000 by gpc mn 2,000 mn 2000-3000 mn 30% mn 3000-4000 mn 40,000 mn 4000,50%溶液 mn 500 mn 520-550 mn 6,000-15,000 by gpc mn 6,000 mn 6000 mn 90k-250k mn ca. 6% mn ~15,000 by gpc;mw ~34,000 by gpc mn ~1700 mn ~2,500, mw ~6,500, 25wt% in thf, dry basis mn ~2300 mn ~2700 mn ~2800, 酸值: 270mg koh/g mn ~28000 mn ~30,000, mw ~55,000, 25wt% in thf, dry basis mn ~300,000 mn ~3800 mn ~404 mn ~492 (n≈6) mn ~580 (n≈8) mn ~668 (n≈10) mn ≥71.0%,bet surface area 5~7 m2/g mn>30000 mn<20000 mn<25000 mn10000 mn13000 mn20000 mn: 2500-3000, viscosity: 32-42cps, contains <100 ppm mehq as inhibitor mn: 4.18×10^4 g/mol, mw: 4.63×10^4 g/mol; 特性粘数: 27.10 ml/g mn: ~1500 mn: ~3000 mn: ~4000 mn: ~4800 mn: ~5300 mn:14.36×10^4g/mol;mw:17.24×10^4g/mol;特性粘数:67.79ml/g mn:36,000 mn<6,000 by gpc mn>25,000 by gpc mn~1,500 mn~12,000, mw~30,000, 25wt% in thf mn~120,000 mn~150,000 mn~250,000, mw~650,000, 10wt% in thf mn~25000 mn~266 mn~3000 mn~6,000, mw~36,000, 25wt% in thf mn≥15.1% mn≥4.0%水溶液 mo 56.5% mo: 45% --63% moistened with water, 10% pd basis (based on dry substance) moistenedwithwater,5%pd,unreduced mol wt >100, 000 mol wt >30,000 mol wt 15,000-20,000 da mol wt 150,000-350,000 mol wt 15000-30000 mol wt 2,000-11,000 mol wt 20,000-50,000 mol wt 3,000-15,000 mol wt 30,000-70,000 mol wt 350-450 g/epoxide mol wt 5,000-15,000 mol wt 500-4, 000 mol wt 5000 mol wt 70,000-150,000, bioreagent molwt 1000-10000 molwt 3000-15000 mouse2w mouse3w mouse5w mo≥45 % mo≥50 % mo≥61.1 % mv 2000-3000 mv~35,000,粒料 mv~35,000,粗粉 mw 10,000-100,000 by gpc mw 10,000-50,000 by gpc mw 100,000-1000,000 mw 100,000-200,000 ,20 wt. % 水溶液,400-1000 cp(25 °c) mw 1000, 含0.5-1 wt% bht稳定剂 mw 130000-200000 mw 200,000-350,000 ,20 wt. % 水溶液,250-500 cp(25 °c) mw 2000 mw 30,000-70,000 mw 300000 mw 3000 mw 3400 mw 400 da mw 400,000-500,000 ,20 wt. %水溶液,800-1000 cp(25 °c) mw 40000-50000 mw 5,000-10,000 mw 5000 da mw 700-800, 电子氟化液 mw 9500-10500 mw <100,000,35 wt. % 水溶液,100-200 cp(25 °c) mw ~100,000 mw ~1000,eo/po比:19/3,hlb值:17.0 mw ~1000,hlb值<1.0 mw ~11,000 mw ~120,000, mn ~50,000 mw ~195,000 mw ~2,100,000 mw ~2000,eo/po比:33/10,hlb值:13.8 mw ~2000,eo/po比:6/29,hlb值:2.8 mw ~205,000 mw ~315 mw ~35000,powder mw ~42,000, mn ~16,000 mw ~45,000-70,000 mw ~47,000 mw ~480 mw ~550 mw ~590 mw ~60,000 mw ~600,eo/po比:1/9,hlb值:2.0 mw ~67,000 mw ~75,000, 30 wt. % in h2o mw ~830 mw ≈ 20,000-50,000 mw ≈ 200,000 mw >50,000 mw 10,000-25,000 by gpc mw 20,000-80,000 mw>10000 mw, 50,0000 mw-25000 mw.约10,000 mw/mn=50k/140k mw13000-23000,98%水解 mw29000,粉末 mw31000-50000,87-89%水解 mw31000-50000,98-99%水解 mw520,000,mn150,000(typical),acrylamide~80wt.% mw9000-10000,80%水解 mw: 4000 mw: 7000-8000 mw: 800-1000 mw:1000 mw:12600g/mol mw:2000 mw:25kd mw:273,油溶性 mw:317,油溶性 mw:40000 mw:4000 mw:405,溶于水和有机溶剂 mw:4050g/mol;mn:3800g/mol mw:5000 mw:625,水溶性 mw:845,水溶性 mw<100kda mw<5000 mw=100000 mw=126000g/mol,u=7.6%,k=2 mw=150000 mw=200000 mw=250000 mw=2500~2700 mw=300000 mw=30000 mw=302000g/mol, u=7.8%, k=2 mw=30200g/mol, u=7.8%, k=2 mw=3050 g/mol, u=7.6%, k=2 mw=3620 g/mol mw=4000 mw=496000g/mol,u=7.6%,k=2 mw=50000 mw=556000g/mol, u=7.6%, k=2 mw=63300g/mol, u=7.6%, k=2 mw=80000,液体 mw~ 1000, 粘度(40°c)≤5cst mw~ 1000 mw~ 1500 mw~ 3000 mw~ 4500 mw~ 5000 mw~ 500 mw~ 6000 mw~ 630, 电子氟化液 mw~10000 mw~1000 mw~1000万 mw~200, 000, 30wt.% in h2o mw~2000 mw~48,000, mn~15,000 mw~500000 mw~5000 mw~75,000, 18 wt. % in h2o mw≈10,000 mw≈40,000 mw≥200 kd, 载量2.6-3.4mmol/g m mₚ3000 n 8% n>32.5 %, d50=5.0μm n:30-100,水溶解度<2g/100ml n:30-50,水溶解度<4g/100ml n<20,水溶解度>90g/100ml n=10, 非离子型表面活性剂 n=14-16, 20% in water, ph≈7(1%水溶液, 25 °c) n=25 活性物含量:99% n=2 n=5 活性物含量:99% n=9, 非离子型表面活性剂 n>1500,水溶解度<0.5g/100ml na salt, 97% na salt, 98% na 型离子交换树脂 na+-form na2o:18.7-23.4% nanoparticles, dispersion, in h2o nanopowder, <100 nm particle size (laser psa), 99.8% trace metals basis nanopowder, <100 nm particle size (bet), >97% trace metals basis nanopowder, <100 nm particle size (bet), 99% trace metals basis nanopowder, <200 nm particle size (bet), >99% nanopowder, 21 nm primary particle size (tem) , ≥99.5% trace metals basis natural, fg nature, ≥98% nature nco content ~30%, 粘度~200mpa·s(25℃) nco content: 21-22.5% nd: 28-34% nh4-n 0.1~1mg/l nh4-n、no3-n、tp 0.1~10mg/l ni 61% ni:47% ni:8% ni≈90% ni≥180g/l nominally 75% in ethanol np-40 nr40 nr50 n~10,average mn ~711 n~100,average mn ~4670 n~20 n≈100 n≈10 n≈15 n≈18 n≈20 n≈25 n≈29 n≈2 n≈40 n≈45 n≈4 n≈6 n型, 99.99%(metals basis) od:10-20nm, length:5-15μm, bet:(225士25)m2/g od:2-50nm,length:~50 μm odorless, contains ≥10 ppm bht oh型 opaque impact modifier for pvc application os 38.7% os 38.7%最低 os 42.5% os 83% oxirane oxygen:7.8-8.5 (mixture of isomers) p.a., for phosphate determination p25,20nm p2o5: 30-42% p2o5:60-70% p2o5≥30% p2o5≥60% palladium(pd)≥19.6% particle size 60-200 μm particle size:3 mm,mw ~110,000 particle size:3 mm,mw ~80,000 pb ≥82% pb:59.35~61.36% pc50 pc60 pc70 pc80 pc90 pcr级 pcr适用 pd 13.0-15.0% pd 14.2% pd 14.5% pd 15.2% pd 17.1% pd 18% pd 18.09 wt. % in nitric acid pd 20.8% pd 21.5% pd 23.9% pd 26.2% pd 27.7% pd 34.9% pd 37.3% pd 4-5% w/w (cont. pd) pd 40 % pd 41.0% pd 44.8% pd 51.2%-53.9% pd 58.2% pd 59-60% pd ~40.0% pd ≥20.5% pd ≥27.5% pd ≥32.6% pd ≥36.5% pd ≥39.0% pd ≥44% pd ≥50% pd ≥85% pd,27.4% peg average mn 2,000 peg400ml peg400mo peg600mo peg平均值mn5000(n~110) peg平均分子量~10,000 peg平均分子量~20,000 peg平均分子量~5000 peh-15 peh-3 peh-6 pellets, mdi-polyester/polyether polyurethane. pellets, viscosity 1,400 poise (310 °c)(lit.) pellets,particle size:3 mm pellets,particle size:3-4 mm pestanal®, analytical standard ph 0.5-5.0,显色反应间隔0.5 ph 3.8-5.4,显色反应间隔0.5 ph 5.5-9.0,显色反应间隔0.5 ph 7.25 ph 7.2 ph 8.0 ph 8.8 ph 9.0 ph = 2.00 ± 0.02(20℃) ph eur,usp,nf,jp ph eur.,bp,98-101% ph eur ph range 3.0-10.0 ph range 4.0-7.0 ph. eur., bp, jp, usp, fcc, e 500 ph. eur.,bp,usp,99-100.5% ph. eur. ph.eur.,bp ph1-14四色 ph1.0 ph2.5 ph3.0(yellow)-ph4.6(lavender), 淡黄色到红色粉末 ph3.0(yellow)-ph4.6(lavender), 黄褐色粉末 ph3.2 ph3.3(cp) ph5.7±0.1 ph6.7,过滤除菌 ph7.0,2x ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,低糖,碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,酚红,非必需氨基酸,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,earle's平衡盐,超高糖,碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,hanks's平衡盐,低糖,低碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,中低糖,低碳酸氢钠,l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,低糖,丙酮酸钠,碳酸氢钠,,高l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,低糖,丙酮酸钠,碳酸氢钠,高hepes,高l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,无糖,丙酮酸钠,酚红,l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,高糖,丙酮酸钠,碳酸氢钠,无hepes,高l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,高糖,丙酮酸钠,碳酸氢钠,高hepes,高l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,高糖,丙酮酸钠,碳酸氢钠,高l-谷氨酰胺,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,高糖,无丙酮酸钠,低碳酸氢钠,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.0-7.5,高糖,碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.2±0.2,无葡萄糖,无碳酸氢钠,,l-丙氨酰-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.2±0.2,盐酸吡哆醇,碳酸氢钠,hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.2±0.2,盐酸吡哆醇,碳酸氢钠,低hepes,l-谷氨酰胺,无酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.2±0.2,盐酸吡哆醇,碳酸氢钠,低hepes,无l-谷氨酰胺,酚红,过滤除菌,细胞培养适用 ph7.2,2x ph7.2,过滤除菌,无菌无酶,细胞培养适用 ph7.4, 无菌 ph7.4,2x ph8.0,过滤除菌 ph8.0-9.6 ph9.0 ph9.3(colorless)-ph10.5(blue) ph9.5,1× ph: 1.0(purple)-3.1(red) ph: 10.0(yellow)-12.0(red) ph: 10.0-12.0 ph: 4.2 (pink or red) to ph 6.2 (yellow) ph:0.1(yellow)--1.5(blue) ; 7.5(yellow)-9.2(purple) ph:0.1(yellow)-1.5(blue) ph:1.4(colorless)-3.2(red) ph:1.9(red)--3.3(yellow) ph:10.0(yellow)-12.0(brownish yellow) ph:11.0(blue)-13.0(red) ph:3.0(yellow)--4.6(purple) ph:3.7(yellow)-5.2(purple) ph:3.8(yellow)-5.4(blue) ph:4.2(red)-6.2(yellow) ph:5.6(colorless)-7.4(yellow) ph:6.0(yellow)-7.0(purple)-9.0(purplish red) ph:6.6(yellow)-8.0(red) ph:6.8(red)-8.0(yellow) ph:6.8(yellow)--8.2(red) ph:7.2(yellow)--8.8(purplish red) ph:8.0(colorless)-10.0(red) ph:8.2(colorless)-9.8(red) ph=1.68(25℃)(cp) ph=1.68(25℃) ph=10.01±0.02 (25°c) ph=11±0.05(20℃) ph=11.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=12.00±0.02 (25°c) ph=13.00±0.02 (20℃) ph=2.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=2.5(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=3.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=3.0 ph=3.45±0.05 ph=3.5 ph=3.6(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=3.7(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=3.8(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=4.00±0.02 (25°c) ph=4.003 ph=4.01±0.02 (25°c) ph=4.01(25℃)(cp) ph=4.01(25℃) ph=4.012(25℃) ph=4.01 ph=4.1 ph=4.2 ph=4.3(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=4.6(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=4.7 ph=4.8(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=4.8 ph=5.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=5.00 ph=5.2, 适用于hj955-2018 ph=5.5 ph=5.7 ph=5.8(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=6, 适用于hj955-2018 ph=6.5(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=6.5 ph=6.6(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=6.8(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=6.8,含胰酶(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=6.86±0.02 (25°c) ph=6.86 ph=7.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.00±0.02 (25°c) ph=7.00 ph=7.05 ph=7.13 ph=7.2(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.3(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.4(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.6(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.64 ph=7.8(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=7.8-8.0(2020版cp,8004通则) ph=8.0 ph=8.23 ph=8.73 ph=9.00±0.02 (25°c) ph=9.0 ph=9.18±0.02 (25°c) ph=9.18 ph=9.27 ph=9.5 pharmaceutical secondary standard; certified reference material pharmaceutical secondary standard phospodiesterase and adp-ribosyl cyclase substrate ph≈10 ph≈3 ph≈5.5 ph≈6 ph标准值:4 ph标准值:9.18 ph范围: 6.0-8.0 po43--p 0.1~1.0mg/l potency 700 - 1050μg/mg potency ≥2500 units/mg potency: ≥6.2 iu/mg potency: ≥603 μg/mg potency: ≥650 μg per mg potency: ≥800 units/mg tylosin potency: ≥900μg/mg,98% potency:≥863 μg/mg powder, <5 μm powder, 4.2(purplish red) to 6.2(yellow) powder, 60 mesh, 99% powder, 99.5% metals basis powder, ph:3.8(yellow)-5.4(blue) powder, ph:7.2(yellow)--8.8(purplish red) powder, ≥97% powder,1-2 μm,99% powder,acs,≥98.0% ppg-2000do practical grade, ≥85% (titration), powder practical grade predominantly trans 95% proclin 8020 防腐剂 prot. content (% protein) 30.00 - 60.00 % protein a+g磁珠法 protein c substrate protein content ≥85% protein ~3 % by lowry protein ≥10 % by biuret protein ≥80% protein ≥85 % by biuret protein, 70-90% biuret protein, ≥35% lowry protein~70% (biuret) pt >99.9% metals basis, ≤20 μm pt 10% pt 15% pt 15.2% pt 20% pt 34.0% pt 43.7% pt 5% pt 50.5% pt 51.6-52.6% pt 59.0% pt 59.7% pt 65% pt basis ≥73% pt ≥24.2% pt ≥57% pt ≥61.1% pt ≥64.5% pt, 80-85% pt, ~2% 二甲苯溶液 pt,18.02% pt-co=10 黑曾 pt-co=100 黑曾 pt-co=15 黑曾 pt-co=20 黑曾 pt-co=200 黑曾 pt-co=25 黑曾 pt-co=30 黑曾 pt-co=35 黑曾 pt-co=40 黑曾 pt-co=45 黑曾 pt-co=50 黑曾 pt-co=500 黑曾 pt-co=80 黑曾 pt:54-56% pt:≥58% pt≥18% pt≥43.4% pure purified by column chromatography, ≥99% purified by redistillation,≥99.5% purified by trichloroacetic acid extraction puriss. p.a., acs reagent, reag. iso, reag. ph. eur., ≥99.5% puriss., meets analytical specification of ph. eur., 80-82.5% bi basis (按干物质计算) puriss., ≥99% puriss., ≥99.0%(gc) puriss., ≥99.0%(hplc) puriss.p.a.,reag.ph.eur., 无水级, 98-100%(iodometric) purum, ≥98.0% (tlc) purum,≥98.0%(hplc),粉末,红棕色 r1000, precursor beads r1100, precursor beads rabbit8w ratiocarbondioxide/dimethylamine<2:1 re: 80g/l reagent grade, 30.0-32.0% reagent grade, 40.0% reagent grade, 97% reagent grade, 99.0% reagent grade, co 43.0 - 47.0 % reagent grade, gel strength ≥ 1300 g/cm2 reagent grade, ≥98% reagent grade, ≥98.5% reagent grade,98.0% reagent plus, ≥99% reagent plus,99.7% trace metals basis,珠子,1-3毫米 recombinant, expressed in e. coli, buffered aqueous glycerol solution, 1,000-4,000 units/ml recombinant, expressed in e. coli, buffered aqueous solution, ≥500 units/ml recombinant, expressed in e. coli, buffered aqueous solution recombinant, expressed in e. coli, essentially salt-free, lyophilized powder, ≥3 units/mg protein recombinant, expressed in e. coli, lyophilized powder, ≥45 units/mg solid recombinant, expressed in hek 293 cells, ≥95%(sds-page) recombinant, expressed in e. coli, ≥2.0 u/mg recombinant, ≥1.0 x 10^9 relative light units (rlu)/mg lyophilizate, specific activity: 1.4 x 10^11 rlu/mg purified protein red(hematite)(99.8%-fe) redox indicator reference standard regioregular(80-90%), mw=54000 (typical) research grade, 99 atom % 13c rg 98% rh 11.2% rh 17.1% rh 18.5 - 21.3% rh 21% rh 21.3% rh 25.3% rh 27.5% rh 30% min rh 38.5-42.5% rh ≥23.3% rh ≥8.7% rh: 43.0%-46.6% rh≥25.0% rna染色,过滤除菌 roplatinum(iv), pt 52.6% ru 1.5% w/v ru 12.3% ru 15% ru 23.0% min ru 25% min ru 28.4% min ru 29% min ru 35.8-36.1% ru 40-45% ru 5% ru content 45-55% ru: 5%,avg=200 nm ru>44% rz:>2.0,冻干粉,活性:≥150 units/mg rz:>2.5,冻干粉,活性:>200 units/mg rz:>3.0,冻干粉,活性:>300 units/mg s: 13.5-15.5% salt-free, lyophilized powder, 600-2400 units/mg protein sapogenin 20-35 % semisynthetic, 1210 iu/g si: 60%, 325目 sio2,44-47% sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 115-125 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 13-17 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 15 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 20-30 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 20 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 220-400 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 25-30 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 30-50 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 30 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 38-40,氢型 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 38-40,钠型 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 38-40 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 40-50 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 50-70 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 70-90 sio2/al2o3 (mole ratio) ≈ 90-110 sio2: 20%, d90≈400目 sio2@meso-sio2, 粒径: 200nm, 孔径: 2nm, 2.5% w/v sio2@meso-sio2, 粒径: 200nm, 孔径: 2nm, 粉末 sm 33% sn 56%±0.5% sn 56.5%±0.5% sn>18.8% sn≥17% sn≥42% sn≥46% sodium salt, ≥90% sodium salt, ≥98% solid content 99% solution complete solution incomplete solution special for flagella, certified spectrophotometric grade, 99% spray reagent, 10% in ethanol ssa≥550 m2/g, 孔容≥0.27 cm3/g stabilized with bht 1 % w/w stain grade standard for chromatography, ≥99.5% (gc) standard for gc ,>99%(gc) standard for gc ,≥99%(gc) standard for gc, >99.5% standard for gc, 99% standard for gc, 99.5% (gc) standard for gc, 99.8% standard for gc, 99.9% standard for gc, ≥97% standard for gc, ≥98.5% (gc) standard for gc, ≥99% (gc) standard for gc, ≥99.5% (gc),含0.01% mehq 稳定剂 standard for gc,>99% standard for gc,>99.7%(gc,cis+trans) standard for gc,>99.7% standard for gc,>99.8%(hplc) standard for gc,>99.9%(gc) standard for gc,>99.9% standard for gc,99.5%(gc)(二甲苯异构体+乙基苯) standard for gc,99.7% standard for gc,≥98% (gc) standard for gc,≥98%(gc) standard for gc,≥98.5%(gc) standard for gc,≥99%(hplc) standard for gc,≥99% standard for gc,≥99(gc) standard for gc,≥99.5%(gc),含0.01% bht稳定剂 standard for gc,≥99.6% standard for gc,≥99.6(gc) standard for gc,≥99.8% standard for gc≥97.0%(gc) statsafe 6000 stereoregularity≥95%, mn 27000-45000 stereoregularity≥99%, mn 27000-45000 strength 100% strength 200% strength ≥290% styrene 14 wt. % styrene 17 wt. % styrene 22 wt. % styrene 30 wt. %, average mw ~140,000 by gpc su,liquid phase for gc sublimed grade, dye content 99 % sublimed product sublimed,>99% substrate for the spectrophotometric assay of elastase suitable for cell culture, mol wt 1,000-5,000 suitable for cell culture, mol wt 150,000-300,000 suitable for cell culture, mol wt 4,000-15,000 suitable for fluorescence, ≥70.0% (hpce) suitable for fluorescence, ≥75% (hplc) suitable for fluorescence, ≥98.0% (hplc) suitable for gc suitable for insect cell culture suitable for matrix substance for maldi-ms, ≥99.0% suitable for microbiology, 0.01g/ml, 溶剂: 蒸馏水 suitable for plant cell culture, bioreagent, liquid suitable for plant cell culture, bioreagent, ~95%, ≥50% total ga3 basis suitable for plant cell culture sulfonyl fluoride form super离子对色谱级 surface area 250 m2/g surface area 800-1075, pore volume 0.31-0.41 su synthetic, 98% t-42h t-42mp t-98% taqman探针 tech grade, 95% tech. 80% tech. 90%(异构体的混合物) tech.85% tech.90% technical grade, 70% technical grade, 75% technical grade, 80 % technical grade, 80% technical grade, 80-85% technical grade, 85 % technical grade, ≥90% technical grade,90%,分子量472-604 technical grade,90% technical, 0.5-1.5 m in diethylene glycol diethyl ether technical, mixture of isomers(mainly the α-isomer), ≥90%(gc) technical, ~1.6% active oxygen basis technical, ≥80% technical, ≥84% technical, ≥85% (gc) ,含铜屑稳定剂 technical, ≥90 % technical, ≥90% (gc,mixture of isomers) technical, ≥90% (t) technical, ≥90%(gc) technical,75% technical,90%,ee 99% technical,90% technical,≥85 % technical,≥85% technical,≥90 % sum of enantiomers technical,≥90%(gc) technical,≥90% te≥45% tfa salt, 95% tfa salt, 99% tfa salt, ≥94% tfa salt, ≥97% tfa salt, ≥98% tfa salt, ≥99% the jnk3 inhibitor xii, sr-3576, also referenced under cas 1164153-22-3, controls the biological activity of jnk3. this small molecule/inhibitor is primarily used for phosphorylation & dephosphorylation applications. ticl3:76.0-78.5% timentin tinctorial strength 97%-103% titration by agno3 24.2 - 29.5 % tnf-α, recombinant, expressed in hek 293 cells, suitable for cell culture ≥95% (sds-page) ≤1.0 ng/ml ed50 total omega3 ≥50% total tocopherols > 500 mg/g tp 、tn 0.2~5mg/l transparent impact modifier for pvc application trizol ts, 6.50% (w/v) in h2o type 400-dl,lyophilized powder type 400 type b-1, ≥1,000,000 units/g, solid,来源于牛肝脏 type h-1, partially purified powder, ≥300,000 units/g, solid, 来源于罗曼蜗牛 type h-1, sulfatase ≥10,000 units/g solid type h-2, aqueous solution, ≥2,000 units/ml type h-2, aqueous solution, ≥85,000 units/ml, 来源于罗曼蜗牛 type hp-2, aqueous solution, ≥100,000 units/ml, 来源于罗曼蜗牛 type i, ammonium sulfate suspension, 100-300 units/mg protein type i, ≥96% (hplc) type ii ≥4% protein basis (lowry) type ii, essentially salt-free, lyophilized powder, 100-300 units/mg solid type ii, ≥10,000 units/g solid (without added oxygen) type ii,30-90 units/mg protein,from porcine pancreas type iii-s ≥60% protein basis (biuret) type iii-s, ammonium sulfate suspension, ≥4,000 units/mg protein type iv, lyophilized powder, 20-60 units/mg protein (modified warburg-christian) type l-ii, lyophilized powder, 1,000,000-3,000,000 units/g solid, 来源于帽贝 type np-10 type np-7 type np-9 type vi, 5-12 units/mg solid type vi, ≥90% type vi, ≥92.5% type vii, lyophilized powder, ≥50 units/mg protein type vii,≥700 unit/mg,from candida rugosa type vii-a type x, lyophilized powder, ≥40 units/mg protein type xi, lyophilized powder, ≥200 units/mg protein type xii-a, saline solution, ≥500 units/mg ulc-ms,0.04% in water ulc-ms,0.1% in acetonitrile ulc-ms,0.3% in water ulc-ms,99% ulc-ms ultra dry ultra pure,≥99.0% ultra pure,≥99.5%(at) ultra pure,≥99.5%(hplc) ultra pure,≥99.5%(nt) umicore united states pharmacopeia (usp) reference standard used as a stain and brightening agent usp, >98.5% usp, >99% usp, ≥4,400 units/mg usp,98%生物技术级 usp,ep usp,ph eur usp,potency: ≥900μg/mg usp,≥950μg/mg usp,来源于卡那霉素链霉菌 usp,生物技术级 usp2910,2%粘度:15mpa.s,甲氧基:28-30%;羟丙基:7.0-12% usp2910,2%粘度:3mpa.s,甲氧基:28-30%;羟丙基:7.0-12% usp2910,2%粘度:50mpa.s,甲氧基:28-30%;羟丙基:7.0-12% usp级, 130u/mg usp级,1:30000 usp级,600 ug/mg usp级,cross-linked,粉末 usp级,≥6,000 usp units/mg uv-vis spectrometry,a235:a280 ratio<1.05,50% in h2o v/v viscosity 1,300-2,200 cp (25 °c)(lit.) viscosity 1.4dl/g viscosity 10-15 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 100±8mpa.s viscosity 100-120 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 100-150 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 100-200 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 100-300 cst viscosity 1000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1000±80mpa.s viscosity 1000-2000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1000-4000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1100-1300 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 120-150 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1200-1600 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 12000-17000 mpa.s viscosity 1300-1800 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 15-30 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 150-200 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 150-300 cst(25 °c) viscosity 1500-2000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1800 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 1800-2200 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 18000-22000 cst viscosity 20-30 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 25-35 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 2550-3570 cst viscosity 300-500 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 32-40 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 32000-37000 mpa.s viscosity 350±25mpa.s viscosity 4-5 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 40-70 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 400-600 cst(25 °c) viscosity 4000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 450-550 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 45000-55000 mpa.s viscosity 5-10 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 5-8 cst(25 °c) viscosity 50 cst (40 °c)(lit.) viscosity 50-65 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 500±30mpa.s viscosity 550-650 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 60-140 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 600-1000 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 600-1000 cst(25 °c) viscosity 70-75 cst (25 °c) viscosity 70000-80000 mpa.s viscosity 75 ~500cps, 30 wt. % in h2o viscosity 750±50mpa.s viscosity 80-150 cst (25 °c) viscosity 800-1,200 cst(25 ˚c) viscosity 800-1200 cst (25 °c) viscosity 800-1400 cst(25 °c) viscosity grade 100, 白色 viscosity grade 100 viscosity grade 150 viscosity grade 46 viscosity grade 68 viscosity min. 70 mpa·s viscosity ~150 mpa.s, neat(25 °c) viscosity ~20 mpa.s, neat(25 °c) viscosity ~2000cst (25℃), 羟基值: 0.1% viscosity ~50000 cst viscosity ~65 cst viscosity ~750 cst viscosity(25°c): 260-380 mpa.s, hydroxyl value: 335 mgkoh/g viscosity(25°c): 300-500 mpa.s, hydroxyl value: 56 mgkoh/g viscosity(25°c): 60-80 mpa.s, hydroxyl value: 280 mgkoh/g viscosity(40℃): 61-75 cst viscosity,1.5-2.2 dl/g viscosity: 5000~15000mpa.s viscosity:300-600 cst viscosity:3600~7000 mpa.s viscosity:800-5000 mpa.s viscosity~ 150 mpa.s viscosity~ 200 mpa.s viscosity~ 30-40 mpa.s viscosity~ 500 mpa.s viscosity~ 75-100 mpa.s void volume marker for gel filtration columns v≥50% (mixture of ⅲ&ⅴ) w(bacl2)=100g/l in h2o w(bacl2)=120g/l in h2o w(bacl2)=150g/l in h2o w(bacl2)=200g/l in h2o w(bacl2)=250g/l in h2o w(bacl2)=300g/l in h2o w(c28h30o4)=1g/l w(c28h30o4)=5g/l w(k2cro4)=20g/l w(k2cro4)=40g/l w-180 w: 68%-70% w[zn(ch3coo) 2.2h2o]=50g/,w(ch3coona.3h2o)=12.5g/l, 介质: h2o water (by karl fischer) < 10.00 % wc:co=94:6 wt% white granular, viscosity:0.8-0.83 dl/g with indicator, 10-20 mesh wo3≥85% zero2, ≥98.0% zn 10-12%,200目 zn 10-12%,325目 zn 10-12% zn 17.9-18.2% zn 8% zn: 15% zn: 18% zn: 19%-22% zno≥61%, cro3≥19% zns含量≥28.0% zns含量≥30.0% zn≥ 35.5% zn≥18% zr, 40.4-43.3% gravimetric zr,15.0 - 16.0 % zro2+hfo2 ≥33.0% zro2≥20% ~ 27% in water ~0.1 m in h2o ~0.1 m solution in water ~0.5 m in tert-butyl methyl ether, ≥97.0% (hplc) ~0.5 m in 2-methyltetrahydrofuran, ≥95.0% ~0.6 m in dmf ~0.8 m in hexane ~1 m in h2o( 260 mg/ml) ~10% (~1.3 m), for gc derivatization,mkseal ~100 μg/ml in ethanol, ≥90% (hplc) ~100 μg/ml in ethanol, ≥97% ~100mm in ipa ~13% in water ~15 wt. % in dilute sulfuric acid,99.99% trace metals basis ~17% aromatics basis ~2 m in 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone ~2.3% in h2o ~20 units/mg protein ~20% apocarotenal basis (uv-vis), suspension (oily) ~20% in h2o (t) ~20% in h2o ~20 wt. % in d2o, 98 atom % d ~200 mesh, 99% ~200 units/mg ~25% in ethanol ~25% in h2o ~25% in methanol ~25 u/mg ~3 n in h2o, 98 atom % 15n ~30% active substance ~30% in h2o ~30% in methylene chloride ~40% active ingredients in h2o ~40% in h2o ~40% in methanol ~41% in h2o (t) ~5% in a mixture of lower aliphatic alcohols and water ~5% in h2o ~5,000-7000 i.u. per mg ~50% in water ~65 mpa.s ~65% in h2o ~65%水溶液 ~70% alpha-thujone basis, ~10% beta-thujone basis ~70% in h2o ~70%(gc) ,天然 ~70% ~75%(al) ~80% in h2o, for spectrophotometric det. of palladium, iron, uranium(vi), molybdates and nitrites ~80% α-actinin basis (sds-page), ammonium sulfate suspension ~85% (kt) ~95% (tlc) α相,99.9% metals basis,100nm α相,99.9% metals basis,200nm α相,99.9% metals basis β-form, dye content 90 % β-form,98% β-phase,95%,1-3μm β型, 99.9% metals basis β相, 99.9% metals basis, d50=500nm β相,99.9% metals basis,200nm β相,99.9% metals basis δ-六六六标准溶液,50μg/ml,溶剂:甲醇 ρ(naoh)=200g/l,适用于hj636-2012 ρ(naoh)=20g/l,适用于hj636-2012 ρ(p)=1000mg/l φ4mm-6mm, 干燥剂用 φ5mm 高2.5mm 圆柱体,ge≥99.999% φ:0.5mm,元素分析仪专用 φ:1-2.5mm, 元素分析仪专用 −60 mesh ≤10% water ≤100nm, 99% metals basis ≤100nm, 99.5% metals basis ≤20mm, 99.9% (reo) ≤3% water ≤400目 ≤5%金属催化剂 ≤500 nm, 99.9% metals basis ≤65μm,分散在水中 ≥ 300 iu/mg ≥ 500u/mg ≥ 50u/mg protein ≥ 595 μg/mg ≥ 60kunitz units/mg ≥ 98 % hplc ≥ 98 % ≥ 99.0 % ≥0.007 unit/mg solid ≥0.01 unit/mg ≥0.05 unit/ml ≥0.05 unit/mg solid ≥0.1 units/mg ≥0.15 units/mg dry weight ≥0.2 u/mg ≥0.2 units/mg protein ≥0.2 units/mg ≥0.20 unit/mg solid ≥0.3 units/mg, 主要溶剂: 水 ≥0.4 units/μg protein ≥0.4 units/mg protein ≥0.5 u/mg ≥0.5 units/mg dry weight ≥0.5 units/mg protein, solution ≥0.5 units/mg solid ≥1,000 units/mg protein (biuret) ≥1,000 units/mg protein (lowry) ≥1,000 units/mg ≥1,400 units/mg dry weight ≥1,500 units/mg dry weight ≥10 dea units/mg,冻干粉,来源于牛肠粘膜 ≥10 mg/ml binding capacity (bsa)(via amino groups) ≥10 u/mg solid ≥10 units/mg solid ≥10 units/μl ≥10 u/g ≥10 units/mg protein ≥10,000 baee units/mg protein ≥10,000 units/g ≥10,0000u/g ≥10,000u/g ≥100 units/mg protein (enzyme + bsa) ≥100 units/mg solid ≥100 units/g solid ≥100,000-500,000 units/ml ≥1000 units/mg dry weight ≥1000 units/mg ≥100000(u/g) ≥1000u/g ≥100u/mg ≥100目,气相、液相色谱柱专用 ≥10units/mg(in glycine buffer),来源于人类胎盘 ≥1200 u/mg ≥12000 units/mg protein ≥120000 u/g ≥140u/mg, from flavobacterium odoratum ≥15 units/mg protein, 以baee为底物 ≥15 units/mg protein (biuret) ≥150 units/mg dry weight ≥150 units/mg protein (at least 8,625 baee/2875 usp/nf units/mg protein) ≥150 units/mg protein (biuret), ammonium sulfate suspension ≥150 units/mg protein (biuret) ≥150 units/mg protein(at least 8,625 baee/2875 usp/nf units/mg protein) ≥150 units/mg protein ≥150 units/mg protein,20-50% biuret ≥15000u/mg ≥1500u/mg, from cucurbita species ≥17 tabor units/mg dry weight ≥170 units/mg protein ≥1700000 usp units /g ≥18% na (as na2o) basis, ≥60% si (as sio2) basis, powder ≥180 usp units/mg ≥19,000 u/mg ≥2 units/mg dry weight ≥2 units/μl ≥2, 500 units/mg ≥2,000 kunitz units/mg protein ≥2,000 units/mg protein ≥2,000 units/mg ≥2,500 units/mg protein, lyophilized powder, essentially salt-free ≥2.0 units/mg protein, lumps and powder, suitable for streptokinase determination by clot formation procedure ≥2.7 units/mg solid ≥2.8 u/mg,来源于牛肠粘膜 ≥20 units/mg dry weight ≥20 units/mg protein, 以baee为底物 ≥20 units/mg solid ≥20% ≥20,000u/g ≥20.0% in thf ≥200 iu/mg ≥200 mesh particle size ≥200 u/mg,来源于酿酒酵母 ≥200 units/mg protein (e1%/280, 3'-5'-phosphodiesterase) ≥200 units/mg protein, for chondroitin sulfate analysis ≥200 units/mg, 测序级 ≥2000 kunitz units/mg dry weight ≥2000 u/mg,来自于鸡蛋清 ≥2000 units/mg dry weight ≥20000 units/mg protein ≥200000 units/g ≥2000000 u/mg, 粉末 ≥2000units/mg, 以酪蛋白为底物 ≥200u/mg protein ≥200u/mg,来源于肠系膜明串珠菌 ≥20u/mg, 来源于微生物 ≥23,000u/g, ph 7.0, 50°c ≥25 units/mg protein ≥250 units/mg protein ≥250 units/μl, ≥90% (sds-page), recombinant, expressed in e. coli, buffered aqueous glycerol solution ≥2500 units/g,米曲霉中表达 ≥2500 units/mg ≥250u/mg ≥25u/mg,来源于猪胰腺 ≥260 u/ml, 水溶液 ≥2600 units/g ≥28%(以atmp计) ≥29% ti (as tio2) basis, technical ≥3 units/mg protein ≥3 units/mg ≥3,000 units/mg dry weight ≥3,000 units/mg protein, lyophilized powder ≥3,000 units/mg protein ≥3,000 units/mg ≥30 u/mg ≥30 units/mg protein (enzyme + bsa) ≥30% (以atmp计) ≥300 iu/mg, from streptomyces hyalurolyticus ≥300 iu/mg, 来源于牛睾丸 ≥300 u/mg protein ≥300 units/g dry weight ≥300 units/mg dry weight ≥300,000 units/mg protein ≥3000 units/mg protein ≥3000000 u/ml, 液体 ≥3000u/g, 来源: 根酶属菌 ≥3000u/g ≥300u/mg ≥30u/mg ≥35 units/mg protein ≥35% ≥37% ru basis ≥3800 units/mg protein ≥39000 unit/g ≥4 units/mg protein ≥4 units/mg ≥4.0 units/mg protein, 0.5-15.0 mg/ml in water, contains 0.1% thymol,过滤除菌 ≥40 u/mg,ngs ≥40 units/mg protein ≥40% zro2 basis ≥40%(gc) ≥40%,含菜油甾醇乙酸酯 ≥40,000 units/mg protein ≥40.0% ≥400 mesh particle size, ≥97.5% ≥400 u/mg ≥400 units/mg protein ≥4000 units/mg protein (biuret), chromatographically purified ≥4000 units/mg protein (biuret), free of dna contaminants, suitable for microbiome research ≥4000u/ml, 来源于变形杆菌 ≥400u/mg ≥42% k2s basis ≥42% ≥43.5% mn basis(kt) ≥45 units/mg dry weight ≥45%(e) ≥4500 units/mg,测序级 ≥5 units/mg protein ≥5 units/μl ≥5 μmol per ml ≥5,000u/g, 在黑曲霉中表达 ≥5.0 unit/mg ≥50 kunitz units/mg ≥50 units/mg dry weight ≥50 units/mg ≥50%(via cl),50% in h2o ≥50%, contains ≤50% acetonitrile ≥50%,od:<5nm,length:<50μm ≥50 units/mg protein ≥50,000 units/ml, buffered aqueous glycerol solution ≥50,000u/g ≥50.0% pt basis ≥50.0%(hplc) ≥500 u/g硅藻土载体固定 ≥500 u/ml ≥500 units/mg protein (e1%/280) ≥500 units/mg protein,1.0-10.0 mg/ml ≥5000 lu/g ≥5000 units/mg protein ≥5000units/mg protein ≥500u/ml ≥50u/mg,来源于猪胰腺 ≥52% in water ≥52% ≥55% peptide basis ≥55%(gc) ≥55%(hplc) ≥55%,od:<2nm,length:5-30μm ≥55% ≥57% ≥5u/mg protein ≥5unit/mg solid ≥6,000 units/mg protein ≥60% (biuret) ≥60% (hplc) ≥60%(hplc), 45-60 mg/ml in h2o ≥60%, 来源于油茶籽 ≥60%, 来源于皂角壳 ≥60%, 来源于穿山龙 ≥60%, 来源于绿茶 ≥60.0% (gc) ≥6000 units/mg ≥600u/mg,来源于肠系膜明串珠菌 ≥600u/mg ≥62%(gc), 顺反混合物, 含≤38%的3-氯-1-丁烯 ≥64% ≥65%(gc) ≥65%(hplc) ≥65%,含3-磺酸邻苯二甲酸盐 ≥65%,含有异构体 ≥65.0%(gc),含2000ppm生育酚稳定剂 ≥69% ≥70% (gc) ≥70%(t) ≥70%,α-和β-位的混和物 ≥70%,含2,6-二甲基异构体 ≥70%,含苯酚 ≥70%,块状 ≥70000u/mg ≥72% (elsd) ≥74% ≥75% (hplc) ≥75%(titration) ≥75%,单钠盐和二钠盐的混合物 ≥75%,含5-甲基-4-己烯-2-酮 ≥75%,含有约20%的顺式异构体 ≥75%,顺反异构体混合物 ≥78%(t) ≥78% ≥8 units/mg protein ≥8% ≥80% (ce) ≥80% (gc); 80% ≥80%(enzymatic) ≥80%(gc), 异构体混合物 ≥80%(qnmr) ≥80%(t)(hplc) ≥80%, stabilized with mehq ≥80%,含稳定剂mehq ≥80%,含稳定剂吩噻嗪 ≥80%,最多含10%的乙醇 ≥80%多酚 ≥80%蛋白,鸡鸭毛来源,分子量<2000 ≥80.0% (hplc at 254 nm) ≥80.0%(t)(e) ≥80.0% ≥800 units/mg dry weight ≥800u/mg ≥800u/ml in h2o ≥83%(enzymatic) ≥83% ≥84% ≥85 wt. % in h2o, ≥99.99% metals basis ≥85 wt. % in h2o, ≥99.999% metals basis ≥85% (gc) ≥85% (page),不含钙 ≥85% (page) ≥85% (sds-page) ≥85%(gc)(n) ≥85%(hplc)(t) ≥85%(l-香茅醇和香叶醇的混合物) ≥85%(lc/ms-elsd) ≥85%(qnmr) ≥85%(sds-page), ≥150, 000 c7h50 units/mg protein ≥85%(t)(hplc) ≥85%, contains mehq as stabilizer ≥85%,nmr ≥85%,含单和三取代物 ≥85%,含有稳定剂mehq ≥85%,含水约30% ≥85%,含约12%的3-巯基丙酸十六烷酯 ≥85%,外消旋和内消旋混和物 ≥85%,效价5-6万iu/mg,比活12万iu/mg ≥85%,效价≥7.5万iu/mg,比活10万iu/mg ≥85%,用于荧光分析 ≥85.0% (hplc) ≥85.0%(gc) ≥85.0%(hplc) ≥87% ≥88% (uv-vis) ≥88%(hplc) ≥88%,contain inhibitor ≥88%,顺反异构体混和物 ≥88% ≥89%(gc) ≥90% (anhydrous basis) ≥90% (gc), mixture of isomers ≥90% (hpce) ≥90% (hplc),用于荧光分析 ≥90% (mixture of isomers) ≥90% (page),不含钙 ≥90% (sds-page) ≥90% (t) ≥90% (tlc) ≥90% (vpcc) ≥90%(hplc), 50mg/ml in h2o ≥90%(lc-ms) ≥90%(page),来源于牛奶 ≥90%, 100 ug/ml in ethanol ≥90%, id:2-5nm, od:<8nm, length:10-30μm ≥90%, stabilized with tbc ≥90%, ≤40μm ≥90%, 以干物质计 ≥90%, 含有dkss, 混合物 ≥90%, 含稳定剂铜屑 ≥90%, 异构体混合物 ≥90%,a 2000 ≥90%,gc ≥90%,id:5-15nm,od:30-80nm,length:<10μm ≥90%,n=9 ≥90%,od:10-20nm,length:5-20μm ≥90%,od:20-40nm,length:10-30μm ≥90%,od:3-8nm,length:0-10μm ≥90%,苏-和赤-的混和物 ≥90%,顺反异构体混合物 ≥90.0 % ≥90.0%(hplc)(qnmr) ≥90.0%,顺反异构体混和物 ≥900 iu/mg
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7853
分子式: C18H27NO2
分子量: 289.42
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3,5-dimethylphenyl)cyclopropyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7541
分子式: C17H25NO2
分子量: 275.39
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3-fluoro-4-methoxyphenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7822
分子式: C17H24FNO3
分子量: 309.38
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3-fluoro-4-methoxyphenyl)cyclopropyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7540
分子式: C16H22FNO3
分子量: 295.35
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3-fluorophenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7825
分子式: C16H22FNO2
分子量: 279.36
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3-chlorophenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7862
分子式: C16H22CLNO2
分子量: 295.81
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英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(3-bromophenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7854
分子式: C16H22BRNO2
分子量: 340.26
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EA ¥784.00
英文名称: tert-butyl ((1-(4-chloro-2-fluorophenyl)cyclobutyl)methyl)carbamate
CAS号: NONE7829
分子式: C16H21CLFNO2
分子量: 313.80
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